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Tired Of Neo Advaita

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I'm getting sick of listening to these Neo Advaita guys like Jim Newman and Rupert Spira.

I get a sense of what they are pointing at, but their teachings seem very surface and don't address how to integrate the teaching into actual emotional and being transformations.

I know it's possible to radically transform your state of being with surrendering to what is, and seeing the thinking/mind for what it is.

But none of these neo advaita guys talk about the sensations in the third eye, what it feels like for your crown to open, how to release emotional blocks etc.

Can anyone relate to this? Or does anyone know of better teachings who address how to achieve an emotional awakening not just a mental one

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What most teachers miss is the importance of the first step: getting rooted in the present moment sensory experience, the body.

Without it, the whole path is just happening in the mind and feeding the ego. 

Spirituality is simply a deepening of your present moment experience and it starts with the body and its senses.

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@Raptorsin7 The same thing happens to me, every time I read something about it, and from older ones like papaji Krishnamurti or nisgardatta maharaj I just listen: hey guys, I'm enlightened, it's super cool !. but not you. do you want to be enlightened? bad, you don't have to want it. Do you want to know what enlightenment is? It's this, THIS, here. don't you see it? sure not, normal poor guys. meditating is bad, everything is bad. except be me! That is fantastic. love me guys, I'm the best. i never finished a spiritual book

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@vladorion I agree, you don't really hear many of these teachers talking about grounding in the body sensations. 

And all my deepest awakenings came from feeling deeply into the sensations of the head and body, and finding certain energetic spots that when I put attention there things changed dramatically. 

What about stuff like inner child work, or changing the inner voice? How does that relate to deepening your experience of the present moment and the body?

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One spiritual teacher whose teachings I found tremendously useful when I was having a really hard time emotionally was Jon Bernie, his teachings tend to deal much more with our moment-to-moment felt experience:

I've got both of his books, 'Ordinary Freedom' and 'The Unbelievable Happiness of What Is', and think both are excellent, and his podcasts have been archived here if his teachings interest you.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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If you're looking for a teaching, look elsewhere. Nonduality meetings are basically just fun, not really effective for anything, except perhaps allowing some beliefs about enlightenment to fall away.

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we can talk dream til the cows come home, that's what we have youtube for

the question we came to earth to answer still remains, how we gonna see we are illusory

and then, what to do

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@RickyFitts Appreciate the post, but this guy is exactly the kind of teacher I'm complaining about in my OP.

When are these teachers going to speak about your head cracking open, and knots of tension that get blown out. Or the feeling of being a different creature in the middle of a deep awakening.

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Maybe check out Loch Kelly's work.

He has a very down to earth style and emphasizes the practical approach of nonduality instead of endlessly theorizing it.

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

achieve an emotional awakening not just a mental one

To what end do you make such a distinction Nîgger? "Awakening is awakening" is the only guide I see, but you make an interesting point about them not guiding you through intense transformation or large jumps in consciousness. You understand how hollow these spiritual gurus are, although maybe for a different reason

These gurus are in truth the final set of gatekeepers that society employ to keep you in folly. Sweet trappings of an ultimate delusion, through promising redemption from delusion.

To speak too much with them is to get lost in their bubble of bullshit 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@nistake I'm a big fan of loch kelly, I really liked his effortless mindfulness pointers. 

But even he fails to really nail down what it means for effortless mindfulness to transform your experience of the body, and how energetic blocks get released.

I really wish I could talk to Loch 1-1, but he's too big at this point.

Like I have a clear understanding of loch's teachings, and I can follow him step for step, but it's still no where near where I can reach with psychidelics. 

One of my favorite pointers is, what's here now when there's no problem to solve. And it really points to the sensations and feelings of the body.

But then there's still the process of going from this here now, to this feeling like bliss and the energetic knots of the body being released 

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@vladorion I agree, you don't really hear many of these teachers talking about grounding in the body sensations. 

And all my deepest awakenings came from feeling deeply into the sensations of the head and body, and finding certain energetic spots that when I put attention there things changed dramatically. 

What about stuff like inner child work, or changing the inner voice? How does that relate to deepening your experience of the present moment and the body?

I find it helpful to investigate what is so appealing in the mind that attention is constantly going there.

It is our self-images that are demanding love, acknowledgement and attention. Inner child being one of them. Some other ones I personally have: someone who knows everything (a teacher), someone who doesn't have any social difficulties and is liked by everyone etc. 

Giving them what they need makes them relax and it becomes easier to stay in the present.

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@vladorion Loch kelly talks about integrating different parts us by recognizing there is always something aware of the parts but I never really understood that part of his teaching.

I've had a continuous pattern for months now where... I will meditate at night, I'll feel some tension/sensations in the body begin to dissolve, I start to think Okay this is it, this is the day I let the shit go from my system. Then I pat myself on the back and go do seomthing else because i thought i made progress. Then i regret the next day when I'm just suffering and tangled with the mind

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12 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@vladorion Loch kelly talks about integrating different parts us by recognizing there is always something aware of the parts but I never really understood that part of his teaching.

I've had a continuous pattern for months now where... I will meditate at night, I'll feel some tension/sensations in the body begin to dissolve, I start to think Okay this is it, this is the day I let the shit go from my system. Then I pat myself on the back and go do seomthing else because i thought i made progress. Then i regret the next day when I'm just suffering and tangled with the mind

You could change your focus, maybe.

View the release as a side effect and not the purpose of your practice. 

The purpose is to give your attention to the present as much as you can (but without being forceful with it) until it learns that it's actually better and more enjoyable to stay here.

Healing is slow when the ego is consuming most of your energy. And the ego just keeps creating more symptoms, it's endless.

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As for releasing body tensions and blocks, I'm a huge fan of the shadow work meditation by Carolyn Elliott. She calls it 'existential kink' and this name may be off-putting, but it helped me tremendously. This method is also really practical and when I worked with it, I actually felt really intense bodily sensations and I could let go of a huge deal of shadow material from my psyche.

You can check it out here:

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