A way to Actualize

All Personal Questions For Leo

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You stated in your blog :

"I was wrong about the metaphysics of the law of attraction. I no longer believe the law of attraction merely works through brute mechanical means."

Could you provide more info on that ?


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@Leo Gura

1) You said that your girlfriend wanted to do 5-Meo-DMT again after she took it despite not being too interested in spirituality. Yet you yourself didn't want to take it again because it is quite scary. Other people take it and say they don't need to take it again because they feel everything is fine how it is. Why haven't you taken it after 1 year when you are doing the practices whilst your girlfriend wanted to take it again? Seems a little odd this.

2) What happens if an enlightened person takes 5-meo? Because, if I am correct, they are already infinite.

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On 2/18/2017 at 1:31 PM, Nahm said:

Do you create your reality?

(No answer)


On 2/26/2017 at 10:52 AM,  

Nahm said:  why do you skip answering my questions?

Leo said: Ask better questions 


On “do you create your own reality”...

I have failed to find a better question. Could you explain your perspective that arrives at devaluing this question?




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On 11/22/2017 at 1:44 PM, caelanb said:

Have you taken cold showers or do you take cold showers? Have you had a favorite sport, like when your were younger?

No, I'm not into cold showers. I'm more sensitive to cold than most people.


On 11/22/2017 at 4:09 PM, pluto said:

Hey Leo, I don't have a question but I'd like to say Thank you for all that you have done and helped create these forums and videos and community bringing all these people together and now helping each other rise to new heights. All it takes is one spark, one seed, one source of light to illuminate the entire universe. Not immediately but definitely.

We are that in the making, we are the rising phoenix.

Proud of you all

One Love


On 11/22/2017 at 9:45 PM, DnoReally said:

@Leo Gura Isn't saying "I'm not the mind" or "I'm not the body" not just another duality

All words and concepts are inherently dualistic.

Finger pointing to the moon.

On 11/22/2017 at 11:44 PM, saish said:

1.Would you ever make pickup,attraction related videos ever again ?

2. I regularly meditate (mindfulness with labeling) for 20 min but not much interested in enlightenment as i might loose the desire to have a family in future what should i do 

3.what can pickup+consiousness work journey would look like in the end ?

1) Maybe. We will talk about relationships and such in the future. But will be very unlike typical pickup material.

2) I dunno. That's why you're alive: to figure it out.

3) I don't see them as being compatible. When it comes down to it, pickup is a big waste of your time. People do it cause they got nothing bigger to do with their lives.

On 11/23/2017 at 11:13 AM, Maxx said:

And what about just studying the meditation techniques of Tibetan Buddhism without all the scriptures around it?

Sure, Dzogchen has some very direct methods which I like.

On 11/24/2017 at 3:09 AM, Dan Arnautu said:

@Leo Gura Can we expect new updates to the book list in the future? I read a lot of the books with the 5 star rating. Really eye-opening and downright amazing.

Also, when I read the quote by Carlos Castenada: ”All paths lead to nowhere. But which one has heart?”, it was like something shifted in me. I just "got it". And it was like an intuitive knowing, not something I can put into words.

Just updated it last week.

So long as I'm reading books, there should always be updates.

On 11/24/2017 at 3:12 PM, CGeo said:

@Leo Gura Have you done a 10 day Vipassana retreat before? 

If you have, did you find it beneficial? Would you recommend it?


Yes, it's highly beneficial.

On 11/25/2017 at 5:41 PM, Anders Saether said:

Hi, know I have writen a post about and sendt you an email about it. 

What are your opinion on the consequenses of removing net neutrality in the USA? 

This question might not be super related to this forum, but I still think it's very importain to reflect on. 

I personally believe that its removal could have huge consequences for this site.

Net Neutrality is important. The current administration is anti-democractic and corrupt, so it's doing a lot of bad stuff.

On 11/26/2017 at 6:49 PM, Growf said:

Do you have (close) friends? 
Are they into self-development / enlightenment?
Is it okay/normal to first go down (more anxious/more depressed) before you go up while commiting to self-improvement?

I don't keep close friends much.

Sure, knock yourself out. Suffering is the best teacher.

On 11/28/2017 at 3:08 PM, Uberverse said:

Would you speak on an enlightenment  documentary? If so before or after enlightenment?

I dunno. Depends on who and what and why.

On 12/4/2017 at 8:18 PM, Monkey-man said:

You said you were always into understanding reality but what exactly made you to stumble upon spirituality during your self-actualisation work? Was it a particular book? Was it a documentary? An article? Meeting some person?

And did you become interested in spritituality before or after you started actualized.org?

A couple of books lead me into it.

In retrospect I was always interested in the ultimate nature of reality. But I never called that spirituality. I called it philosophy, or metaphysics, or epistemology. I didn't realize until much later that they are identical.

On 12/5/2017 at 0:48 AM, Joseph Maynor said:

When is the re-programming course gonna get rolled-out?

No idea. Not actively working on it right now.

On 12/5/2017 at 2:36 PM, Brivido said:

In the recent blog post that you wrote, you said that you are reconsidering how the law of attraction works; what is your current take on it? What do you think about what Jed Mckenna would call co-creation?

Yeah, something like co-creation is taking place.

On 12/5/2017 at 7:44 PM, Salomon Tolosa said:

@Leo Gura I though Obama was corrupt AF

It's all relative. Relative to Trump, Obama was a saint.

No president will be perfect. Obama was actually a pretty remarkable and conscious guy, despite his flaws. You're not likely to get much better in a US President who has to lead a bureaucracy of 330 million people.

On 12/5/2017 at 8:06 PM, Salomon Tolosa said:

@Leo Gura what camera do you use for your videos, nice, is it that fancy ? if not, great job setting the stage. Best wishes from Colombia Hermano

I don't disclose my filming equipment.

Over the years I've probably invested $10,000 in various filming gear. My microphone alone costs $1000. Quality production ain't cheap and I'm always on the lookout for better gear.

On 12/6/2017 at 9:51 AM, jjer94 said:

@Leo Gura I'm surprised you still live in Vegas. Have you considered moving to a higher consciousness city?

Is there such a thing as a high consciousness city?

Vegas isn't much different than most cities. At least here people are honest about their egoic depravities.

On 12/6/2017 at 4:54 PM, Edvard said:

@Leo Gura 

1) What is your minimum requirement for you to justify killing somebody? (For instance, in what scenario would you?)

2) What would your opinion be for a country to justify using military force? (In your view - like, imagine you were president.)

3) Do you believe these to be obvious conclusions one makes given enough level of consciousness, is it highly subjective, or are these views to some extend random (meaning it's not going to be a more or less universal position amongst enlightened people)?

1) Self-defense

2) Self-defense from a legitimate hostile nation on the brink of attack.

3) It's highly subjective. There is no absolute standard of good/bad, right/wrong. The universe itself doesn't know what to do. It's figuring it out through us.

On 12/7/2017 at 6:15 AM, Gabriel Antonio said:

do you like doughnuts? have you at least liked them somewhere in the past? 

I have not eaten them in over a decade. But, of course they taste good. I used to eat them when I was in my teens. The chocolate-covered ones, the sugary-covered ones, and the jelly-filled ones. Taste amazing, but make your body feel so terrible.

I don't eat any wheat products any more.

On 12/7/2017 at 6:24 AM, Lynnel said:

You stated in your blog :

"I was wrong about the metaphysics of the law of attraction. I no longer believe the law of attraction merely works through brute mechanical means."

Could you provide more info on that ?

Well, all of reality comes into being spontaneously every moment. It's pure magic. It's infinitely intelligent. Good luck deciphering the details.

On 12/7/2017 at 3:26 PM, DnoReally said:

@Leo Gura Do you have an opinion on Jordan Peterson? If so, do you mind sharing?

What is my opinion really worth? He's doing his thing, and who am I to say what he should be doing?

8 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

@Leo Gura

1) You said that your girlfriend wanted to do 5-Meo-DMT again after she took it despite not being too interested in spirituality. Yet you yourself didn't want to take it again because it is quite scary. Other people take it and say they don't need to take it again because they feel everything is fine how it is. Why haven't you taken it after 1 year when you are doing the practices whilst your girlfriend wanted to take it again? Seems a little odd this.

2) What happens if an enlightened person takes 5-meo? Because, if I am correct, they are already infinite.

1) Well... she hasn't experienced the fully glory of God yet. That's nothing to take lightly.

It's one thing to get a glimpse of something, it's another thing to realize the full consequences of what you have seen.

I tend to be a guy who easily grasps the heft of a thing.

I have had many deep trips without relying on 5-MeO. I never rush my trips. I given myself all the time I need to integrate them. That 5-MeO breakthrough has taken like a year to integrate.

2) I dunno. Worth doing an experiment and finding out.

4 hours ago, Nahm said:

(No answer)

On 2/26/2017 at 10:52 AM,  

Nahm said:  why do you skip answering my questions?

Leo said: Ask better questions

On “do you create your own reality”...

I have failed to find a better question. Could you explain your perspective that arrives at devaluing this question?

Your question is so broad and ambiguous, I don't know what to say.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1. Have you had any FFM-threesomes? If not, is that something you plan to aim for in the future (looking at your early vision-video..)

2. Have you read "the multiorgasmic man" by Mantek Chia and tried the techniques for Tao orgasm (microcosmic orbit, squeezing the PC-muscle)

3. Do you get love letters from women or men after starting Actualized.org?

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

3) I don't see them as being compatible. When it comes down to it, pickup is a big waste of your time. People do it cause they got nothing bigger to do with their lives.

How is it a waste of time when you're meeting girls, developing your social skills, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and building connections with people?

"Nothing better to do with their lives", you say? Can't that be said about literally anything? 

Weren't you into pickup, and didn't you have quite a bit of success? Are you saying you regret building yourself in that way, and men should avoid conquering their fears?

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43 minutes ago, Frylock said:

How is it a waste of time when you're meeting girls, developing your social skills, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and building connections with people?

"Nothing better to do with their lives", you say? Can't that be said about literally anything? 

Weren't you into pickup, and didn't you have quite a bit of success? Are you saying you regret building yourself in that way, and men should avoid conquering their fears?

It's a phase one goes through. It might be necessary for some.

But in the grand scheme of things it is quite immature and silly.

Like I said, when you've got nothing better to do with your life, it will look very appealing and like a good use of your time.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura If we go by that mindset everything is immature and silly. But you forgot one thing,, nothing is immature and silly because they dont exist in reality, soo we are free to do whathever we want without caring what people think. Your opinion isnt true, no ones opinion is true, because  the contrary opinion has just as much valid arguments (not in reality, just in the mind, false evidence) and thats how we set ourselfs free

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@Ether Yes, of course. You're free to do whatever you want.

Just don't come here crying when you hate your life. Cause I will then say, that's just your opinion and you are free to suffer.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Ether said:

@Leo Gura Thats funny cuz i never loved life soo much, and i havent even reached 10% of it.

Let's see what tune you sing when someone pisses in your soup.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Leo, do you even like change? Do you want to be happy? Honestly man, im just trying to give you knowledge that might help you free yourself, because i almost dont care what people think. I still care but not enough to have an emotion.


I would probably have a thought, disbelieve it because there is good effects. Maybe i eat a better soup, maybe i have a conversation with my dad and we both laugh about it. Got to think outside the box maine

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Do you have an every day practice of yoga ? If so, what type of yoga do you practice and what yoga do you recommend for people interested in consciousness-work?


In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Follow-up question to my questions:

Have you fulfilled your utmost sexual desire, or is it something you plan to do in the future?

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5. Have your orgasm and pleasure during intercourse increased after becoming more conscious? Does sex feel greater?

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@Leo Gura What's you current view on law of attraction? Can it be done together with your regular meditation session? How can you combine meditation and visualization into one session if possible?

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's a phase one goes through. It might be necessary for some.

But in the grand scheme of things it is quite immature and silly.

Like I said, when you've got nothing better to do with your life, it will look very appealing and like a good use of your time.

So do you regret it, along with all of your experiences?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Let's see what tune you sing when someone pisses in your soup.


You use that disgusting example a lot but if someone actually did that to you what would you do? 

Gently put the soup away!

Edited by sarapr

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6. How much of the material in the book Zen Body Being have you embodied? Do you feel your whole body?

7. Do you prefer 21-year olds, milfs or your own age in your taste for women?

8. How many places have you lived? Would you consider move if you found a heavenly peaceful place on earth, like a Swiss mountain village or something?

9. Do you own a gun?

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