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Questions about death

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The scientific approach to death is that when you die, the machinery that generates those memories of who you were, those ideas of who you might be, and your awareness of those thoughts and of the world currently around you now and how you feel about it, that machinery stops working. So those thoughts cease to be. Sadly, then, I fear that when you die, that is a permanent end to present awareness.

Is it true that after you die.. It will be just like before you were born? Completely lights out?  Or am I going to pop up out of nowhere again  mysteriously just like my previous birth?  And why do I find myself anxious about both possibilities? 

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The materialism approach * 

Science cant say what the things are just how it behaves, if they make a claim about reality it is metaphysics. 

We have been brain washed with the metaphysics of materialism our entire life.

If one smashes the radio, does the signal also die?

The nature of impermanence is applicible to death as well.

Look when winter is here and all plant life is "dead" just to be resurrected at spring. 

Reality does not come and go, it is always there in one form or another, and thats your truest nature.

The ground of being is pure potential and awareness.


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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So then what happens exactly when you apparently "die" and cease to be the human you're currently are? 

  I think 'present awareness' is what the sense of being a Self amounts to, moment by moment. And as that correlates with brain activity, it's hard for me to believe it continues after brain death. The Big Sleep, dreamless, and no alarm clock.

But we don't understand consciousness, so you never know.

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@Someone here the existence of 'you', and the existence of 'death' are mutually exclusive.

“Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.” — Epicurus.

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Of course nobody knows for sure because the only people we can actually ask are alive.  Only those who have clinically died and been revived have a glimpse into what may happen.  The theme of near death experiences are almost completely universal, which makes them all the more interesting.  Of course skeptics will talk about how these experiences are just a brain reaction to the stress of dying.  So it is impossible to know for sure.

After all the work I have done, I can honestly say I have absolutely no fear of death no matter what happens.  Zero.  I love life, and don't want to die but when it is my time, I'm good to go.  Having an ego death experience isn't the same as a near death experience, but the realization is still that there is nothing to fear about no longer being you.  In fact if "feels" liberating.  If death is everything that makes up me stops existing, why be afraid of that because I have no memory of existing before I was born?  If death is a kind of transition back into the oneness of the divine (what I personally believe), nothing to fear there.  If I somehow have a soul that carries my personality and memories of this life into the next life, nothing to fear there.  So I have covered my bets and there is nothing to fear.  Of course for a fundamentalist Christian who believes in eternal damnation, there might be fear.  I don't know much, but I do know there is no such thing as hell as some place our souls are tortured forever.  The is a belief created by people to control other people.  

One area where psychedelics have been shown to really help is with death anxiety for the terminally ill. 

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3 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist.” — Epicurus.

But this assumes that after death there is nothing. What if consciousness continues after death In some different form? 

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18 minutes ago, Someone here said:


So then what happens exactly when you apparently "die" and cease to be the human you're currently are? 

  I think 'present awareness' is what the sense of being a Self amounts to, moment by moment. And as that correlates with brain activity, it's hard for me to believe it continues after brain death. The Big Sleep, dreamless, and no alarm clock.

But we don't understand consciousness, so you never know.

It is still NDE's where there is zero brain activity that one finally feels free and become one with All, if one studies NDE's.

I dont know what happens after death but iam looking forward to know about it but not until it is my time ?

Either i will know it or not.

But materialism just try to explain away every NDE's as hallucination but there is zero evidence for that since the brain has no output or activity.

Materialism explain everything away as hallucination when they can't contain it in their limited view of reality,  ever noticed that?

We do understand conciousness better then any scientist trying to explain it away with abstract theories.

Mystics and meditation Masters is in my honest opinion "people" who understand conciousness.

Not a lab coat who studies electrical activity of the brain.

Is it not weird that we can explain much but not that which is the most fundamental to who we are?

Life and conciousness

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Someone here this assumes nothing of the sort.. 'consciousness' and 'death' are mutually exclusive.  If consciousness is, death isn't.   Is the 'you' who you were yesterday dead, or did consciousness continue in some different form?  What's the difference?  

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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everything happening to you in this life is for the purpose of working out your karma from your past lives

for example you were a victim last time you need to learn to be a victor etc.

it is all up to you

ego came here solely for that purpose, it is a machine to resolve karma

you are not ego of course, so you can let ego do its thing or you can fight and resist

if so meet me a century from now and tell me how right i am

if you do let ego do its thing, then you are done with all this silliness for good

ps you shouldn't believe a word i tell you of course

what would surely serve you is to discover inside of yourself what happened last time out

to make you this way now

Edited by gettoefl

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I would say that it happens to you as if you are anesthetized with propofol but eternally. you disappear, period. the question is, what are you now? I would say that you are nothing more than a point of view, an experience, something apparent. All your history is nothing, like an hologram. You turn it of and it's done.  I do not get to the bottom of the question, that would be enlightened, but I sense it. the absolute that you really are continues as always, being. Well,  not continue, here is the difficult part, there is no continuity because it does not happen in the time, and because it really is nothing. So how anything apparently occurs? How an experience happens from the no experience?

what I don't understand is why all enlightened masters speak of reincarnation. who is reincarnated?

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1 hour ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Someone here this assumes nothing of the sort.. 'consciousness' and 'death' are mutually exclusive.  If consciousness is, death isn't.   Is the 'you' who you were yesterday dead, or did consciousness continue in some different form?  What's the difference?  


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1 hour ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Someone here this assumes nothing of the sort.. 'consciousness' and 'death' are mutually exclusive.  If consciousness is, death isn't.   Is the 'you' who you were yesterday dead, or did consciousness continue in some different form?  What's the difference?  

No relatively speaking. The "me" I was yesterday didn't die. And it will not die until the person you are at the moment of death. At least that's how we like to view it. 

In conclusion.. Are you saying "Once you're dead that's it. So make the most of your life while you've got it." 

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One question is this, when spiritual awakening happens, why is it universal that the fear of death instantly vanishes?

It is obvious conciousness has been forever at that moment and that there is no where to go 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

am I going to pop up out of nowhere again  mysteriously just like my previous birth? 


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4 hours ago, Someone here said:

The scientific approach to death is that when you die, the machinery that generates those memories of who you were, those ideas of who you might be, and your awareness of those thoughts and of the world currently around you now and how you feel about it, that machinery stops working. So those thoughts cease to be. Sadly, then, I fear that when you die, that is a permanent end to present awareness.

Is it true that after you die.. It will be just like before you were born? Completely lights out?  Or am I going to pop up out of nowhere again  mysteriously just like my previous birth?  And why do I find myself anxious about both possibilities? 

The real question is what is death? If you assume that you are the body, so when it so called dies, body is still here, so where are you? ?what are you? these are just attachments with thoughts, i have body, i am in the universe, i have born, going to die vsvs. If you say oh my heart will stop working, or my mind will stop, how many times did you help your heart or mind to work? ?

Edited by James12345

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9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@James12345 I'm speaking about physical death. Death of the body. Do you know what I mean? 

Lets say this in a easy way. Before your birth or during your sleep thats what real you is. Just being. When you die, it will be the same way, you wont even remember who you are and what you are. Just surrender. Real you is always there. Nothing can happen to You, because You are it. You will just give what you borrow, which will be death for you. Thats it. You wont even remember yourself, as sleep and as how your birth was. Lol. 

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Absolutely speaking, "you" were never "alive" to begin with.

All of this conceptualizing is myopic belief-making.

It's Love.

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7 minutes ago, James12345 said:

Lets say this in a easy way. Before your birth or during your sleep thats what real you is. Just being. When you die, it will be the same way, you wont even remember who you are and what you are. Just surrender. Real you is always there. Nothing can happen to You, because You are it. You will just give what you borrow, which will be death for you. Thats it. You wont even remember yourself, as sleep and as how your birth was. Lol. 

And how do you know that?

You didn't die yet. 

Edited by Someone here

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