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Interesting follow to Leo's PUA rant video by a stage green coach

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Great video i found from a good youtuber i watch. This is what i would consider stage green dating coach, his results are probably not as good as some of the more manipulative PUAs but overall seems more developed person. He also called Trump an insecure child :P

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@Preety_India Yes, he is the most advanced dating coach i have seen. However this comes with him not being the best guy to listen to if you just want to get laid per say.

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12 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

He also called Trump an insecure child :P

The phrase 'no shit, Sherlock' does rather spring to mind :P:D

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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We need a Trump passport.

To enter any public building you are asked, "Is Trump an insecure child?" and if your answer is anything but "OF COURSE!" then you are kicked out.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

To enter any public building you are asked, "Is Trump an insecure child?" and if your answer is anything but "OF COURSE!" then you are kicked out.

Yes. Trump is an insecure man. It comes from the way he was raised in childhood, always being browbeaten by his father.

We know about the early childhood of Donald J. Trump.

With that being said, I was an insecure child as well.

We're all insecure to certain extents.

I refuse to ostracize Trump, as I understand what Plato has been saying: "Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."

I prefer not to condemn or hate or be annoyed by anyone, as I understand how the ego operates.

Besides that, Donald J. Trump was a good president. He had successful policies and created a favorable environment for small businesses.

Now, I understand that Trump has many flaws, I recognize that. But I also see the good things that he has done for the United States.

That remains to be seen of Joe Biden, which has already disappointed me with the situation in Afghanistan, as his administration left the country in such a reckless manner. :( But I'm always open to give Biden a chance.

Edited by Ferretab

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4 minutes ago, Ferretab said:

Donald J. Trump was a good president.

This is a bannable offense.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

This is a bannable offense.

I'm just saying what I believe. I don't want to argue with anyone... I observe things and make conclusions.

If you favor Joe Biden or anyone else, that shouldn't be a bannable offense.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

We need a Trump passport.

To enter any public building you are asked, "Is Trump an insecure child?" and if your answer is anything but "OF COURSE!" then you are kicked out.

This needs to happen xD

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

We need a Trump passport.

To enter any public building you are asked, "Is Trump an insecure child?" and if your answer is anything but "OF COURSE!" then you are kicked out.

How 'bout the "I have no stance" response? :D

Edited by Extreme Z7

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13 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Yes, he is the most advanced dating coach i have seen. However this comes with him not being the best guy to listen to if you just want to get laid per say.

You don't need to spend a second listening to any coach or pua, or spend time reading any material if you just want to get laid.

Simply go to a bar, get drunk, and it'll happen. No matter how socially inept or unattractive you are.

How else did the human population get to 8 billion??


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@Roy I went to parties many times with my friends and nobody got laid. You need to approach to get laid on top of "going to bars". 

Plus i do not like clubs or bars much so i want to minimize going there as much as possible. I would rather meet people through other avenues. I am naturally introverted but social so loud environements do not appeal to me very much in terms of meeting people. I like going there once in a while to unwind but approaching girls is another busienss all together

Edited by Karmadhi

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5 hours ago, Ferretab said:

Now, I understand that Trump has many flaws, I recognize that. But I also see the good things that he has done for the United States.

Trump was a god-awful leader overall and an even worse human-being. That kind of excuse can be said of literally any terrible politician you want to defend.

P.S. Leo's not kidding, by the way. You could get banned for chronically defending Trump.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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On 16/08/2021 at 5:49 PM, Karmadhi said:

Great video i found from a good youtuber i watch. This is what i would consider stage green dating coach, his results are probably not as good as some of the more manipulative PUAs but overall seems more developed person. He also called Trump an insecure child :P

   As a human being, he's probably a decent guy, but as a dating coach, hmm, not so. He's much better if he is a relationship councillor. The majority of dating has sex at it's core, and at a pretty deep level at that. If you are not comfortable with that, you have no business dealing with dating.

   I don't know the full context in which calling trump an insecure child is at, but like it or not, a man with that level of ambition, drive, and charisma, specifically in dating, is attractive. Any other area of life or development is a varied experience, there are some contexts that too much ambition can be detrimental, but sometimes important in others.

Edited by Danioover9000

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On 8/17/2021 at 6:25 AM, Karmadhi said:

You need to approach to get laid on top of "going to bars". 

There is a reason they call it liquid courage. I'm just saying. Why go through hours and hours of study and courses, what $15 can show you isn't that big a deal?


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15 hours ago, Roy said:

There is a reason they call it liquid courage. I'm just saying. Why go through hours and hours of study and courses, what $15 can show you isn't that big a deal?

   On the other hand, this could easily turn into another addiction, and put the person at risk of short to long term alcohol damage. Also, if not careful with how much is consumed, can lead to situations that were avoidable. Getting drunk is not the only way.

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That man is very attractive and is a shining example of what connection to Divine Masculine looks like.

I can tell by the thoughtful heart-centered way he speaks and the softness in his eyes. 

Masculinity is very subtle in its unpretended forms. And it's rare to find men who have tapped into it. But you can spot it from a mile away. I can see why women were magnetized to him.

An attractive man is like a very fierce lion that has been tamed by a very skilled lion tamer. And he's got the combination down. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Danioover9000 Arguably the biggest issue girls face in clubs is drunk idiots that act in not appropriate way.  I do not want to be that guy. Being tipsy sure but proper proper drunk is neither healthy nor enjoyable. 

Being drunk a few times can teach you how to be more social when sober so there is benefit from it. But couple of times is all you need really.


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1 hour ago, Emerald said:

An attractive man is like a very fierce lion that has been tamed by a very skilled lion tamer.

Lion on a leash turned into a lapdog -- a woman's fantasy of man :D

Then surprised Pikachu face when lion bites her face off.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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