A way to Actualize

All Personal Questions For Leo

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Obviously you've read a lot of books to be able to deliver the content you do.

Practically, how do you do it? Do you set time aside every time aside every day to read? If yes, is it always the same amount of time and at the same time of the day? or do you rather read only when you feel like it? Do you read different books at the same time, or do you finish one before starting the next one? Also, how do you decide which one is the next book you're going to read?

Thanks in advance! :)

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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Hey Leo 

I noticed as of today (Sep. 17) there has been a big delay with your upload & and it got me thinking... For starters, I just wanna say I hope you're doing okay, and if you're still breathing, I'd appreciate an answer to this personal question for all your followers. 

The day on which you experience true death, how soon would your acualized.org followers know of this event? Do you have someone that would make the announcement for us, or would you leave us clueless until we find out ourselves? 

Seriously Leo, I hope you're doing fine. Also I wanna wish you the best with your journey! 

Take care dude 

Edited by Alii

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Do you still take the same supplements as you did in this video? 


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When are you going to release the "reprogram your subconscious mind" course? we want that!!! we want to give you many $$!! :P


btw - thank you for advocating studying from infinite  sources. Shamans, Buddhists, Christians (the old-school ones) i have learned how to filter things out. i am now open to get the best out of the worst hehe and then you discover that is all the same fucking thing from different perspectives :D

[seriously, i even like evangelical churches and i get Samadhi-like experiences there haha]



life feels so amazing...!!! :D\\\\\\\

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@Leo Gura  Hey Leo, what is the update with your bold life change regarding Actualized.org? I.e. The pursuit of achievement/success/keeping Actualized.org alive VS turning inward to purely pursue Truth/self-mastery.

By the way, on your LinkedIn page, it says that your marketing business 'LPG' is still presently running. Are you still running it / or at least passively earning from it?

Also, how much of your vision do you still relate to from your 2014 video entitled 'True Vision - I Reveal My Life Purpose Until You Can Feel It'?

Sorry for all the prying questions, but finally, what can we expect of Actualized.org over the next year or so?

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Have you consider doing interviews with other people in your field? :)

could be interesting :) 

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have you ever come close to quitting personal development or changing careers? what would be an example of a time you were close to giving up

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Hey Leo, I've been watching your videos for a while. It's a struggle as I'm still in this egoic world, and I feel so unconnected to everyone; my friends, family, their lifestyle choices. I find myself going through a lot of crisis's in my aloness, solitudness. Sometimes, I fear the unknown, and the lonliness. How do you cope with it? And..was wondering if we could have an intimate converstation sometime. :) - Dreamers Disease

Edited by Eden

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On 7/19/2017 at 7:36 PM, Leo Gura said:

candy bars? Pizza? Burgers? Bread? Cakes? Soda? Fast food?

Can't you buy healthy bread such as whole grains, and also make pizza from whole grain bread? That's good. Though I will agree on the other stuff though, but having them once in a while is not gonna hurt in my opinion.


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@Leo Gura How satisfied and happy are you daily? After nearly a decade of personal development what wellbeing has it gained you how good do you feel on a daily basis? Asking for my own motivation to self actualize!

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Can you list the benefits and how much your happiness/peace/fufillment has increased since taking spirituality seriously (self inquiry/contemplation/using psychedelics)? 

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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@Leo Gurahow much has Personal development helped you in your life? And contrasting that to spirituality how much has that helped you? By personal development I mean things like self help and such. 

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@Leo Gura 

You've always been fascinated by the big picture and that is what you strive towards, having the best possible understanding of life. You've studied everything (almost) from psychedelics and science to health and dating to spirituality and history and society and biology and whatever, I mean everything you thought was necessary, and of course was fascinating and a part of the big picture; and you continue to educate yourself. 

So my question to you is how do you integrate your studying? Everything is deeply related to each other and therefore it becomes all the more easy to get distracted, it's as if one thread leads to the other and it never ends; it also gets overwhelming.

So how do you really maintain your focus with one thing at a time (not getting caught in all the threads that lead to one another) and how do you above all integrate your knowledge, assemble it all and organise it to bring a more grounded and profound conclusion? Jumping from micro to macro and vice versa?

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@Leo Gurado you meditate with a meditation audio like holosync? Do you think it's better to meditate with no audio or with an audio?

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Leo, can I give birth to your future children? You pay my flight ticket. I do the birth-thing.

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@Leo Gura What was the biggest obstruction to your clear seeing? 

@Leo Gura How did you let go of your images of Enlightenment?

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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