
Behold God, the end of philosophy

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I experienced what this books says in 2016 and still do, by no other means that: a park, my body, my breath, my thought. No books, no internet, no distraction. 

This is a book i discovered in 2021 that backs up my experience years ago

Take a peek, tell me your opinions




Edited by Goldzilla



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Ramtha: "Immortality you have openly rejected, and for that you will die and return here again and again and again. Thus here you are again after ten and one-half million years of living here, and yet you hold onto your disbeliefs. God, the totality of thought, is a grand stage indeed. And he allows you to write your own script and play it, part by part, upon the stage. And when your curtains are drawn, the last word is spoken and the last bow is taken, you die. For what reason? Because you, supreme lawmaker, believe you will."

Edited by Goldzilla



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Ramtha: "When you realize that you have the power to think yourself
into ignorance, disease, and death, you will also realize that you have the power to become grander simply by opening yourself up to a more unlimited thought flow, which allows you to have greater genius, greater creativity, and life forever. When you realize that the God who created the body in the first place is the power that sits within you, then your body will never age or become diseased, nor will it ever perish. But as long as you hold onto your beliefs and limit your thinking, you will never experience the unlimitedness which gave glory to the morning sun and mystery to the evening sky."

Edited by Goldzilla



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Ramtha: "What happens when you have decreed yourself to perish
from this place? Well, the body dies but you who think, in the silentness behind your eyes, always live. When you leave this plane, if you choose to die, the true you will not be buried into the ground and go to the worm and then to ash. You are ongoing with the wind. Where you go is where you came from, and there you decide what you wish to do upon your next adventure, for that is what this all is. And you shall return here however many times you desire to return until you reclaim your identity as God. Then you are off on a grander adventure indeed, in another heaven, in another place. You are loved greater than you have ever imagined, for no
matter what you do, you will still live. So why have you worried? Why have you fought? Why have you diseased yourself? Why have you sorrowed yourself? Why have you limited yourself? Why have you not enjoyed the splendor of the sunrise, the freedom of the wind, and the laughter of a child? Why have you not lived instead of struggling?"



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Ramtha: "Death is not a necessary rule in this kingdom. It is far easier to take the body with you. Then you never have to be born again through the birth canal and come into a consciousness which regretfully does not accept your memory. "

Edited by Goldzilla



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If you ask me if i am awakened or enlightened, i will not respond. Even if i said what awakening or enlightenment is, i don't care so much about concepts. 

I will simply say, i know how to glow my body and go beyond what is established. I simply know how to take my body into another level of perception and being. To those of my inner circle they know this, they have seen me glow etc. To those who want to learn this, that is another subject. 

This being the main reason i have this all powerful attitude and kinda speak from authority, because i know what i'm talking about and can prove this, not only in concepts and words. I'm trying to be kind, but man, sometimes is too boring to be pleasing. 

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"He who knows how to live can walk abroad
Without fear of rhinoceros or tiger.
He will not be wounded in battle.
For in him rhinoceroses can find no place to thrust their horn,
Tigers can find no place to use their claws,
And weapons no place to pierce.
Why is this so? Because he has no place for death to enter."

~Tao Te Ching - Chapter 50

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@Nos7algiK Good quote, cheers. 

I think is time to dwelve more into what human beings can do, instead of limitations. 

Occupying the mind with waiting a realization to happen, will never occur. 



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4 minutes ago, Goldzilla said:

@Nos7algiK Good quote, cheers. 

I think is time to dwelve more into what human beings can do, instead of limitations. 

Occupying the mind with waiting a realization to happen, will never occur. 

I'm sure there is much we can do as humans that is unknown or sounds unbelievable to us at this moment. The dream realm would be a good parallel to our potential. But, regardless of what doing is being done, nothing is gained or lost. The most powerful induvial of all, is one who holds the keys to the universe. But, remains content with the mystery behind the lock itself.

More so, the realization of potential empties the cup to be filled with what "can be". Which can be anything. But, the cup will never be filled because "can be" is not "will be" nor is it now, but rather never.

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Question: do you fellow humans still believe auto suggestions of thought is just another trickery? Or identifying with something higher than the body is a joke? Or simply identifying with "God" to become more than human? 

When you will start to do this like for real, not only a mind game, it will happen for you. Only if you believe your own affirmations and stick with them if they are true, on a basis of life and death it will occur. 



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15 minutes ago, Nos7algiK said:

I'm sure there is much we can do as humans that is unknown or sounds unbelievable to us at this moment. The dream realm would be a good parallel to our potential. But, regardless of what doing is being done, nothing is gained or lost. The most powerful induvial of all, is one who holds the keys to the universe. But, remains content with the mystery behind the lock itself.

More so, the realization of potential empties the cup to be filled with what "can be". Which can be anything. But, the cup will never be filled because "can be" is not "will be" nor is it now, but rather never.

Yes indeed. Being the reason i came again with Shambahvi Mudra to the practice an speak about it. Because to open the dream world and access that, being awake, fast and without too much yada yada, looking up while meditating will unlock and surprize you as you would not believe is possible. 



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3 minutes ago, Goldzilla said:

Yes indeed. Being the reason i came again with Shambahvi Mudra to the practice an speak about it. Because to open the dream world and access that, being awake, fast and without too much yada yada, looking up while meditating will unlock and surprize you as you would not believe is possible. 

For the general audience the first step to truly believing is to witness a miracle or some type of mystical experience in order to confirm it's possible. Unless someone has already done tons of work, is already gifted, and/or takes psychedelics the separation of what occurs within dream and reality is usually to hard of a wall to break just by hearing(reading) someone say it alone.

The ego feels very comfortable with it's own limitations. But, the ego is what is limiting their outside perspective and their ability to confirm these mystical experiences. Once "powers" are unlocked inside the self they will be reflected outwardly to others as a normality of reality. If you wish others to drink from the wellspring of prosperity, you must first dig the hole to the water yourself instead of waiting for another to do it for you or believing it's impossible for there is no water to be found.

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Maybe i'll make a video about practical demonstration or some kind of meetings with those interested, will see. Because yeah, people appreciate more the i see it i get it. 



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This better be a good video tomorrow leo if your releasing one because this Godzilla guy has lost the plot?. Has been humouring me of late onto everything ? heads gone???

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Edited by Goldzilla



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6 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

This better be a good video tomorrow leo if your releasing one because this Godzilla guy has lost the plot?. Has been humouring me of late onto everything ? heads gone???

That's the whole point ?



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