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Questions about death

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All I can tell you for sure is that it will never stop being Now.  And since you are the Now, you will never stop existing. What exactly is experienced at the point of bodily death, who knows… ?  Perhaps these reported Near Death Experiences can give us a clue.  If you haven’t already, you should look into the phenomenon. It’s utterly fascinating. 

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Here’s a great example of the typical uniform NDE.  One of my favorites.  To me, the most fascinating part is what people report when they enter “the light.” 

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Life is so beautiful, but it would not be so beautiful if there was no death. Just think - if you go on and on and on living, a point will come where you would like to die. You have lived enough; now life itself has become a boring experience, because it is the same round every day and the wheel has moved for so many years, again and again.

When I say life is dialectical I mean it exists between two polarities, and both the polarities help each other. You cannot take one polarity away; if you take one away the other will also disappear. The silence is beautiful but the great moment arrives when you understand that the noise of the marketplace is beautiful too, because the beautiful silence and the beautiful noise are part of one whole. The day and the night, the summer and the winter, childhood and old age, birth and death, all have tremendous beauty. The moment you see the beauty of both together you have transcended them.

This transcendental experience you can call enlightenment, you can call awakening, you can call realization, you can call the truth - these are only different names for the same experience. But our mind always goes on trying to keep one and avoid the other.

To see contrast as complementary is to become mature. Then you don't want to drop anything, then you don't want to escape from the world, then whatever happens, you love it. The beginning of life has its own place and the end of life has its own place, and they both enrich each other.

There is no need to get out of the game. The game is tremendously beautiful. Just understand that this is the game, and because of the game we have divided it into two parts; otherwise nobody is the enemy, not even death. In this absolute acceptance of everything you have already gone beyond.




Edited by gettoefl

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@gettoefl beautiful. I love osho. 

You spoke earlier about karma and reincarnation.. What evidence do you have of reincarnation?

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28 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@gettoefl beautiful. I love osho. 

You spoke earlier about karma and reincarnation.. What evidence do you have of reincarnation?

thank you i always enjoy your questions and i'm glad you liked that even if a little off topic ...

evidence is scientific materialist paradigm, it is intellectual game, only works up to 500 level of consciousness 

truth is radically subjective and has to be found within

in any case, i am still pretty new on the spiritual quest so most of the time what i write is just trying to make sense of stuff i am hearing within

i am no authority except to myself

karma and reincarnation seem wholly obvious from all insights i have gotten

karma is simply as you sow so you reap, fruit may not even come this life time but it certainly comes, existence keeps track of every little thing so love is always the better choice compared to fear

Edited by gettoefl

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another thing i got is

existence itself has no memory, it doesn't need it, it knows itself by being itself

it just keeps morphing into ever more beautiful shapes, but as infinity it is still the same

HOWEVER the pockets of consciousness do remember ... if your consciousness is 300 last life, that is how you will start off this life

consciousness is on a ever more evolved journey towards perfecting itself

and perfecting remarkably as it sounds, has no limit

this dance can continue forever


Edited by gettoefl

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Every human being has the possibility to choose to live or die (not talking about accidents). On this planet, death is not the rule. Is a man made invention. 

I don't believe in death anymore, is a social construct. Can be transcended. 



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On 8/12/2021 at 9:07 AM, Someone here said:

The scientific approach to death is that when you die, the machinery that generates those memories of who you were, those ideas of who you might be, and your awareness of those thoughts and of the world currently around you now and how you feel about it, that machinery stops working. So those thoughts cease to be. Sadly, then, I fear that when you die, that is a permanent end to present awareness.

Is it true that after you die.. It will be just like before you were born? Completely lights out?  Or am I going to pop up out of nowhere again  mysteriously just like my previous birth?  And why do I find myself anxious about both possibilities? 

Completely lights out for this current body-mind that you call you? Yes. But notice how that's basically nonsensical, since there will be no one there experiencing the lights out. The reason, so to speak, that it is nonsensical is of course: there is no separate and finite self present already.

So there will certainly be no knowing end of awareness. It will be like before you were born, as it always was, and is now --  nobody knows they aren't aware of separate objects. There just aren't any separate objects, nor anything separate from wholeness, at all. Nobody even knows whether or not they're actually aware of separate objects, even if they think/dream that they know (experience a separate world)... in the end, because there isn't anyone separate from everything that could know. There is only the absolute, which is the relative and can appear as I AM.

There is no death separate from birth -- i.e. there is no death.

This is already birth and death simultaneously; you imagined that your birth happened in the past -- imagination (the storyhas no limit... there's nothing beyond the appearance of everything, which is inseparable from the apparent story, which is as real as it is unreal... and, actually... without limit -- this is actually the aspect that is apparently hidden in apparent bondage -- the sheer amount of story that goes into making "looking at a screen" believable, sensical, somewhat not chaotic, and ordinary is absolutely staggering, and indeed without limit... There is no separation of any kind at all -- there is only everything (which is nothing), this is the whole thing, and it isn't moving... this fact hides in the apparent actual limitedness of the story, which appears automatically when time and distance are experienced to be real.

Psychedelic breakthrough experience or God-Realization can give you a hint, but only a hint, of what it might be like. It's indescribable because it's outside the realm of time. And it can reveal the infinite nature of the story -- as inseparable from literally everything.

As for why you find yourself anxious about both possibilities? Because all fear is fear of change; expansion; death; freedom.

Edited by The0Self

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How do you know that there is any difference between everyday experience and what it feels to be dead? Death is just a belief/word. Being has no opposite and doesn't need anything to be, it is because it is Being. In order to understand it, you have to deconstruct your mind. 

"I ask you only to stop imagining that you were born, have parents, are a body, will die and so on. Just try, make a beginning. It is not as hard as you think." - Nisargadatta Maharaj

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On 12/08/2021 at 7:56 PM, gettoefl said:

everything happening to you in this life is for the purpose of working out your karma from your past lives

for example you were a victim last time you need to learn to be a victor etc.

it is all up to you

ego came here solely for that purpose, it is a machine to resolve karma

you are not ego of course, so you can let ego do its thing or you can fight and resist

if so meet me a century from now and tell me how right i am

if you do let ego do its thing, then you are done with all this silliness for good

ps you shouldn't believe a word i tell you of course

what would surely serve you is to discover inside of yourself what happened last time out

to make you this way now

Good ☝ one!

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