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Unbiased Natural Healing Principle (Ancient Yoga)

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The biggest secret to healing is the most easy and complicated at the same time. 

Maintain attention on breath and chest all times, without dropping it consciously until becames natural for you. Belly breathing all times. Only by training this, the intuition will guide you further, don't doubt that. And also whatever you do, don't drop attention from overall of your body, what i mean is we tend to roam around thinking about other people with the imagination. The old school rule: what you put your attention on you become. Put your attention on another human being or character and you become that. 

Put attention on self and on the totallity of thought "God", and you become God, very simple. Now let's get moving. Figure it out.

You thought it is something out of this world? The most natural and simple always wins. 

Don't know how to breathe? Watch the position of your body how you LAUGH, that is how you have to BREATHE. 

Edited by Goldzilla



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24 minutes ago, Goldzilla said:

Don't know how to breathe? Watch the position of your body how you LAUGH, that is how you have to BREATHE. 

That sounds interesting, could you elaborate?

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For recovering clear sight very fast and also heal the eyes, SHREE YANTRA Gazing. 

Do a google search, find a shree yantra and gaze in the dot of it's center as long as you wish. It helps to synchronize the cerebral hemispheres. If you feel sleepy gazing into Shree Yantra you are doing it right. 




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2 minutes ago, Tim R said:

That sounds interesting, could you elaborate?

We Breathe how We Laugh

Watch the Laugh, the positions on how the body is doing it, and that is the supreme technique on how to Breathe. Notice in the pelvis those muscles, they relax and they tense, that is the "rabbit hole", the secret to open the door is to whatch how you Laugh.

If you only relax the whole body and the pelvis, it will go too much on YIN (left side of the body) , if you only tense the body and the pelvis, it will go too  much on YAN (right side of the body). The trick is to find balance, and we find it by watching how the muscles are relaxed or tensed according on how we LAUGH. 



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How Akasha works and let's talk about Sound and Vibration. Advanced practice. 

From the materialistic and the 5 senses perspective we hear with our ears and the brain and body makes sense of sounds. 

To go beyond the "human hearing spectrum" and gather any info on anything we have to re-link the pathways, the natural pathways from the ears to the throat/voice box. 

Basically is an exercise to "hear with the throat/voice box" 

Society taught us how to put our attention mainly in "sound", in the voice box or ears. And by doing so the majority cannot sing anymore and they are taught by society that singing is something you are born with and you are special if you sing. In reality that is not the case and that claim is not true. 

From a perspective of gaining natural focus into the heart, sound will no longer be for yourself just mere sound. Any object or being in the universe has a sound that can be translated by the human body into information, and sound is everywhere and in anything. 

So, for those advanced in awakening, try out hearing with the voice box and use your imagination on any source of information around, the possibilities are infinite. 

The info will come to you by listening to your breath and in intuition will arise if you pay attention on what is happening inside. There are stages of multi-tasking attention once we awaken. 

For this to really work for you, it needs for you to have experienced what Leo Gura describes in his video: "What Does Awakening Feel Like?" 

It will continue... 


Edited by Goldzilla



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Mantra for Harmony based newcontrollerdesignuponthescienceinwichwearepushedtograspthisreality.


A very good mantra to harmonize the consciousness with the books mainly. 

So it will help greatly because we agreed internationally this concept. 



Affirmation Mantra: I AM into HOMEOSTASIS all the TIME!




Edited by Goldzilla



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