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Don't Know What to Do

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Hey there, I'm having this lingering feeling of regret with how I spend my time. I try my best to try to consciously spend my time but I feel overwhelmed. Is there a permanent solution to anger management? I want to leave what I get angry about as private. I'm lacking confidence with asking for the life purpose course and the book list since I don't have all of the information required even though I was told that leave out what Leo teaches (my parents can still find this out by looking at other parts of the website).

Edited by AndylizedAAY
I have been using video games lately so I am probably also interested in YouTube.

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Do you feel regret with how you use your time because you think you should be more productive? Maybe my guess is wrong, but how you should spend your time really depends on what you want. People need time doing nothing or just doing whatever you want and chill. These kinds of moments would allow your subconscious to rest and fix itself, which will give you willpower.

I'm also guessing that your anger is a result of higher expectations. Not sure, but anger is an emotion and emotions are an essential part of the basic functions of the body. So you can't get rid of this emotion. Main point is what you're angry at. One way to resolve anger is to understand more about the situation you're mad at, gain more understanding about the details and about how you feel. When you've realized that things are like this for a reason, you probably will be able to accept the situation and be more calm.

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Ask yourself - what would an honorable person do?  And do that.  Ask yourself that question over and over again to help guide you through the day or to help make decisions. 

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