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If Nobody can verify your awakening for you...

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For me, this Truth realization thing is more or less as having confidence/self esteem.

No Matter how much you read, watch, learn, think, go to a coach, or whatever, Nobody can ever Tell you "you are fine as you are", because that would be outsourcing your confidence and esteem to others. That would be thinking again that your confidence or self love is in anyway conditional to What you say or do.

Confidence or self esteem is blind faith. Blind love. Lol. 

So i see Truth as the same.

Nobody can ever verify for me that i have realized Truth. I Will not be Able to verify that my awakening is legit EVER. Why? Because that would Mean that i am outsourcing the truth to another person/Guru. And they could be wrong.

But, in the other Hand, is the same problem. Because if Truth could be this thing outside of me, then it would be possible to verify It. I would just have to "go outside" my subjetive experience and bias, and CHECK TRUTH! (More or less like science likes to brag about).

But i cant. Never.

Only i can decide What IS truth. My authority is total and final. And that is terryfing. That means i Will not ever be Able to verify the truth of existence.

Ill have always to take the realization or discovery of the true nature of reality as a leap of faith. A guessing. You CAN ALWAYS doubt It. Because here you are, Alone in your own authority. Nobody can verify It for you Lol.

Quite the mindfuck. Truth is not posible. Until you Tell yourself It is.( In that case that would be you assuming that truth is possible)

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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However, the word truth here refers to the supposed actual/real nature of the story:

14 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Only i can decide What IS truth. My authority is total and final. And that is terryfing. That means i Will not ever be Able to verify the truth of existence.

Ill have always to take the realization or discovery of the true nature of reality as a leap of faith. A guessing. You CAN ALWAYS doubt It. Because here you are, Alone in your own authority. Nobody can verify It for you Lol.

Quite the mindfuck. Truth is not posible. Until you Tell yourself It is.( In that case that would be you assuming that truth is possible)

Your word truth here refers to the real/actual circumstance that the story (or infinite imagination) refers to. But the thing is, there is no real circumstance, so nothing is referred to by "truth" -- the appearance of the universe/story is simply what it is... absolute truth. The reality of the universe/story is the dream.

Can't be known, because knowing is it too. It intuitively regards itself as absolute (which is why it's sometimes called an intuitive recognition by no one) -- so yes in a way you could actually say there is a faith or trust, but it's not the kind of faith that could be paired with doubt... and it's not a belief. i.e. no belief + no denial.

Edited by The0Self

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have you ever said

i think i love you


truth is unmistakable, blindingly luminous, overwhelmingly self evident

and once seen, cannot be unseen

bit like love

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Well, i can demonstrate RL the awakening state for others, that can be done. 

What are you saying never and never, is only a delusion of duality. Those awakened know each other, laugh about it, hahahaha. 

So, before being so sure about what you are saying, go and experience the real deal, it will surprize you. 


This thing of awakening is like this, examples:

Is like explaining what psychedelics are and feel, to those who never tried them. 

Is like explaining someone what a love relationship is before they did not experience that. 

Is like me now showing you how can i change a circumstance according to my will and you don't believe that. 

So, the clear point is. Those who did not experience spiritual awakening, they don't have a clue about all of this, they can read all the books in the world, and they will not be able to grasp this without experience. So, is not debatable what i'm saying here. 

Is like explaining to a kid how to be an adult, same thing. Cannot be done. 

Edited by Goldzilla



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Every worthwhile enlightened teacher had the confidence and balls to tell people exactly where they stand in their own opinion. Locking in realizations is like 90% confidence 10% content of the awakening. It’s more powerful to be convinced you’re awake than to be unsure even if you had deeper awakenings as far as baseline shifts go. If you can actually convince yourself, there will be baseline changes which align with that belief. At a certain point you know it’s impossible to know to such a degree that this becomes an aspect of what you know. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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You can be extremely confident and very deluded at the same time.

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If you realize the truth, the doubt you will have about it is zero. If there is the slightest doubt, keep going deeper with passion. not looking to be better, happier. look for the truth when you have seen that you lived in a dream and something true was hinted at behind, huge. It seems that when you really want it, you realize it, like in the walt Disney movies hehe. But you have to really want it not for something, only the truth, whatever it is

Edited by Breakingthewall

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every word you have ever typed

is god's truth and nothing but the truth

according to your level of consciousness

today's taliban press conference?

god's truth on display for all to see

forgive me lord for arguing and getting angry with folks all the time

each person is doing the absolute best they can with the lot they were dealt

each person is balancing the weight on the world on their shoulders

each person is carrying deep wounds scars trauma dogma karma

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On 8/11/2021 at 9:10 AM, Javfly33 said:

Only i can decide What IS truth. My authority is total and final. And that is terryfing. That means i Will not ever be Able to verify the truth of existence.

Quite the mindfuck. Truth is not posible. Until you Tell yourself It is.( In that case that would be you assuming that truth is possible)

You don't decide what is truth, you reveal it.  Deciding what is truth is pure delusion, narcissism, solipsism, nihilism and all around insanity.  Deciding is pure ego.  Realizing truth is the only way.

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