A way to Actualize

All Personal Questions For Leo

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Do you still talk to or hang out with any friends that you met pre-actualized.org?

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Couple of questions:

1. At what age did you start doing pickup and at what age did you start doing enlightenment work?

2. What do you think about Salvia Divinorum? I heard of people experiencing alternate existences/lives for months with this (when the actual experience lasted only 10 min) 

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leo you're obsessed! ;) this passion of yours is your dedication and you're adamant that it is true. 


but it is true for you. We can only speculate that the others around us have similar existence to our own. we in the limits of our consciousness can't share that experience - unless there's some secret you aren't sharing lol ;P you've said before that you can be a bird. but i doubt that that is so true. a bird does not know what it is like to be you being a bird. the bird only knows what it is like to be the bird being the bird. see? 


so anyway. dedicating my life to your obsessions aren't going to cut it for me. maybe given enough time of growth, I could find myself following your path as much as you dream of sharing it. but, I should not feel as if your reality must be mine too. 


would you agree with that? I am asking out of curiosity. you have so much efficiency to your speaking. 


I want to meditate more than I do. but my priorities are on other things for the time being. 

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@TJ Reeves Hey man, from what I've seen, Leo says he's not going to give away his "secret sauce" on how he constructs his videos. It seems like you have a pretty good guess as to how he does it, but I think the bottom line is, he lives and breathes his teachings. So contemplating about them and creating hours worth of speaking material is just natural. He's also been creating videos for years, so I'm sure it's been a HUGE learning process for him. Anything great takes lots of time!

@Leo Gura Have you considered doing more interviews with podcasts or other well-respected youtube channels? I'm certain it's been suggested, but you and Joe Rogan would probably have the greatest conversation in human history

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On 7/20/2017 at 0:47 AM, TJ Reeves said:

@Leo GuraThe "understanding absolute infinity" video was a masterpiece. The order of the presentation's deconstruction of logic was beautiful in the same way a fine-art painting's construction is beautiful. 

So here's are my questions:

  • How do you write down and/or construct your presentations?
  • Do you read off a teleprompter? Is it all in your head? 
  • How often do you practice each specific presentation before-hand?
  • Do you talk with others for feedback beforehand? Does someone literally go "But leo?" 

I'm sure the people at Toastmasters didn't have you practicing 2 hour speeches. 

So far, I have this as my guess for your general format:

  • Heeeeeey this is Leo and today we're talking about X
  • [logo]
  • One sentence main idea
  • Define Main idea further
  • One analogy 
  • Everyday Examples (or, if it's a list video, begin the list)
  • But Leo! Nuance question #1 
  • But Leo! Nuance question #2
  • ...
  • But Leo! Nuance question #ABSOLUTEINFINITY
  • Practical Application exercise/meditation/homework
  • Wrap up 
  • I do make outlines of points I want to cover
  • I don't practice much
  • I don't get any feedback from anyone other than you guys after you watch the videos.
  • I don't have any general format for the videos other than the intro and outro.
On 7/20/2017 at 10:37 AM, Edvard said:

@Leo Gura If there was a mandatory military service in your country and you were ordered to serve, and if you disobeyed you would go to jail, what would you do?

And if you did the service, and later your country was attacked, meaning you would be ordered to fight. What would you then do?

I would probably just not obey it or leave the country. Especially not for some stupid kind of war like Iraq or Veitnam. Those were political wars of pointless aggression.

On 7/20/2017 at 10:49 AM, Samuel Garcia said:

@Leo Gura How do you act in public?  Do you often make a conversation with the cashier? Do you smile to people a lot? Are you exactly like  other people or could one tell that you are involved personal development and enlightenment? What do you do when your waiting, like in a line for something?

How was personal development and consciousness work affected the way you interact with strangers and with close ones like family and friends? Do have different feelings towards certain people then to strangers?

I act low-key. I'm not too chatty. I like to check YT comments or listen to music while I'm waiting in line.

I am more comfortable and authentic with strangers than before. But I'm just not a naturally chatty guy unless I'm talking about something of substance. I don't like small-talk. Family hasn't really changed. I'm just more conscious of my own emotional reactions and trigger points.

On 7/20/2017 at 11:05 AM, art said:

BUT LEOOO Seriosly? Their literature is viewed as the finest. "Greatest writers" of all time such as Tolstoy, Dostojevskij are Russian, also you have the finest people in every chain of the theatre world from writers such as Chekhov, and the best theatre instructors in the world! Sergej Bondartsjuk made the best master piece of film ever that will get LOTR and Star Wars to look like ants next to giants with his War And Peace version.. And music! Oh god, you have the best classical musicians, and loads of giants of composers, I could talk for hours about this, but I would recommend you check out this for yourself ;) ... And Russian male choir is a divine beauty itself

Also you have the world finest ballerinas, and beautiful architecture! Either you have a shitty esthetic taste, or you´re just unaware of all the epochal art Russian people has created. COMMON MAN! ;) (A rant against Leo's comment on Russian culture) 

You talk a lot about "doing your Art" in The Life Purpose course, and as you mentioned in the last video, that "this is poetry" (similar to Oshos explanation of his teachings. 

My question is: What are your thoughts about the purpose of art?

I'm not a fan of Russian authors. Overrated in my opinion. All the themes the cover are neurotic and pointless when one understands the possibilities of consciousness. Who wants to read about misery and depression? It's like punching yourself in the nuts. Ballerinas and classical music? Yeah, perhaps. But I'm not into that sort of thing. There ain't nothing special about Russian architecture. Most of it is clunky.

I am a fan of art. Which doesn't mean all types of art, but the types I like, and I tend to be very picky. The purpose of art is to self-express, to entertain, and to impact people emotionally. Seen from the highest perspective, all art is just a glorification of the infinite beauty of creation (God). Ideally art helps raise peoples consciousness.

On 7/20/2017 at 11:26 AM, Wouter said:

How did you come in contact with your "enlightened buddy"  that you once talked about in a forum post?

At a workshop

On 7/20/2017 at 2:35 PM, Chrissy j said:

@Leo Gura Are all your insights of your own mind or are they found by you learning from other teachers? Or do you learn things and make your own insights about everything you learn? And how often do you cross reference on the insights? What is the process for your insights that you share?

Both of course. I study 100s of sources, and then use that base of data to generate fresh insights. Most of the insights come spontaneously simply from filling my head with so much amazing and diverse raw data. The whole process is deeply intuitive. The best insights are not logical connections, but intuitive ones. They just pop out. The mind is an insight-generating machine if you just use it right.

On 7/20/2017 at 2:49 PM, The White Belt said:

How do you plan what activities/research you will do for your days/months/years?

What is your system for this?

Do you have a tight to-do list to avoid procrastination/weak intentions, or a loose sort of list in order to go with the 'flow' of things?

I don't plan much. I used to plan more, now I plan less so that I can enjoy work more, go on tangents, and let things be more organic and intuitive.

I'm capable of planning. I used to do it a lot. But it's just so tedious and not fun for me.

19 hours ago, Edvard said:

@Leo Gura Is there any chance that you, given the opportunity, would show up on a world famous talk show and talk about absolute infinity, or any other concept within self-actualization, for that matter?

I doubt anyone would want me. And the audience there would generally be way too mainstream to receive that kind of message. I can't talk about absolute infinity in a 5 minute sound bite.

18 hours ago, The White Belt said:

Do you still talk to or hang out with any friends that you met pre-actualized.org?

No. But I never had that many of them to begin with.

10 hours ago, DoctorDx said:

Couple of questions:

1. At what age did you start doing pickup and at what age did you start doing enlightenment work?

2. What do you think about Salvia Divinorum? I heard of people experiencing alternate existences/lives for months with this (when the actual experience lasted only 10 min) 

1) 26, 29ish

2) It's an interesting substance. But also dangerous. Never do it alone. You must have a trip-sitter.

4 hours ago, alyra said:

leo you're obsessed! ;) this passion of yours is your dedication and you're adamant that it is true.

but it is true for you. We can only speculate that the others around us have similar existence to our own. we in the limits of our consciousness can't share that experience - unless there's some secret you aren't sharing lol ;P you've said before that you can be a bird. but i doubt that that is so true. a bird does not know what it is like to be you being a bird. the bird only knows what it is like to be the bird being the bird. see?

so anyway. dedicating my life to your obsessions aren't going to cut it for me. maybe given enough time of growth, I could find myself following your path as much as you dream of sharing it. but, I should not feel as if your reality must be mine too.

would you agree with that? I am asking out of curiosity. you have so much efficiency to your speaking.

I want to meditate more than I do. but my priorities are on other things for the time being. 

You're free to live however you want. I'm not here to convince you to live my way. My way is my way. Not everyone will resonant with my way. My way is not the only way.

If you've never awoken, it's hard to explain to you just how amazing it is. Everything else you've ever experienced in life is like 0.1% as great as awakening. I guess you'll never know what you're missing. But that's true of 99.999% of people on this planet. They lived without ever having lived. And they know even suspect that.

44 minutes ago, Wyatt said:

@Leo Gura Have you considered doing more interviews with podcasts or other well-respected youtube channels? I'm certain it's been suggested, but you and Joe Rogan would probably have the greatest conversation in human history

I don't usually do interviews because my passion is communicating directly to people. Most interviews are very shallow, basically just PR stunts.

That said, some interviews are enticing. Talking to Joe Rogan would be cool because we'd have a lot to talk about and the format would allow for depth. I'm not sure how Joe picks his guests. If you wanna suggest my name to Joe, that would be sweet. I would do it if he offered.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura What would you say to someone who hesitates to "improve the quality of one's consciousness" and can't decide between comfort amd growth? How would you explain that to someone (me in this case)? What about the pain of growth? Is growth really painful? Is it worth it? Why is it worth it?

I know this isn't a personal question, though I think this is a question of substance.

Thanks ?

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As you are moving on the path of mastery, do you notice your passion growing in your work? Compared to when you first started shooting videos. What was the difference?

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you've never awoken, it's hard to explain to you just how amazing it is. Everything else you've ever experienced in life is like 0.1% as great as awakening. I guess you'll never know what you're missing. But that's true of 99.999% of people on this planet. They lived without ever having lived. And they know even suspect that.

I am sure that you have had more phenomenal experiences than I have! I have had some experiences of enlightenment in my life. and they are great when you have them! but I've found that the majority of my life is lived without that fleeting euphoria - and it is an altered state of mind. even if it is not comparable to an adrenaline rush lol there really isn't anything comparable. 

but - the after effect of such a new experience, is to look at the world ina different light. and I find I accomplish that without a need for pursuing some kind of high :P



I tease of course ;) as you say, you live your life and I live mine. Maybe some day I will be more alike to you than I am now. but until I've found a stable existence instead of my current monkeymind life, I won't be too sure what that'll be.. . 



a question - I know many tricks that do work to get me to take action, and many practices that I would love to take to practice mindfulness and focus. but, I keep having an interest in low-consciousness things - what is your favorite trick to spark a change in your interest when you want that change in the moment?  nothing major and no magic bullet, of course. but, for example, sometimes I just think, "stand up. look around. place my hand on something." and that gets me going. changes my interest from the distraction to a goal I do want.  is there a favorite you practice for yourself? a middleman of sorts, an appetizer.


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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Talking to Joe Rogan

i would love this! I think joe would too - well he generally loves chatting with his guests! 

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Some people say that chakra healing and reiki are bogus and just a waste of time and money. What is your personal opinion on such methods used in holistic healing practices ? 


  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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13 hours ago, PetarKa said:

@Leo Gura What would you say to someone who hesitates to "improve the quality of one's consciousness" and can't decide between comfort amd growth? How would you explain that to someone (me in this case)? What about the pain of growth? Is growth really painful? Is it worth it? Why is it worth it?

You're gonna be dead soon. The pain of unconscious is massive.

If you don't have inner wisdom to pursue consciousness, then I guess it's not meant for you in this life. Maybe you'll learn your lesson on the next incarnation. See ya in 2100. Or maybe you're devolve back into an orangutan and live happily and unconsciously in the forest. Oh, wait... all the orangutans will probably be dead by 2100. Maybe an earthworm ;)

10 hours ago, Huz said:

As you are moving on the path of mastery, do you notice your passion growing in your work? Compared to when you first started shooting videos. What was the difference?

A lot has changed. I have become conscious of death and God. Actualized.org is no longer my top priority. But I'm still passionate about it. I'm just starting to outgrow it. I'm starting to outgrow talking and thinking. I should really be living in a cave at this point.

9 hours ago, alyra said:

I keep having an interest in low-consciousness things - what is your favorite trick to spark a change in your interest when you want that change in the moment?  nothing major and no magic bullet, of course. but, for example, sometimes I just think, "stand up. look around. place my hand on something." and that gets me going. changes my interest from the distraction to a goal I do want.  is there a favorite you practice for yourself?

Psychedelics. They show me what's really important about life.

Or I just recall a memory of experiencing the Absolute. Just one good memory of it can set me straight for a bit.

1 hour ago, Loreena said:

Some people say that chakra healing and reiki are bogus and just a waste of time and money. What is your personal opinion on such methods used in holistic healing practices ?

I think they are both legit and can be very valuable. Depends of course on how you do it.

If Reiki totally didn't work, it wouldn't exist as a field. And I'm quite confident that paranormal healing abilities are real.

I've paid good money to get healing from folks with paranormal abilities. Not to say they did any miracles on me. But just minor unblocking of mental, emotional, and physical knots. I would need to experiment more to understand its full potential. But the evidence looks promising.

Don't think of it as a magic cure though. That's not how it works. It's sorta like going to a therapist or chiropractor.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Whats your whole thing about meditating in a cave about?

What's wrong with meditating in a house, empty of distractions, in a secluded location far away from other people?

Or at least a cabin in the woods... Why specifically a cave? 

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Hey Leo, about wanting to live in a cave:
I do not fully understand this, why is it more fulfilling than being around people?
If your ego is polished enough, shouldn't being around people be as fulfilling? 
And if being around people triggers stuff in you, isn't it the best way to work on your ego?

I'm puzzled about this issue, because like you I believed that spiritual development is a solo work, done alone in the room. But I have this friend, that I see as a very hardcore spiritual person, and the freest man I know, after doing lots of meditation, spending 3 months in a Zen monastery, doing tonnes of psychedelic drugs (He told me about a similar experience to yours about experiencing physical death on DMT), but now his focus is towards mastering communication and exposing himself to unfamiliar situations, being honest and authentic, opening himself to people to see how they mirror the ego.
Whats your opinion about it, isn't it a very good training ground for seeing and exposing the ego? Why does it seem that you are not into it so much?

And also, have you read the book "Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life"?  It's about how to deeply enjoy being with people, and to transform all kinds of "negative" emotions to empathy and love. such a beautiful book.


"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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Just wanted to say - Thank you for creating this forum. It's been a lifesaver for me. Wish you good luck on your future endeavors. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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what are the most interesting concepts you have found on self development/Self-actualization?:)

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@Leo Gura Why not go live in a cave for X amount of years, but still come back when you're needed for raising consiousness even more and help save the planet with us. To me it seems like you are needed to go back in solitude full-time, untill more of us are awaken, and that's when you will get a powerful intuition, a fresh new idea. You now have a lot moar to give, after being in stillness for years. Cause we gonna need someone like you man. From my point of view all the Superhero movies made in our society are reflections of how the good guys, our higher selves are fighting to win over Ego, the bad guys. The Zombie Acapolypse is kinda happening already ? You will be much needed at one point, and I'll see you there?  The Master gotta leave his students at some point, for them to keep growing. The content on this forum at this point is a great reflection on how it could be just the right time for you, in my opinion. 

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1) a) what's the longest you've fast for?

    b) any insights from it?

2) a)do you eat any animal products?

    b) if yes/no why?

    3) in your video about paradigms (I think) you were talking about psychedelics and how they would make "the whole social matrix collapse". what do you mean when you say "social matrix"?

4) do you watch game of thrones? ( I know your doing this buddha stuff but come on, it is good)

5) these stories about how Jesus turned water into wine etc.. cha think that's just poetry for mindfulness?

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@Outer Thanks, I checked it a  bit. I think I'm quite familiar with this knowledge :)

I'm pretty sure Leo is talking about a literal cave.

Self is also an object...

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

 I should really be living in a cave at this point.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Leo, sorry if this has been asked before.  I think I remember you saying you used to have a problem with playing video games too often, correct me if I'm wrong.  Was it a full blown addiction or just a habit?  Do you still occasionally play video games today?  If so what are you playing!?  Thanks!

I used to have a pretty hardcore addiction but I've managed to break free of it, I've started playing some games recently and I'm trying to avoid getting sucked back into playing everyday.


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