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UK Royal Family - Stage of Development

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Prince' Andrews involvement in the Jeffery Epstein case triggered my contemplation in what the royal family represents. 

What stage of development are the UK family?

You would think a high stage blue, perhaps even orange, the royal family represents colonial economic privileges'.  They are however conscious that if they were to try dictate government and show bias on social issues the public would be distained by that. Shows some sort of consciousness.

I'm not convinced that they would protect Prince Andrew using royal powers in the current Epstein case. If they do it may see this will end of the royal family as a whole. I predict once the Queen dies, the royal family will effectively collapse. The conversation on weather we still need a King/Queen in a 21st Century democracy would be a public question. 

This sets up the UK for a more liberal government in the future. The Queens death will symbolize the end of an era, and a new identifiable Britain will be 'up for grabs' in a sense. If the Labour Party cleans up house and becomes a viable alternative to the Tories this will only accelerate this Liberal change. Once people are finally conscious that the Tory party are none other than criminals. Once people are tired of being wage slaves, once Tory Corruption is finally shown in the UK public inquiry to the handling of the pandemic, once the Queen passes, once 'Prince' Andrew is in prison, the UK could be a great country to live in if we do it right. 

(By the way I am not 'Anti-Monarchy', or hate the Queen, nor want her to die before her time. I am also conscious that it could be argued that the Royal Family is only symbolic and there are great culture, tourist and economic benefits of having the queen).

I feel like we focus way too much on American politics but nobody ever mentions British or European politics, just goes to show the American Bias in the world. The globe is so American-Centric lol. 

Can we start some sort of UK Politics Mega thread? Where my Brits at lol?

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My wife is spanish and in her country their king has been exposed for corruption, he had tons of money in fiscal paradises and was caught hunting elephants in a reserve. Now his son is the king and his speech sounds more green, concernet about environmental questions. I dont know if pushed by the government and the 2030 agenda or is he really convinced. 

I believe that in the future monarchies will be like  celebrities with little political power, that will appear in protocolary events just for the show. 

In the case of UK, the queen is a orange colonialist racist. The princes will and Harry in the other hand look reasonable guys, who inherited the kindness of the mother.

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Prussian Blue and Colonial Red. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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rotten queen is a big red old hag witch! 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Yeah we British are a funny lot. We like the idea of monarchy as a whole, but we don't like the idea of the monarch having any actual power. It's interesting that there's still a split in attitude towards the monarchy, ever since the English civil war. You've got a minority who want rid, a large majority of those who couldn't care less either way, and a fairly large majority who want them to stay.

My guess is if the Queen dies, things will carry on as normal, no drama. There's no crisis of succession, someone will be constitutional King. It's hard to say how much a new monarch will affect politics, my guess is not very much.

There is some argument for becoming a republic in order to reduce spending on the royal family. But we'd probably just replace the Queen with a president, who will be cheaper, but play exactly the same role in terms of parliament. What we really should get rid of is the House of Lords, that is definitely an anachronism in the 21st century, but that's a different conversation.


Edited by LastThursday

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