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Overcoming Resistance

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I am trying to practise acceptance of myself, and my life situation. Although not material, over the past year I have experience a tremendous amount of personal growth, with of course a lot of ups and downs. Despite this, with nothing being particularly wrong about my life, I am having some trouble living and being at peace with how life is. This includes going back into old bad habits of smoking weed/vaping, not meditating and being quite horny etc. General Lower chakra drives. On an overall level I am still happy at where my life/personal psychology is.

How do I over come this state of resistance? Should I just allow this phase to play out? Should accept the period of resistance that I am going through without trying to resist it? 

I wouldn't say I am having a fall blown ego-backlash, but something of the sort. I still have certain unprocessed trauma/neurosis and mental blockages that need to be attended to

I feel like I am at the edge of extreme breakthrough, but just struggling to get over the final hurdles...

Any help?

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