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Realize That

1 post in this topic

  • Realize that you’ve been with yourself your entire life.
  • Realize that you have never left yourself. 
  • Realize how the only time you’ve left yourself is when something scared you... and you tried to hide from it.
  • Realize how you could never really leave yourself. 
  • Realize how the only way to leave yourself, is to forget yourself.  
  • Realize that you have always known yourself. 
  • Realize that there’s no one you can know more intimately than yourself. 
  • Realize that you know everything about yourself but nothing about yourself.
  • Realize that you could never fully know yourself.
  • Realize that you could never fully know yourself because you haven't happened yet. 
  • Realize that you could never fully happen because you are always already happening. 
  • Realize that this will never stop. 
  • Realize that you could never fully know yourself because of how complex and omniscient your being is.
  • Realize that when you feel yourself, you don't really know what you're feeling. 
  • Realize that when you feel yourself, you don't really know where you are feeling. 
  • Realize that the feeling of yourself has never changed and has been the same throughout your entire life.
  • Realize that because it has never changed, it is able to witness change.
  • Realize that your being is ever-present– beyond time. 
  • Realize that you can be whatever you want to be if you convince yourself. 
  • Realize that you have an infinite amount of possibilities to choose from when structuring yourself. 
  • Realize that you can start from wherever when you’re starting from scratch.
  • Realize that if you’re stuck in a pattern– a systematic feedback loop– your infinite possibilities to choose from becomes limited.
  • Realize that your family, friends, belief system, and entire socialization really, highlights options for you to pick from out of this infinite pool of possibilities. 
  • Realize that those highlighted options are distracting against the rest of the infinite possibilities that you could become.  
  • Realize that your choices are limited to your imagination.
  • Realize that your imagination is limited to your mind.
  • Realize that your mind is programmed for you [in childhood], not by you.
  • Realize that you can’t have ideas outside of your ideas unless you imagine them. 
  • Realize that to live out your experience genuinely and totally you have to be one with that experience entirely and totally, nothing else.
  • Realize how that means you will forget the rest of your choices from the infinite pool of possibilities.
  • Realize how much you don't know about what you know.
  • Realize how much is automatic.
  • Realize how the mind is automatic and coming from your past mind. 


Edited by Gianna

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