
The Artist's Way

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Week Three - Recovering a Sense of Power

  • Anger
    - Anger is meant to be listened to. 
    - Anger points the way.
    - Anger is meant to be acted upon, not acted out. 
    - Anger signals the end of a chapter and a triggering of a new one. 
    - Anger is an invitation for action. 

    "Blast him I can make a better film than that. This anger says you want to make a movie" -Julia Cameron 



  • Synchronicity
    - Action invites a reaction from the universe. We call it synchronicity. 
    - We inaugurate change from the inside out. When we do the universe responds. 
    - The universe acts and reacts to your interests– festive and expansive ones.  
    - It's not hard to follow your heart, it's hard to walk through the doors the universe will open for you. 
    - The universe is ample in its support; we are frugal in what we accept. 
    - Leap and the net will appear
    - Action has magic, grace, and power in it. 

    "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy the chance to drawback always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative or creation, there is one elementary truth. The ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans– that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too." -M.K Murry 


  • Shame
    Shame is a controlling device– it is used to prevent people from acting in a way that embarrasses us. 
    - When someone doesn't want to see something, they get mad at the person that shows it to them. 
    - "What will they think now that you have told them this?" -Shame strategy done by your family to maintain a conspiracy of inauthenticity. 
    - "What will they think of me once they know this?" -Shame and Fear 
    - You feel fear towards shame if you have been shamed before. 
    - Inherent in secrets is shame. 
    - "How dare you" you might hear from your family as you are exploring yourself and stumble upon something that threatens them. 
    - "How dare you" you might hear from society as you reflect society back to itself through your art. 
    - The act of making art exposes society to itself.
    - Art brings things to light. It illuminates us.
    - Art sheds light on our darkness and so is often reacted to with shaming– because we shame our darkness that is why it is in the dark. 
    - Art brings healing. But before a wound can heal it must be seen. 
    - If a child has been shamed, shame will be re-triggered as an adult because our internal artist is our inner child. 

  • Dealing With Criticism  
    -Make sure to be able to tell the difference between genuine criticism and shaming.
    - The criticism that damages us is the kind that disparages, dismisses, ridicules, or condemns. It is frequently vicious but vague and difficult to refute. 
    - Genuine criticism can lead to an aha moment; or can show an artist a new and valid path for work. 
    - Art requires a safe environment. Only show a draft to the most gentle support figure you know.  
    - Abusive criticism is artistic child abuse. Criticism is a trigger from a longstanding childhood wound. 
    - Art matures spasmodically. 


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Week Four - Recovering a Sense of Integrity 

- As we clear our perceptions we lose our misconceptions. 
- As we eliminate ambiguity we lose illusion. 
- Clarity elicits change. 
- Morning pages make us aware of what we want and create the willingness to get it. 
- Morning pages point the way to reality, "This is how you are really feeling."
- As we lose vagueness we come to the present moment. Art lies in the moment of encounter with the present– we meet Truth and we meet our self, we meet our self and we meet our self-expression. 
- We become original because we become specific– an origin from which work flows. 
- The moment you become terra incognita, you know the recovery process is working. 
- You know the recovery process is working when: 

1. springcleaning feeling 
2. change in energy 
3. you will remember nightitme dreams and daydreams will catch your attention instead of going unnoticed. 
4. your life that previously seemed to fit will stop fitting. FE, your music taste, sense of color, tastes, judgment, and personal identity will show through. boundaries will appear and define us. 
5. you will feel unstuck, but you will not know where you are going. 
6. you will have a sense of bafflement and faith 



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if you read that book do it on paper - you won`t get anything positive out of it having to do it for others to read. really respect this as a sanctuary a bit, for yourself. i don`t want to hurt your feelings, but you are def  not understanding what it is about. i`m trying to keep you from doing mistakes i made in the past.

Edited by mememe
and don`t copy paste book titles it´s a bit unfair to the writer if you do the asignments under the title of the book

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@mememe Oh, I was just taking notes while reading it. These are all quotes from her! My morning pages and other exercises are on paper and not posted on the forum.

What makes you believe I am not understanding what it is about? I appreciate your help :) Also, great advice for not posting it for others to read. I think she talks about that in the book. 

Edited by Gianna

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Week Five - Recovering a Sense of Possibility 

- Scarcity thinking limits our flow by anthropomorphizing god into a parent figure. 

- God is an energy source that LIKES to extend itself. 

- When we put more dependency on source we paradoxically allow for greater intimacy. 

- This is because source moves through people and places. 

-Without the neurosis of depending on the temporary, we can rest in the infinite eternal presence. 

- When we are afraid to be selfish we lose ourselves. And we become destructive towards our true nature. ***


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Week Six - Recovering a Sense of Abundance 

- what we really want to do is what we are meant to do 

- when we do what we are meant to do money comes to us, doors open for us, growth and expansion presents itself 

- when we put a stopper on our joy by turning down the small gifts of life, we turn down the big ones as well. 

- what gives you joy? 

- luxury is a shift in consciousness more than flow. As we invite what feels luxurious to us, we trigger an increased flow. 

- Creativity is a living paradox: serious work comes out of serious play 

-“creativity does not always have to involve capital A art”


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Week Seven - Recovering a Sense of Connection 

- “Art is not about thinking something up, it is about getting something down” 

- when we get something down we are not doing, we are listening. 

- perfectionism has nothing to do with fixing things— it’s a refusal to let yourselves move ahead 

- instead of creating freely and allowing errors to reveal themselves later as insights, we often get stuck in the details. 

- When we fear mistakes, we correct our originality into a uniformity that lacks passion and spontaneity. 

- “do not fear mistakes, there are none.”

- if every draft is a final, you are a perfectionist. 

- mid-way through a project, the perfectionist reads it over, outlines, revises, to see where it is going. Aborts the completion. Never satisfied. This is the pursuit for the worst in ourselves. The part that tells us nothing we do will be good enough. That we should try again. 

- the perfectionist pulls the roots before it is able to grow. 

- ask yourself: what would this look like if it didn’t have to be perfect? What would I do if I didn’t have to do it perfectly? 

- the craft of an artist is to move out of the head and into a body of action 

- in order to do something well you just be willing to do it badly. Once we accept this, our options widen and we are able to take risks 

- jealousy points the way. It tells you the territory that you cuvet. if you are jealous of something it is because you want it for yourself. 

- jealousy is always a mask for fear 

- jealousy doesn’t allow for abundance. It tells us that there is only room for one  

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Week Eight - Recovering a Sense of Strength  

- creative people are dramatic 

- thinking about the odds robs you in realizing that Art is a process and puts you at the mercy of imagined power ‘out there’ 

- when you wallow in the big questions you fail to see the small answers 

- being addicted to anxiety is preferring long-standing pain over temporary dread 

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7 hours ago, Gianna said:

These are all quotes from her!

yes - that’s why i was saying that about having respect and so on. do what you want. you could change the title, it‘s a bit misleading.

Edited by mememe

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@mememe I think you are projecting your issues onto me. I take notes so I can better understand– not so "other people can see". I don't care if people read my threads in the journal section or not, it's all for me at the end of the day. 

What mistake did you make– specifically– that you said you didn't want me to make? Care to share your experience? 

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15 hours ago, mememe said:

having respect

I don't understand the 'having respect' part of what you are saying. These are notes I took on Cameron's writing for me to register and understand thoroughly. If other people want to read the notes that I take that is cool and fine but it is not why I did it. The exercises I do privately on paper and do not post on the forum. Because you're right, the deep dive into myself should be a 'sanctuary', it's not on the forum. But what about anything that I am doing is not respectful? 

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7 hours ago, Gianna said:

I don't care if people read my threads in the journal section or not, it's all for me at the end of the day. 

I love that you share here, though, your threads are always so interesting :) 

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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10 hours ago, Gianna said:

I don't understand the 'having respect' part of what you are saying. These are notes I took on Cameron's writing for me to register and understand thoroughly. If other people want to read the notes that I take that is cool and fine but it is not why I did it. The exercises I do privately on paper and do not post on the forum. Because you're right, the deep dive into myself should be a 'sanctuary', it's not on the forum. But what about anything that I am doing is not respectful? 

it is misleading that‘s all, how is this about an artists way? it’s not, it‘s a trap. especially if people have read the book - the title is a clickbait. you could just recommend the book in the conscious resources section and not get specific about the content of the book by copy pasting. or you could post some of leo’s book list into the conscious resources section and do the same you are doing in the journal. so yeah maybe good intention for yourself? so people see how much of a trap this is?

Edited by mememe

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@mememe listen mememe, I have no bad intentions. This is how I stay organized and the title The Artist Way is the title of the book that I’m taking notes on so I know. I read many books. 

You are projecting your evil assumptions on to me. Consider working with the part of YOU that wants to mislead people. That didn’t even cross my mind once because I don’t think like that. 


@RickyFitts I love you ? and I always hope you read my threads ? you are my soul brother. 

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@Gianna Always, I treasure your threads :x I love you too, my soul sister Gianna :)

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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1 hour ago, modmyth said:

@mememe People's journals are first and foremost for their personal use (unless stated otherwise). Don't be a dick.

yes that`s why i`m saying - i read the book, too. the title is a clickbait. i think it`s dickish to copy paste parts of a book here and not say it`s out of a book. sorry but that`s how i felt. if she really works with that book she`d understand.

i also said she can do what she wants. if she copy pastes stuff here i think the title is misleading though. if she uses a book title and copy pastes passages from the book i think it`s ok to be critical about it, it`s to expect, it shouldn`t be taken personally if there is critique about it. in the beginning i thought she`d do assignments of the book here, which would mean doing artistic intimate journaling here - which i tried to tell her is a mistake for an artist to do - some stuff we can`t reverse - but it`s not even that.

Edited by mememe

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i think the etiquette is: constructive critique is free range in the rest of the forum sections, but in the journaling section it’s no-critique when the user doesn't wish for that

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12 minutes ago, Myioko said:


i think the etiquette is: constructive critique is free range in the rest of the forum sections, but in the journaling section it’s no-critique when the user doesn't wish for that

yeah but it was not a journal - it`s book passages. that`s the only critique. a journal here is still not private and this one is a clickbait. there were much more situations on here in the forum where people violated really intimate entries. this is a joke - i`ll not further comment in here and respect the privacy.

Edited by mememe

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15 hours ago, mememe said:

yes that`s why i`m saying - i read the book, too. the title is a clickbait. i think it`s dickish to copy paste parts of a book here and not say it`s out of a book.

you're really starting to piss me off. It's dickish to copy and paste parts of a book and not say it out of the book (which I did which is why I titled it that!!!!) Yet, you are saying the title is misleading and 'click bait'? Wtf do you want me to title it? ITS THE TITLE OF THE BOOK. get the fuck off my thread. you make absolutely no sense. 

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