Pauline Bureau

Consciousness Broadening And Consequences On Family Relationship

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Hi everyone,

I can't prevent myself from being scared about the fact that the process toward enlightenment could lead me to distance myself from my family or to feel more alone since it is becoming a bigger part in my life that I can't share with them (they are not a at all into spirituality-consciousness and they would think I got into a sect If I try to explain it to them). How do you deal with that ? Are you able to remain close to your family even if they are at a lower level of consciousness  ? 


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Hi! Great question. One I actually struggled with for a while, actually. I wanted to move far away, be secluded from everyone in some forest for the rest of my days. My family just wouldn’t understand me, they just don’t understand! They’re just low conscious fools, too blind to see the light!

But then… I realized that’s bullshit ego talk. The more you come into understanding, the more your wildest reactionary thoughts will dissipate. Your family is fine. Your relationships are fine. How they live their lives and interact with the world is fine. They don’t need to know your mental state. If you feel they are suffering, there’s nothing you can do to help them. Nothing needs to be changed.

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Thanks for your answer, but does it mean that you have found a way to reconnect with them ? 

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Hi Pauline!

I would like to take a swing at this one.:)

There is a faulty premise in you statement - "Since it's becoming a bigger part of my life that I can't share with them". 

Let that go sister. Enlightenment is MORE you. It is less of the personality you and more of the you that is aware it is everything. An enlightened you holds the perspective of love when others sense lack. An enlightened you holds the perspective of abundance when others sense shortage. See that you are your family and they are you. See that everything is one. You don't need to explain a single thing to anyone, ever. Continue to pursue your enlightenment. It is the only worthwhile endeavor. As you progress, your family will like what they see, like what they hear. You will love them more and more as time passes. Just keep on your path. If ever you feel less that great, you have found yourself yet another wonderful opportunity to allow yourself to see as the universe sees, because you are the universe, and the universe IS love. Dissonance - or any bad feeling, is the result of you holding a perspective on something - while your inner self (the universe) is holding a pure positive perspective of bliss. See it the universe's way. This is what is meant by "letting go". You are letting go of your "me" or "seperate" perspective, and simply allowing yourself to see as the universe within you is seeing. 


Also, this may help when it comes to your perspective on your family - there is no "lower level of consciousness". Does a deer have a lower level of consciousness? Of course not. The deer IS consciousness. The deer does not have a cerebral cortex to add it's opinion to it's perspective. It simply is the universe. It just is. Rock on Pauline! 



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@Pauline Bureau The question you really gotta ask yourself is, Are you actually close to your family now?

Probably not as close as you think. Most families are stuck in a coping pattern, looping over and over. How do you imagine that will end?

Egos can't really relate or love each other because they are too busy wrapped up in their own crap.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Pauline Bureau why would you want enlightenment? the only fuel for enlightenment is suffering.

if you're suffering, there's no reason not to want to be free from it.
if you're not suffering, don't drown in another ego race towards a new achievement.

unborn Truth

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You are doing yourself a disservice if you don't surround yourself with like minded people if you can.

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14 hours ago, Pauline Bureau said:

Hi everyone,

I can't prevent myself from being scared about the fact that the process toward enlightenment could lead me to distance myself from my family or to feel more alone since it is becoming a bigger part in my life that I can't share with them (they are not a at all into spirituality-consciousness and they would think I got into a sect If I try to explain it to them). How do you deal with that ? Are you able to remain close to your family even if they are at a lower level of consciousness  ? 


Can you ever know what's going to happen? Maybe you will distance yourself or maybe you will come closer to your family. You simply cannot know. Picking up a glass of water for the intent of drinking the water you cannot be certain that you will.

Maybe you can ease you mind a little by the fact that I have come closer to my family. Because there is no neediness anymore. No attempt to change who they are to fit my needs. Just acceptance of them. Unconditional love.

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