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How would a Yellow stage teacher be?

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I'm going to be a teacher for the 7th to 9th grade in English as a second language, social sciences and cooking classes. I live in Denmark and will be teaching in Denmark. As a whole, at a societal level, I would categorize Denmark as a very solid green and a possibly yellow emergence. Here are the thoughts I have gathered, specifically for the subjects I will be teaching. These thoughts will be integrated and supplementary in most cases, to the school's an national syllabus and curriculum. 

ESL (English as a Second Language)

- explaining how Language is not only based in rationality and emotionality - language is not objective

- Making students aware that language as well as culture forms the way we perceive reality (linguistic determinism)

- Pointing out that Universal Grammar (explained simply for the sake of the target audience)  combined with linguistic determinism shows how we are different expressions of the same Thing. 

- interculturality - how we need to accept all perspectives as valid to the conversation, but that this also includes also being critical of our own perspectives

- culture is a verb

Social sciences: 


- approaching the material holistically with regards to the various extents to witch identity reaches out (including spiral dynamics)

- connecting material to relativism and reflection on own opinions, beliefs...

- excercieses and practical experiments and activities linked to how methods in social sciences aren't as rational as one would think 

- culture is a verb and constructed and in constant development


- politics is made to become each time more inclusive

- beyond the voting power - how individuals and collectives have a say in society beyond their voting right

- Ecology combined with personal- and trans-personal responsibility  and integrity - and how we can possibly contribute to this in and out of the school boundaries 

- Reflection on the school culture, and how this impacts them and others - is it a culture where everyone is given a voice? Is it a culture that is equally teacher- and student centered? is it a culture that creates emotional regimes (term coined by my ex professor - følelsesregimer), where there's an outer- and inner group? how does democracy play out in the classroom and school? 


- how growth hierarchies are not the same as structural hierarchies (growth hierarchies is the Wilberian term)

- how capitalism works, what the down, and up sides are, and what it expects of them- and then ask them critically about what they personally think about it

- How economic growth and economic development are interdependent and not necessarily interconnected - and ask them if they consider these as a healthy way to qualify society


Cooking classes

- connection between eating habits and health

- Food consumption and its environmental impact

- aesthetic development through cooking - how cooking is a way in which culture is a constructed verb


Added very important question: how to tackle what I call the pluralistic paradox - the paradox of tolerance. For example: how does one explain to students that racism, is intolerance, but that we should meet racism with love, not hatred, and not play the racist's game, without being misunderstood? Or should that not be even brought up with this age group?

Edited by Soulife96

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12 hours ago, Soulife96 said:

how to tackle what I call the pluralistic paradox - the paradox of tolerance. For example: how does one explain to students that racism, is intolerance, but that we should meet racism with love, not hatred, and not play the racist's game, without being misunderstood? Or should that not be even brought up with this age group?

Edited 12 hours ago by Soulife96


dont overthink it. They gotta learn just like all of us did, slowly, in their own time they will grow

Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently:

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