
Humans are frugivores

76 posts in this topic

@DefinitelyNotARobot most people I know who enjoy meat do so for the taste and probably other pleasant associations (a smell that probably triggers some biological stuff, bbq with friends/family, chewing harder, etc.).

I don't know a single person who like eating meat because they like dominating a steak, wtf. This is just projection IMO. 

There may be biological predisposition to certain foods or it may be entirely conditioned. Either way, there's no food that is more spiritual. That's an ego trip. 

As to why each person reacts differently, it probably has to do a lot with what we're thinking when faced with meat for example. If you think "that was a living cow, that probably got separated from her baby and brutally slaughtered" you will feel unpleasant emotions. If you're thinking about how you love the smell and sharing a tasty barbecue with your friends, you probably won't feel grossed out. It all depends on the subjective connotation.

Objectively, it's just a piece of meat. 

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21 hours ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

These threads always make me wonder if there is some kind of natural preposition towards liking/disliking animal products, or if it's simply social conditioning. When I, for example, look at a plate of meat I just see a dead animal and my entire body automatically feels repelled by it. Just the smell of dead flesh when I walk past the meat counter... ugh... it's honestly just fucking disgusting. But others don't seem to mind that!

They don't mind the smell, they don't mind the taste, they don't mind the consistence when they're chewing on it, they don't even mind knowing what they're currently chewing on. It's actually quiet the opposite. A lot of people even fetishize meat consumption. It's almost as if they've got this "lust" inside them. This perverted sense of "arousal" when they dominate another life form and feast upon its dead corpse. It's sooo fucking weird to me.

But to them it isn't and that's the whole point! It's so intriguing to me to see how differently people react to the same thing. And everybody (including myself ?) always gets so triggered about these sorts of things too as if they're the ones that have it all figured out. Like they're the "good" ones that "get it" and everybody else is just stupid or weak or evil or ignorant or triggered.

And everybody constantly tries to convince the other side that they're wrong, while the other side doesn't even listen because they're busy trying to convince the other side that they're actually the ones that are wrong.

Man I just love these sorts of threads...

   Yep, people forgot, whether you are eating a piece of meat, a plant, an insect, or something else, at the absolute level, you are eating pieces of god, which wants to experience each piece.

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On 18.8.2021 at 5:32 AM, KennedyCarter said:

Yeah I thought in a place like this, it would be more civilized haha. It’s ok the truth will prevail, our bodies and health speaks for itself ❤️


So you will ignore the fact that Leo is on carnivore diet and only eats meat? And ignore the fact that he feels amazing with this diet? 

Edited by Gregory1

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45 minutes ago, Gregory1 said:

So you will ignore the fact that Leo is on carnivore diet and only eats meat? And ignore the fact that he feels amazing with this diet?

I am sure if Leo had 100% freedom to eat anything he wished without negative digestive symptoms his diet would be largely different to what it is right now. A therapeutic elimination diet can be extremely restrictive and detrimental over the long term unless new food groups are reintroduced. A lot of proponents of the carnivore diet such as Paul Saladino are completely oblivious to this fact. 

Eliminate -> Heal -> reintroduce. 

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On 8/15/2021 at 10:14 AM, hamedsf said:

we, especially men need meat to make testosterone and muscle,  I don't know how veggie soyboys can handle it.




Where did you get this info? Lmao you are joking right? I know this is just an online forum man but quit spreading false information. Theres plenty of that floating around already. You clearly have very little understanding of nutrition.this is a common misconception because soy contains plant estrogen but plant estrogen is different at both the molecular and clinical levels from the human hormone estrogen. Stop lettting  your gym bros convince you they are nutrionists. 

And while I dont know you so i may very well ve speaking out of my ass but id bet if you and I went to the gym youd have a hell of a time trying to keep up with this soyboy ?


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3 hours ago, Gregory1 said:


So you will ignore the fact that Leo is on carnivore diet and only eats meat? And ignore the fact that he feels amazing with this diet? 

@Gregory1 So you will completely ignore leo talking about his unusual health problems that stop him from eating a vegan diet that he said would be the ideal diet if he could? Whos really ignoring facts to make a point here?

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Less chance of depression

Less stress and anxiety

Better sex life

Slowed cognitive decline and lower chance of dementia

Better physical health

No these are not the same as consciousness but raising your consciousness will surely be a bit easier for  if your less, stressed, depressed or physically and mentally not the healthiest you COULD be either.

Edited by Adodd

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@Gregory1 @Danioover9000 @Farnaby


Also in case im the only who heard, the untied nations just released a code red for the survival of humanity and animal agriculture is the main cause. Willingly contributing to this because you want your diet to be less healthy and more dependent on suffering because your culture programmed you this way doesnt seem very much like "high consciousness behavior". Please call me out if I'm wrong.

Edited by Adodd

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1 hour ago, Adodd said:


Less chance of depression

Less stress and anxiety

Better sex life

Slowed cognitive decline and lower chance of dementia

Better physical health

No these are not the same as consciousness but raising your consciousness will surely be a bit easier for  if your less, stressed, depressed or physically and mentally not the healthiest you COULD be either.

Assuming that something a person ate did cause these things then yes it would lower their consciousness especially over time, as they would not be nourishing their body appropriately.

In my mind though, meat does not do these things, so I wondering how you came to know that eating meat specifically causes these things?

For example, I can point to Leo, Joe Rogan, the Petersons, and many more who report physical and mental health benefits of going on meat only diet - literally the benefits you report without a meat based diet is what they report on their meat based diet. Why is that?

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3 hours ago, Adodd said:

@Gregory1 @Danioover9000 @Farnaby


Also in case im the only who heard, the untied nations just released a code red for the survival of humanity and animal agriculture is the main cause. Willingly contributing to this because you want your diet to be less healthy and more dependent on suffering because your culture programmed you this way doesnt seem very much like "high consciousness behavior". Please call me out if I'm wrong.

   *United Nations ?

   That's a very loaded assumption. Don't lump me up as a meat lover. I'm merely pointing out how relatively complex a diet is to raising consciousness in a person. Raising consciousness in a group through diet is a whole other level of complex.

   Leo, due to his recent health issues with veggies and fruits, has gone through many health methodologies, like fasting and carnivore diet temporarily to try and heal his health. And so far, they have worked a little bit for his health, and interesting thing is how he reports how eating meat only for now, has made him feel better consciously. Are we gonna just ignore his findings on how he experienced a raising in consciousness in eating meat only? This is part of his elimination diet and he does plan to slowly change back to a more optimized veggie diet, but in case you haven't heard, he did say that if that's not possible at all, he would rather eat meat only, as eating veggies and whatever GMO, pesticide, chem or whatever is in them nowadays, is triggering severe pain in him, and hampering his ability to shoot videos we all love to watch here.

   I am just pointing out how each side of the issue, not just the vegans and the meat lovers, and others who diet differently like eating insects for example, have different cognitive, moral, consciousness development and epistemic upbringings on their group's way of diet, or that particular person's diet. Each one experiences that particular food differently from person to person, and group to group.

   OP hasn't clarified the nature of how we should have discourse in this thread, but let's keep it civil and keep trolling to a minimum plz.


Edited by Danioover9000

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1 hour ago, SgtPepper said:

Assuming that something a person ate did cause these things then yes it would lower their consciousness especially over time, as they would not be nourishing their body appropriately.

In my mind though, meat does not do these things, so I wondering how you came to know that eating meat specifically causes these things?

For example, I can point to Leo, Joe Rogan, the Petersons, and many more who report physical and mental health benefits of going on meat only diet - literally the benefits you report without a meat based diet is what they report on their meat based diet. Why is that?

   So far, it's only been heavily processed and microwave meats that do have some negative impact on level of consciousness. Another is eating rotten meat, but this is variable as some tribes do live off of rotten meat and still survive.

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4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   *United Nations ?


Haha fair enough.

4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:
4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


 I'm merely pointing out how relatively complex a diet is to raising consciousness in a person. Raising consciousness in a group through diet is a whole other level of complex.



I guess I didnt explain myself well. I dont really think being vegan "raises" your consciousness . I think that veganism is choosing to acknowledge the suffering, health problems, and damage to the planet that we are causing with our diets. I think ignoring these things because your culture told you too or because you don't care is a low conscious decision.  Leo is doing neither of these things he is aware of what is going on but has health problems and he has different health and nutritional needs. I am glad he is finding what works for him and happy for anyone else in a similar health situation as him. But thats not most people. I dont think the world should become vegan thats ridiculous. But most of us in  developed countries certainly could become healthy vegans and make a huge difference to most life on the planet in doing so. 

4 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:



   OP hasn't clarified the nature of how we should have discourse in this thread, but let's keep it civil and keep trolling to a minimum plz.


You see no trolling from me anywhere on this forum.

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7 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

Assuming that something a person ate did cause these things then yes it would lower their consciousness especially over time, as they would not be nourishing their body appropriately.

In my mind though, meat does not do these things, so I wondering how you came to know that eating meat specifically causes these things?

For example, I can point to Leo, Joe Rogan, the Petersons, and many more who report physical and mental health benefits of going on meat only diet - literally the benefits you report without a meat based diet is what they report on their meat based diet. Why is that?

@SgtPepper You know I cant really prove any of that. Dont get me wrong in not making it up, I could come up with multiple articles that back up what I say all day but I could also find articles that say the opposite. Me stating these things is based on one side of the research and personal experience. I cant get you belief or understanding from personal experience. Give a try and get personal experience is all i can tell you. Go vegan for 1 month and I'm confident you would agree with at least half of those things. If I'm wrong rub it in my face. Of course these things are so case by case that we probably wont agree on them all and im.not claiming going vegan is a Guarantee for every single one of those things for every single person. 

Excluding good health. If you are eating a proper vegan diet (proper! Not Oreos and processed food) you will have better health. What do you think being vegan is excluding from your diet? Cholesterol, not much else.(unless ypu have certain underlying health problems of course)

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6 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   *United Nations ?

   That's a very loaded assumption. Don't lump me up as a meat lover. I'm merely pointing out how relatively complex a diet is to raising consciousness in a person. Raising consciousness in a group through diet is a whole other level of complex.

   Leo, due to his recent health issues with veggies and fruits, has gone through many health methodologies, like fasting and carnivore diet temporarily to try and heal his health. And so far, they have worked a little bit for his health, and interesting thing is how he reports how eating meat only for now, has made him feel better consciously. Are we gonna just ignore his findings on how he experienced a raising in consciousness in eating meat only? This is part of his elimination diet and he does plan to slowly change back to a more optimized veggie diet, but in case you haven't heard, he did say that if that's not possible at all, he would rather eat meat only, as eating veggies and whatever GMO, pesticide, chem or whatever is in them nowadays, is triggering severe pain in him, and hampering his ability to shoot videos we all love to watch here.

   I am just pointing out how each side of the issue, not just the vegans and the meat lovers, and others who diet differently like eating insects for example, have different cognitive, moral, consciousness development and epistemic upbringings on their group's way of diet, or that particular person's diet. Each one experiences that particular food differently from person to person, and group to group.

   OP hasn't clarified the nature of how we should have discourse in this thread, but let's keep it civil and keep trolling to a minimum plz.


Great points @Danioover9000, keep up the quality! meet is healthy guys n gurlz, throw away your food biases and get a nice healthy steak! 


Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

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Often arteriosclerosis causes Alzheimer's and Dementia together with heme Iron is the last point that was made I checked. And it seems reasonable. @Adodd

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4 hours ago, Adodd said:


Haha fair enough.

I guess I didnt explain myself well. I dont really think being vegan "raises" your consciousness . I think that veganism is choosing to acknowledge the suffering, health problems, and damage to the planet that we are causing with our diets. I think ignoring these things because your culture told you too or because you don't care is a low conscious decision.  Leo is doing neither of these things he is aware of what is going on but has health problems and he has different health and nutritional needs. I am glad he is finding what works for him and happy for anyone else in a similar health situation as him. But thats not most people. I dont think the world should become vegan thats ridiculous. But most of us in  developed countries certainly could become healthy vegans and make a huge difference to most life on the planet in doing so. 

You see no trolling from me anywhere on this forum.

   The last bit was a blanket statement for some who do, not intended to you specifically. Overall I agree that a carefully balanced approach is necessary, keeping in mind how a food effects the body and mind can widely vary. I don't agree with when one side says their diets the bestest, and then turns around and preaches that this should be all humanity eats in the whole wide world forever, and demonize people who eat differently. That's when it gets ridiculous to me.

   We are lucky to not reach a situation where humanity is too over populated, and we end up eating green cookies as the only diet available.

P S. Bonus points to anyone who knows the name of the film this is based on.

Edited by Danioover9000

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