
Are We Really Living When We're Alive?

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(Video Version Below) What does it mean to be alive? Enough food, water, shelter, clothing and security to be have even the slightest consciousness? With that definition, someone could be well chained, worked to death and starved, and still be considered alive. But are those people living? Actually technically and figuratively they are not as the definition of living is pursuit and embodying activities of a lifestyle. Those poor Jews were alive but not living.

Does the average person seek to be alive or seek to be living? Do you genuinely seek to be living or alive? What are you currently focusing the most attention on? Working to have a stable life, going the “safe” routes in life or perhaps you’re living on the edge and really enjoying life? Take a moment to realize your mindset is a glorified and easy version of someone in a concentration camp.

Now you may think well this isn’t a bad thing that I want to survive is it? No, unless it is destroying your life into living out of fear and instead of joy. Think of it this way, would you rather have 50 years of hell fighting to survive or 20 years of pure absolute joy? What were you choosing all these years?

Yes, your cozy mediocre work may not be starvation and slave labor but are you really maxing out your potential for life. How many lives do you live that you can be boiling in mediocrity instead of creating something you actually care about. Those in concentration camps literally can’t fully pursue their ambitions and dreams, what's your bullshit excuse? This is the 21st century, a time of massive opportunity and resources!

Now your life's not gonna change overnight but you can start by doing little things you secretly wanted to but made up bullshit excuses not to do aka fear. Things such as ride a rollercoaster, take an art class, try out a club, read a book, go on a retreat, hitchhike 30 miles. These things will be the first dominos in chasing a life you want. Things that may seem hard but you know that besides your fears they’re actually quite easy to do.

Essentially you must suffer a bit to live, or not suffer a bit and suffer forever in “safety”


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