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Shawn Philips

How can I be productive during holidays and not procrastinate?

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I'm in the middle of my vacations and I see that I haven't done productive things, other than going to the gym and 2 trips to natural parks.

I got tons of interesting books pending to be read, because the rest of the year I dont have time. Also ton of interesting videos to watch in the "see later list".

Also I have  a hobby of making short movies, I have 5 projects waiting to be edited film and music. When I start I do it pretty quick, but starting is the hard part.

When I new day comes I have the purpose of edit my films and watching the interesting videos and books, but in the end of the day  there's nothing done.

I get very distracted with stupid YT videos recommendations, losing my time in forums and playing videogames.


Please share some method to be productive.  I was thinking on seting goals, or writing a things to do list, but I'm worried that this goal accomplishment wont relax me from the job mentality and I'll start in september already burned.

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14 minutes ago, Shawn Philips said:

I get very distracted with stupid YT videos recommendations, losing my time in forums and playing videogames.

There is a plugin that kills YT recommendations and other annoying stuff like this

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