A way to Actualize

All Personal Questions For Leo

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@Simon Zackrisson  :ph34r:

What an ugly hat!! I think Leo would have less trouble living alone in a cabin than wearing THAT!! 




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1. What are your thoughts on Elliott Hulse?

2. Thoughts on Coach Corey Wayne?

3. How often if ever do you meet someone that knows more then you about everything you know?

4. Can you advise your opinion on the top one or two categories (from your youtube channel) you recommend people learn with self mastery?

5. Can you advise your opinion on what categories you think are less critical that people learn?  

This way most people can learn the most important categories first and get to the less important ones (in your opinion) later.  I know each person is going to be different but i am sure you understand what i mean by this.  All just generally speaking. 

6. Have you thought about maybe making a paying members section of this forum where you might be able to be a bit more active with each person?  

7. Are you planning on making a book anytime soon?

8. Thank you for your brilliant work and amazing effort.  Your videos and now this forum are changing my life every day.  I am very thankful for you and your service to the world.  Keep it up buddy, i know its only a matter of time before you become so famous and busy that you wont be able to take the time to participate in the forum so much like you are now so at this time i am enjoying this to the fullest. Good luck on your amazing journey that lies ahead brother.  

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Leo is so popular that people make his memes now... great.. just great...

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10 hours ago, Ayla said:

@Simon Zackrisson  :ph34r:

What an ugly hat!! I think Leo would have less trouble living alone in a cabin than wearing THAT!! 


Why, I think he looks true gangster in that cap. But also friendly and cute. #NoHomo


Although he probably don't care about what people care about him, in which case a image of where he wears two caps incoming!! :P  


Nah, jokes aside, I love you Leo. I think it's kinda beautiful that this phenomena exists; that you helped yourself this much, all of us, being you living another life. 

And I think most people understand that it's pathetic as well as futile to have the audacity to hold entitlement as to how actualized should proceed in the future. 
It will of course be a sad day if and when you do indeed decide to say farewell, but I think most of us will also be proud and happy to see that you fulfill your personal journey. Walk the talk brother. ;) You know you inevitably have to, right. 

If you ever do come up with an estimation in terms of time, I think it would make many of us happy to know!

Endless nuance

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Why do you always wear a black t shirt? Some on your first videos you were wearing colors. I notice comedians do that too. 

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Is it planned, that in the far futher you will give a seminar and post it on youtube? Most Actualized followers are wondering how the legs are doing.

Edited by A way to Actualize

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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1 minute ago, A way to Actualize said:

Most Actualized followers are wondering how the legs are doing.

@Leo Gura - no they don't :P 



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Leo, what brand and type of black shirt do you wear in your videos? How did you come to the decision to wear black every time? What are your thoughts on basic presentation styles and would you please wear a white shirt one day?...Because that would help people self actualize by waking them up from the norm lol. I Love your course, although I'm only on the second video so far and counting. Pursuing enlightenment and getting deeper into a mindfulness practice are the top realizations of the being right now. Keeping in touch, take care. 

Edited by Hunter Arrington

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@Leo Gura I want to thank you for your clips on enlightenment, Graves model, Maslow, and detachment. All your clips are useful, but these particular ones seem to be the most useful to me. I know that the map is not the territory (enlightenment saying), but without these particular clips, it's like sailing across the ocean without even a compass to guide you. Thanks. If you have any more plans other than the beautiful log cabin, pls feel free to let us know.

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Have your family been supportive of your efforts with Actualized.org and pursuit of Enlightenment? Do you discuss and share these topics within the immediate family?

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Leo what are your thoughts on third eye actualization (pineal gland) in the brain and it's use in gaining higher levels of consciousness? It's new territory for me and I'm curious as to your thoughts or experience.

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What enlightenment retreats have you gone to specifically? Any you recommend over others? 

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On 2/10/2016 at 7:28 PM, Leo Gura said:

I like music that's either moody or has strong melody.

So mostly: pop, some alternative rock, chillout, dance, club. I don't select music by genre or artist. I cherrypick individual songs that I happen to like and ignore the rest. I don't follow musicians or listen to their entire albums because most of the stuff in the album I will not like.

Do you play any instrument Leo ?@Leo Gura @A way to Actualize

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On 11.02.2016 at 1:44 AM, Leo Gura said:

6) The fact that reality exists at all and that I am alive inside it.

Mentors, icons come and go, they are like vessels through which intelligence / inspiration / consciousness / whatever You call it comes out and that stream of bliss remains seemingly the same, even though the sources are changing throughout the time. - That's basically what I've observed as my life goes on.

Dou You like peanut butter?

I'm serious

Edited by Thomas

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Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up! xD

Just kidding. There is nothing special or impressive about my physique, the picture was taken in a good lighting (it's 90% illusion game), 2 weeks before competition for which I had to basically starve my body from caloric deprivation in order to lower my bodyfat levels - You muscles look more defined then because the amount of adipose tissue between muscle and skin is diminished, but You're flat - That's why physique guys, fitness models are injecting some type of testosterone into their body to stay full & big.

Decent physique is maintainable throughout a year if You're consistent and conscious about what You're eating - Most individuals can have a nice sixpack in 10-12% BF range and stay healthy, not lethargic or hungry all day long due to ghrelin : leptin imbalance.
Restricting calories is not fun though - I never recommended anybody to be on deficit (diet) more than 12 weeks.

PM me if You'd like to ask anything - I'll try to share what I know.

Edited by Thomas

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Do you film all your videos in one shot? And do you start all over if you mess up?

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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