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Fresh Realisation

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Let me say some things that just hit me as harsh truths that make my mind cry like a little bitch (excuse my Portuguese). They came to me while reading ekhart tolle.

I am the body, just like a flower is a flower. The body is typing these words, so I would be a liar if I said I am not the body. This is my experience.

I will even go on to say, that whoever says they are not the body are currently lost in the infinite vastness of their mind. Mind Is God. God of this universe. Dont deny what you are.

If a flower could talk, it would say its a flower.Anything else is ridiculous ego game.

If your true self indeed is god, that doesnt change the fact, you are now manifested as a body on this world. Escaping from the fact you are the body might be looked as 'escaping the illusion', but it might also be looked at 'dont want to play this game anymore, so i want to be god'.

If everyone is limitless, there will be no game, no life. Life is the most precious thing, so why do we go after being god? If we return, we die. Are you seriously going to betray this existence? I mean, you, the one reading this, is reading with his eyes, with his body. You Are That right now, until you die, so why not make peace with it? Its fucking amazing.

Hey just answer me one thing:

If everyone in this world had the ego traits of Jesus, would ego still be the enemy? Or is ego the enemy only when you label something as "bad"? 

If this illusion is so grand and convincing, maybe there is a reason. Maybe its what is and we shouldnt go into our monkey mind and spit out shit like I just did. We just gotta be the flower called human. This is our job and we'll be rewarded for it. My words might sound foolish to your ego, but being a fool is just what humans are sometimes and you gotta embrace that too. It's oour immediate reality.

If everything is one, i am also this body. Life is a gift. Being limited is a gift. Lets embrace it and stop with this bullshit, the flower is a flower, period. It would be deluding itself if it said otherwise.



Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Oh and one last thing. All uve ever heard or read was created by bodies and minds. There is no end of suffering, infinity is infinite for a reason. Suffering also will exist, otherwise we are cutting from infinity the parts we 'dont like' but the fact remains. All of us are finite bodies. I am not god.

If i were, then bow to me and my words.

I am not god, you are not god. God is god.  Being itself is god. I am the body that is being beinged if you will. I allow god to experience this reality, but i am not god right now. Let the grand game keep going.


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Three things come to my mind.

1) There are some who consider Jesus Christ as an archetypical figurehead much like the Buddha. In this view of Christianity, Gnosticism, we are meant to raise our being to become as a Christ, or as a Buddha if you will. I recently learned that the Trinity can be applied to Gnosticism. 1 - God the Father, The Universe ... THE ONE ... 2 - The Holy Spirit AKA Consciousness and 3 - Jesus the Son of Man, AKA Each of us as individuals. How cool is that?

2) The Body is to reality as the hand is to the Body. That is, my body has a hand, (or two hands and two feet if you like), and if I were without a hand or two, I'd still be a body. BUT does that mean I'm going to chop off my hand because it's not my "True Self". It's only a part and the sum is greater than the parts. Does this mean we should seek to rid ourselves of our apparent separation, transcend our bodies?

3) The answer to the last question is NO, we should BLOOM as the thousand petaled lotus Flower that connects the Trinity, the Sahasrara Chakra and the others.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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