A way to Actualize

All Personal Questions For Leo

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@Leo Gura

Yes, I did. I already shared it with you in two places here in your forum. (Although, it's not my full story.) Looks like how we interpret infinite is different. To me, just to say and shout out, 


and apply it in real life is too simple. If it's just that, why bother with the word "paradox?"


"And get a move on it! Life is ticking away" -Leo

Yeah yeah, I know. Just wanted to point out something before you make such a drastic decision like some sages do. 

Edited by Key Elements

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42 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Yes, I did. I already shared it with you in two places here in your forum.

There are many depths of enlightenment insight. The shallower ones don't explain it all. I don't remember what you experienced, but whatever it was, it's pretty safe to assume there's a lot more where that came from.

Keep returning to drink from the fountain. One day you might discover that it's an infinite ocean.

Paradox is mind-stuff. Without mind and ego, what paradox is left? Point to a paradox out in nature. There's only being out there. Mind cannot grasp being because it IS being. How can a hand grab hold of itself?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo, I am still addicted to the highs I get from conditional samsara happiness. Will spiritual bliss gradually overshadow this as I go deeper?

Can I consistently feel better than I do during my craziest non-spiritual highs?

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@username Yes. If you pay close attention, you should already feel better than you have before. But we just easily forget how much we suffered in the past. Hedonic adaptation at work.

But also, make sure you take responsibility for how you feel. Feelings are not something that happen to you. YOU CREATE THEM!

One of the most important spiritual purification practices is forcing yourself to enjoy your suffering. Really enjoy the shit out of it. Why not, right? ;) When you really feel awful, that's the best time to stop and remember: "Oh, yeah, I'm creating this. So now let me enjoy it!" Easier said than done, but you gotta start doing it sometime, or you'll never arrive. And it does take the edge off.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Of course! This is the best I have ever felt on average. I'm still not close to those transient highs from sheer hedonism. They're transient but super addictive. Doesn't sound close to absolute infinity though.

Oh snap, I create the feelings too? I certainly have more work to do to realize this.

You're right. I will enjoy the hell out of suffering because that's growth. I just want to feel off the charts good too.

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@username Might be dangerous to expect the same highs as from sheer hedonism. That suggests misguided motivation. If you're constantly comparing your spiritual pleasures to your old hedonistic pleasures... well, that's not a recipe for success. I would suggest you shift your values from pleasure and happiness to Truth-at-any-cost and radiating unconditional love towards others.

This journey is not about what you GET, it's about what you GIVE. Learn to love to give, and you will get everything you want in return. But if you approach as a manipulation to GET, GET, GET, you'll be disappointed, because that's ego, not spirit.

If I was truly honest, playing a video game -- for those 20 hours that I'm playing it -- is a lot more fun and interesting than meditation or whatever. But there are other considerations. Spiritual pleasure is a different kind of pleasure. Hence I sold my shiny 4k TV and PS4. Right now, some chimp-human is playing it, having fun, while I sit here straining to meditate and answering people's questions.

And as far as experiencing God goes, there is no pleasure that compares. It's greater than all the video games and orgasms you've ever had put together. But again, don't turn that into an objective you lust after. It will come to you on this path if you're serious.

Yes, you will be tempted by lust over and over again on this path. Sometimes you will fall astray, seduced by the devil ;) Expect it to happen hundreds of times. After all, you're a very weak creature -- just a simple chimp -- hardly a match for the devil's clever ways ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There are many depths of enlightenment insight. The shallower ones don't explain it all. I don't remember what you experienced, but whatever it was, it's pretty safe to assume there's a lot more where that came from.

Keep returning to drink from the fountain. One day you might discover that it's an infinite ocean.

Paradox is mind-stuff. Without mind and ego, what paradox is left? Point to a paradox out in nature. There's only being out there. Mind cannot grasp being because it IS being. How can a hand grab hold of itself?

You know, Leo, I'm not trying to debate here. I'm only trying to point something out to learn from it.

Infinite is infinite. It's non-duel. So, knowing this, we can choose to live our lives on earth in peace, like monks/gurus/sages, like the movie Avitar. This is a stage turquoise society.

However, most of the society is at stage orange, not turquoise. Therefore, we create startups, like actualized.org, to teach about living in peace, to bring up the vibe of stage orange society.

It's completely your choice, Leo, to choose to live as a monk/guru/sage right now. However, if you want to make more sacrifices than just teaching peace through a startup, like actualized.org, then it's your choice. But, I would say, be wise about it. We still have to live in this "fictional awareness" we call earth. We don't live in "heaven" just yet, like in our enlightenment experience. If you say that we do, then it's up to you. I understand that. However, we are still looking at a "fictional/illusional" stage orange society to raise the vibe. :P That's all I want to say. Thanks for actualized.org, Leo. :)

Edited by Key Elements

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@Key Elements That's right. We're free to play the game however we want.

Understanding, of course, that we have no choice about anything ;)

Allah's will be done either way.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hey Leo, you made a post about healing trauma quickly through some technique you knew. Could you expand on this or give us a time frame for when you will share this information? Dont mean to nag you im sure you'll do it when the time comes but this is something i would benefit greatly from.

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Allah's will be done either way.

Yes. True. Aren't we "God/Allah/Infinite" too? :) (Paradox.)

Surely Leo, there has to be paradox. We still come back down to earth after our enlightenment experience, even if this is all illusional/fictional. We don't stay "up" there in "heaven" experiencing "divine love" and peace, although that's what we are all the time. We could practice being this non-duel while we're here on earth. (I know that there's nothing/nothingness in front of me.)

Just saying non-duel could be misleading. Not everyone's life purpose is no purpose and to work at 7/11. I saw all that debate. :) (Looks funny. :D)

I think it doesn't matter which type of thinking you choose, both lead up to the same mountain top, whether it's non-duel or non-duel/paradox. From my experience, the second one helps since we have to deal with everyday living.

Edited by Key Elements

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Hi Leo! Do you think it's possible to make spiritual progress without attending meditation retreats - by doing meditation, self-enquiry and self observation at home? I know that retreats tend to produce more peak experiences, but are they necessary?


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1. Considering your level of personal development compared to most people, is there certain characteristics you look for in women? If so what are they?

2. If there was one important thing you would tell a young person still in school to do or habit to start, what would it be?

Edited by Venus

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On 12/10/2016 at 2:52 PM, Leo Gura said:

In a few years, you will not recognize me at all. And many of you will of course justify that as "Finally, Leo has lost it." That's how it must be.

Leo will become a russian Ralph Smart.

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On 12/10/2016 at 10:52 PM, Leo Gura said:

Maybe I'll decide to kill myself.

Hey now...

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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What specific thing/action step that you have done to grow do you find has caused the most growth? Or caused you to grow at a faster rate?

eg mediation, pickup, LP etc

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Hey leo, how is your daily habit life now? Do you have any uselss distractions? Anyway of plugging in at all? Or are you able to enjoy just sitting? How do you recharge your batteries after a long day?

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@Leo Gura  Hey Leo, Do you plan on making a video discussing the various jhanas and progresses of insight?

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