
Let The World Burn.

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Realizing life is a game/not serious has given me the attitude of "Let the world burn". I don't care about anything anymore really. My family thinks I'm obnoxious now, because I shit talk everything - myself, them, situations. I no longer take anything seriously, but they still do. I no longer am wearing a mask, believing I have to behave or act in a certain way. The role the world built for me is now nonexistent.

...and I enjoy it. I laugh at myself. I laugh at other people. I laugh at establishments. I don't give a fuck, and at this present moment, it gives me a feeling of fear. But even that feeling is bullshit.

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@Frogfucius are you really sure that everything is just bullshit? If it is all you why don`t you care for it?

Suppose you have a strong bleeding wound, is that also bullshit that doesn`t Need to be fixed? Well that is in your physical boundaries, for sure will you make sure that your leg does not get rotten. Let my foot burn? No...

so what about somebody else you recognize as yourself (after Realisation) although he is not within your bodily boundaries?  Let him rot? Let everything rot, let everything burn? Is  being or Feeling superior (as a realized being) towards unrealized People towards unconscious Acts and beliefs the truth or is it that everything no matter what it is is just as big as yourself?

 Sorry it is not meant personal (you are anyway me) but you can either shit on the world or bow down on the great intelligence behind it. What was created is not a simple Thing its huge and it is so intelligently put together. It is so fragile but at the same time so steady. And there is Intention behind it even if you can`t see it. You coming to this point is one big desire that goes back not only to single-celled organisms but to the creation of the whole universe.

It is neither a game nor serious. Its pure joy of being. So enjoy it the way it is as you wrote! Laughing is good, but when it Comes from a Kind of above-perspective looking down on Things it could simply not be the real thing. (in my view) Just laugh at it because of your sense of humour and the joy of being. Thats a good Thing.

Or did I understand you don`t caring and shittalking wrong?

universal regards, Wendelin








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@Snick Just my view but I'm not seeing anger in that. He's just saying that people should be free to do what they want to do without the government or others passing judgment. He did have a popular quote at the time, something like "Turn on, tune out" or something like that. The government was persecuting a lot of famous people at the time that were advocates for LSD and freedom of thought. They tried to deport John Lennon too. People like Leary claimed that the govt. didn't want people to experience something other than what the establishment was spoon feeding them. That's why he is speaking up for his freedom because the interviewer is coming  off as just another brainwashed part of the "Establishment",

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2 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

I no longer am wearing a mask, believing I have to behave or act in a certain way. The role the world built for me is now nonexistent.

Oh sure you do, my friend. You wear the mask of "no mask". That's a phase (that I personally put on from time to time) but that will pass. Just go on, don't cling to it. Remember that when you say life is a game that it is still a concept. It's a pretty evolved one to be honest - that I use myself a lot to describe things, but it's still a concept. So don't cling to it, question it. Go deeper. Sit by yourself and peel off any belief you have about reality and just curiously watch. When something starts to make sense, let it go and watch again. The most amazing things follow...

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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1 hour ago, Azrael said:

Oh sure you do, my friend. You wear the mask of "no mask".

What is a mask of no mask exactly? 

1 hour ago, Azrael said:


The most amazing things follow...

like what? 

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Earth On Fire.jpg

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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4 minutes ago, Orange said:

What is a mask of no mask exactly? 

When someone glimpses something greater than the self, that self believes it found absolute truth. Not so fast though. This too is a mask. Peal away more masks until nothing remains.

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17 minutes ago, Lha Bho said:

Earth On Fire.jpg

Now that's what I call Surf and Turf :P

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4 hours ago, Frogfucius said:

Realizing life is a game/not serious has given me the attitude of "Let the world burn". I don't care about anything anymore really. My family thinks I'm obnoxious now, because I shit talk everything - myself, them, situations. I no longer take anything seriously, but they still do. I no longer am wearing a mask, believing I have to behave or act in a certain way. The role the world built for me is now nonexistent.

...and I enjoy it. I laugh at myself. I laugh at other people. I laugh at establishments. I don't give a fuck, and at this present moment, it gives me a feeling of fear. But even that feeling is bullshit.

This is the other end of the spectrum of being attached/caring. It's not being detached.

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Guys, you're taking this shit way too fucking seriously. Attachment spectrum? Spiritual ego? What is all of this? There's nothing to conceptualize here. I'm not angry, I don't literally mean let the world burn. It's more of a position of acceptance on humanity's fate. Let humans destroy the forests, sap all the resources, and soar to populations of 20 billion+ until it all collapses on itself. Let misery run amok, and put our stinky little opinions on everything. There's nothing wrong with this, and it's perfectly okay. Why do I feel this way? Not because I hate people or the world, but because it's part of reality. Everything we're doing is all part of the so-called "game".

2 hours ago, Azrael said:

Oh sure you do, my friend. You wear the mask of "no mask". That's a phase (that I personally put on from time to time) but that will pass. Just go on, don't cling to it. Remember that when you say life is a game that it is still a concept. It's a pretty evolved one to be honest - that I use myself a lot to describe things, but it's still a concept. So don't cling to it, question it. Go deeper. Sit by yourself and peel off any belief you have about reality and just curiously watch. When something starts to make sense, let it go and watch again. The most amazing things follow...

Very true indeed. I'm not deceived by "my" thoughts or "my" beliefs. These conceptions I have wrote are mental gymnastics purely, but there is no way I can convey anything to anyone without some sort of language or metaphors.

And when I say I "shit talk" people, I don't mean I'm an asshole in their face. I just laugh at their identities they created for themselves (and even my own), but they think I'm being silly when I say whatever pops out of my mind, or call myself nasty things to prove I really don't care about what words are said about me. You think I'm an idiot? So I'm an idiot. Why would I care?

I'm noticing a more energetic flow between myself and people in general. I'm not lost in my head anymore. I love to interact with people for the first time ever, free from shackles of "what does this person think of me" like I used to have.

Edited by Frogfucius

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23 minutes ago, Frogfucius said:

I have wrote are mental gymnastics purely, but there is no way I can convey anything to anyone without some sort of language or metaphors

That's a nice taste of the paradox of everything. Rest yourself as the laughing Buddha.

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15 hours ago, Orange said:

What is a mask of no mask exactly?

It is the mask that is playing that it is no mask, but the real thing.


They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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@Frogfucius I believe this is something that I have also recently learnt. But, I wouldn't want to world to burn xD. I would simply want to detach myself from reality and not give a fuck about what reality is anymore, as the majority of it is utter crap, so I try to remind myself, that if I suffer and get angry at the world no good will come from it. So therefore, thoughts about what reality is vs what it should be stop, which results in my anger diminishing, overtime, as reality won't change even if you get angry or laugh at its establishments trying to get a sense of superiority. It's meaningless, just stop! Enjoy the beauty of the world and of nature and of this magical existence and not give a fuck about those who won't change, which will allow you to be detached from what you want reality to be. Which is what will allow you to become happy and content. If you think laughing at establishments will help continue doing it, but if i'm brutally honest I think that's just a false sense of superiority building up inside you from your ego, which may increase suffering for yourself and those around you. So just don't give and fuck and continue meditating... 

Good luck! ^_^

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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@Frogfucius  A little bit of higher consciousness can be a dangerous thing. This is a phase of the newbie on this path. A trap. Later you will look back on this attitude and cringe a bit for its lack of refinement.

You've yet to experience deep suffering, which builds compassion.

And you've yet to experience true Love.

There is MUCH you're still not conscious of.

So don't get cocky, kid ;) You blew up one Tie fighter, but there's an entire squadron out there you've yet to face.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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58 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Frogfucius  A little bit of higher consciousness can be a dangerous thing. This is a phase of the newbie on this path. A trap. Later you will look back on this attitude and cringe a bit for its lack of refinement.

You've yet to experience deep suffering, which builds compassion.

And you've yet to experience true Love.

There is MUCH you're still not conscious of.

So don't get cocky, kid ;) You blew up one Tie fighter, but there's an entire squadron out there you've yet to face.


Thanks for the input. But I got love and compassion, man. I'm not cocky. I enjoy people and peace more than hatred and condemnation.

But I see through labels, and taking them and actions seriously. I'm not going to look back and think I'm a jackass, because those are just thoughts, and they're just more bullshit.

Edited by Frogfucius

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1 hour ago, Frogfucius said:

I'm not going to look back and think I'm a jackass, because those are just thoughts, and they're just more bullshit.

Of course I didn't mean this soon.

It might take you a few years (or decades) to realize your jackassery ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It was a game before, it is a game now and it will be the game afterwards.
What changes is your attitude, which isn't constant.
I was there. It was quite a confusing phase. Wait till you fall in love with the game. There will still be laughs and smiles, but they will feel very different.

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course I didn't mean this soon.

It might take you a few years (or decades) to realize your jackassery ;)

Smells a bit like hubris to me, Leo. 

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