
How PMS and Ovulation affect consciousness

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The week before I get my period I feel like I’m in some type of depression. I isolate myself, have low energy, neglect taking care of myself and generally have a negative view of the world and myself. I’ll look back at myself after the PMS is over and not relate with the person I was.


I took LSD when the PMS started and that didn’t help. I was literally high on LSD and it wasn’t until I finally got my period during the trip that the psychological weight was lifted off my shoulders. 


However when it’s my fertile week I feel my best and have the best energy.


If LSD couldn’t help then I’m not sure what will help with this monthly cycle. Do y’all think there is something I can do or am I just doomed by god for being a woman?


thank you and love y’all 



Edited by KennedyCarter

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Hey, I feel you. You have ups and downs because of the cycle.

You'll be okay with the ups and downs.


Its not what consciousnes work is about, its not about trying to be "up" all the time.

If you do mindfullness, the path consists of changing the coping mechanisms from fighting/distraction/supression towards accepting/concentration/feeling it. It being every aspect of consciousness.


Also, if you do self-inquiry. You're not a woman. You're not a woman having consciousness. You're consciousness.

You're also not consciousness experiencing a woman. You are the consciousness-now.

For that particular realisation I recommend Rupert Spira and ekhart tolle. (And advaida vedanta).


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@Endangered-EGO Wow, thank you. Didn’t think of it like that. I don’t ever think I could get to that level of consciousness in this reality haha

Edited by KennedyCarter

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@KennedyCarter What I'm talking about, you already had it before your ego was developed. You don't need concentration or an addition of consciousness. Just go back to what you knew when you were a  child before you had thoughts abour your self-representation.


Everything I told you, you knew as a child. There's a knowing that is before thoughts and associations.


Awakening is to some extent only remembering what you are and that you never forgot what you were. You just added thoughts to it.


There are deeper levels if awakening, but who cares for now.

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There are lots of supplements you could try to reduce your PMS. Research it.

Dietary changes might also help.

You gotta research this shit outta such things and experimemt a lot. 

There is no reason why LSD would help with that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura From what I found it’s related to the drop in serotonin, so I tried LSD to up it. And yes humans are frugivores! Natural diet is the best diet!

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@Endangered-EGO I love youuuu thank you for your contributions! To PBS members like you “Thank you” (does anyone get this reference? Haha)

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  On 8/18/2021 at 3:25 AM, KennedyCarter said:

@Leo Gura From what I found it’s related to the drop in serotonin, so I tried LSD to up it. And yes humans are frugivores! Natural diet is the best diet!

LSD is synthetic, though ;)

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I heard walking at night under the moon helps. Anything that connects you with nature really. Our cycle attunes us to the Earth. Being attuned to nature’s cycles is what harnesses our deep intuition, omniscience, and life force potential. Menstruation used to be celebrated with rituals in ancient years because of how much this attunement brought to the community. 

It has been said to be normal to feel a different “season” every week with your period. In this way, women go through the four seasons every month. Depending on whether it’s ovulation week, bleeding week, or the week after bleeding (might feel like spring time) you’ll feel differently. I have the same experience as you described in the beginning of your post. Consider this ‘winter’ season. You can hear more about this here

Edited by Gianna

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PMS is the opportunity for emotional purging, everything that does not resonate, that is no longer serving you will be felt much more intensely. It's almost as if you have been bringing stuff into your home for years, and haven't been getting rid of anything, and your space is too full. You've been blind to this, used to it, but the hormonal changes suddenly make the reality of the situation very obvious, they simply bring it to light. We realize that our home of full of so many wonderful things, but they are buried in clutter, and we aren't appreciating them. We feel this awareness of our situation as discomfort. This is key, the hormones are not creating the bad mood, they are not to blame, they are not a scapegoat, they are bringing to light what was already there. This is a BOON to "consciousness work" if you understand emotions and understand that this is an opportunity rather than a disability.

The next question we can ask after understanding this is, what can I do, what thoughts or perspectives can I let go of that are no longer serving me? 

In order to start to clear that stuff out you gotta experiment some. Music, journaling, yoga, meditation, talking to someone, time in nature, etc. Spiritual teachers help us understand the thought patterns better, Eckhart Tolle and Abraham Hicks, are a couple favorites that really address and bring to light those beliefs that perpetuate the discomfort.  Instead of believing the thoughts that the world is bad and you want to isolate yourself from it, switch to the perspective of making your (emotional) home a place you love to be, of feeling the feelings rather than thinking the feelings. Thinking the feelings prevents the release of them. 

Practice the self care stuff when it's easy throughout the month. Learn to take breaks and breathers and get in touch with your feelings when it's easy. Don't shove stuff under the rug so much. Get in the habit or recognizing when something isn't serving you anymore, and put it in the trash bin. Then the clutter won't pile up as much. And when it does anyway, you know what to do. 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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  On 8/18/2021 at 3:25 AM, KennedyCarter said:

@Leo Gura From what I found it’s related to the drop in serotonin, so I tried LSD to up it. And yes humans are frugivores! Natural diet is the best diet!

Drop on serotonin, needs cholesterol and saturated fat. By themselves no plant has this. No digestible or usable form for the body to use. Eat as much saturated fat from plants will not digest. This is harvard and cambridge science, do the research if you want. Being the reason on history humans have fermented plants to be digestible when they where scarse in animal fat. 


Edited by Goldzilla



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@KennedyCarter If your doctor is sure it's because of serotonin, then there are SSRI. That only has an effect on serotonin. I took them, I don't know if I recommend them or not, I'm not qualified to answer that question.

Edited by Endangered-EGO

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