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It is incredibly difficult to create anything worthwile and profound while in Fear...

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One month ago when i was on vacation on my hometown, i had such a tremendous time, i started to work on my LP and i had such a good time. But i have came back to work and now its not the same. In my free time i am not Able to work on my LP. Not because of time (although its a thing) But because i am not relaxed enough. I have some overall Fear in my karmic sistem that i had not when i am on vacations on my hometown, that makes me very challenging doing anything than its not basic things like groceries, going out to have a drink, etc.

Since i started working a full time job abroad, when i have vacations, ITS AMAZING. I value so much the freedom, and particularly the lack of release of cortisol, because once i start working my stress levels go up and even though when i clock out obviously i disconnect, the rest of the day i am NOT in the same state of freedom/peacufelness as i am on vacations.

My sistem (body/mind) is not working properly. I am not reaching peacufelness Joy states in my free time that are neccesary for me to create my profound and complex LP.


Fear is just a thought

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