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Who are the so called "Neo-Advaitan teachers"?

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I have heard this term a lot, in fact it appears a couple of the leatest leo videos. I have read the tipical ancient classical texts about spirituality and know all of the old schools of hinduism but I still don't know the neo-advaitans. Which youtube personalities are Neo-Advaitan?

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Papaji, Mooji, and many followers of Ramana Maharshi. They generally advocate self inquiry and say there's nothing to do to be enlightened because you already are enlightened. Versus nonduality or the message which is not a teaching, and says nothing, but points out the reality that there's no one to become enlightened.

Edited by The0Self

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Yeah, I don't know what Neo advaita is yet. I've heard the names Rupert Spira and Eckart Tolle as well in that group. 

So much to learn ^_^

Edited by Thought Art

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17 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Papaji, Mooji, and many followers of Ramana Maharshi. They generally advocate self inquiry and say there's nothing to do to be enlightened because you already are enlightened. Versus nonduality or the message which is not a teaching, and says nothing, but points out the reality that there's no one to become enlightened.

Ive not heard Papaji, Mooji, and certainly not Ramana Maharshi (so Id be surprised if his followers say this) say this at all. Specifically, Ive heard Mooji in many videos give instructions to stay with the question “Who am I?” Over and over and over. Which is the opposite of saying you’re already enlightened. 

In the Anna Brown thread you mentioned a whole list of teachers who, as far as Ive observed, fall much more into the group of “there’s nothing do to you’re already awake.”

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Mooji is not Neo-Advaitan. He has done the spiritual work, and sees clearly. When I hear him, I get this image of two eyes peering out of the void, like a lion in the grasses at night. He has the strength not to be pulled into the undercurrent of the conditioned mind. That strength doesn't come from watery Neo-Advaitan nonsense.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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8 hours ago, Consilience said:

Ive not heard Papaji, Mooji, and certainly not Ramana Maharshi (so Id be surprised if his followers say this) say this at all. Specifically, Ive heard Mooji in many videos give instructions to stay with the question “Who am I?” Over and over and over. Which is the opposite of saying you’re already enlightened. 

In the Anna Brown thread you mentioned a whole list of teachers who, as far as Ive observed, fall much more into the group of “there’s nothing do to you’re already awake.”

They advocate self inquiry. So does Rupert Spira. And they say you’re already enlightened but the good ones say it remains for you to realize that. They provide teachings.

The nonduality speakers like Jim Newman merely provide the message, for no reason. They do not provide teachings.

Those are the main distinctions I see. I don’t prefer one or the other really. The only Neo teachers I really don’t like (can’t think of any off the top of my head) are probably recent students of Neo who think they’re at the end of the path but really aren’t and then they preach that everyone’s already enlightened and you not only can, but should, stop meditating.

“The message” points to the non-conceptual, energetic collapse of the duality between bondage and liberation.

Edited by The0Self

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