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How to be observant and logical like Sherlock Holmes

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Hello.  I know it may sound silly to ask "how to be more observant?" because the obvious answer seems to be "OBSERVE!"

However, I would really like to improve my ability to observe and make deductions like Sherlock Holmes.  

Do you all have any tips, resources, or books that may have been helpful to you?  I would really like to learn how to read people like a book like Sherlock Holmes as this would help me with my clients.  

One of the hindrances that I think is blocking me from observing is that it takes a lot of mental energy for me and my mind is usually elsewhere in the clouds, thinking and strategizing.  I have been doing meditation, but I could do more.  I do not really notice an improvement in my mindfulness/observation.  

Another obstacle is that it can be uncomfortable for me to observe people because I am pretty reserved and shy.  I don't like to draw unnecessary attention to myself.

I went to a Sherlock Holmes Exhibition at a local museum, which really inspired me to be more observant and make logical deductions about people, etc.  I notice that "I see, but I do not observe."  I want to change this, but everything I have tried hasn't been working because my mind and observation muscle keeps going back to sleep.  It is like meditation, where I catch my mind wandering and bring it back, but it keeps wandering on and on with no progress in attention to detail and deductions.  I cannot make any deductions without knowing how to observe and listen.

Thank you for your time!



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35 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

I know it may sound silly to ask "how to be more observant?" because the obvious answer seems to be "OBSERVE!"

That's the first thing I thought lol.  I feel frustrated often when I hear things like this on the forum.  Like "How do I let thoughts go?" or "How do I stop eating so much?" etc..  It's like "JUST DO IT!" haha.  God.  I dunno.  I suppose that's one of my pet peeves here.  Maybe a shadow thing too.  I dunno. 

But ya, honestly, that's what I'd say.  Just start observing more.  be more mindful etc..

Ima put the ball back in your court cuz I think you can come up with some answers:

  • How do you think you could be more observant?  

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Here are some good resources that I have found.

@Matt23 I think I can be more observant if I wear a wrist band that is associated with observation/contemplation. It is difficult because I have habits of seeing but not observing. I think Leo’s observation video is helpful, but I realize that there is a lot of social conditioning that trains us to not be observant. As kids we could observe well, but overtime, society tells us to not stare, to not look at vendors, to not look to draw attention from stranger, to not look at another kids test, etc. These train us to be blind and I think people underestimate this conditioning.

That is why I posted here because I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed this and had any useful tips that helped them override the social conditioning of not observing.

I am just gonna say screw it and observe no matter what people think. I have to overcome my shyness and fear of attention somehow.

Thank you!


“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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54 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

Here are some good resources that I have found.

@Matt23 I think I can be more observant if I wear a wrist band that is associated with observation/contemplation. It is difficult because I have habits of seeing but not observing. I think Leo’s observation video is helpful, but I realize that there is a lot of social conditioning that trains us to not be observant. As kids we could observe well, but overtime, society tells us to not stare, to not look at vendors, to not look to draw attention from stranger, to not look at another kids test, etc. These train us to be blind and I think people underestimate this conditioning.

That is why I posted here because I just wanted to see if anyone else noticed this and had any useful tips that helped them override the social conditioning of not observing.

I am just gonna say screw it and observe no matter what people think. I have to overcome my shyness and fear of attention somehow.

Thank you!


key i would say is to learn to switch off the mind so that the divine dimension can reveal itself


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Keep unwavering focus on one thing. You're goal is to become more observant, but that is a large task, as observation implies giving equal and unbiased attention to all things. You must start, therefore, with one thingwith one object, maintaining an unwavering focus upon it at all costs. Sit with it. Be still in its presence, and fully allow yourself to merge with it, such that "it" and "you" become indistinguishable. True observation lies in the depth of your experience. 

My object of choice is a stone. 

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Wanna do sherlock holmes? First to have that sharpness we need to bring value somehow to us and to reality. What i mean to move the vibration inside faster needs love, inner sacrifice of the old for the new, compassion and serenity and embrace of humanity from inside out. After, the lymbic system opens like a reptile flow inside, and perception and focus follows automatically. But mainly is a state of pure love for oneself that cures and bring vitality, inside and in the reality. 

So there is no trick, is something "batman like", "jesus like", etc. Like being your own hero. 

Edited by Goldzilla



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Didn't read everything but, it seems to me the more resistance you release, the easier you see it in others. If you're in one state of development/maturity, what you do may seem normal, until you expand and see the previous behavior with different eyes. Therefore, I would think an option you might like to consider not only to observe other better, but also to feel better yourself, is just to find ways to think and feel better for yourself, then you'll be more able to see the 'offness' in another 

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I think you need to be really curious about people and then it will come naturally to you.

I think that curiosity in genuineness way is the key to be good at reading people. 

It's always easier to read a book that you're curios about rather than book that is not that interesting for you, but in your case you need to make yourself interested in all the books, means: All the people.

“My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices.

It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently”


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