
A theory of higher-dimensional entities viewed through the lens of Eastern Philosophy

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Note: I originally posted this on Curt Jaimungal’s r/TheoriesOfEverything subreddit, but since it has relevance to this sub as well, I’ll cross-post it here too.


In a recent “Theories of Everything” youtube episode, that dealth with the subject of UFOs and UAPs (might have been the one with Luis Elizondo), Curt Jaimungal expressed his frustration in trying to imagine what a higher-dimensional being might even be like.


This prompted me to give my own perspective.


I am assuming that Curt has ancestors from the Indian Subcontinent and is therefore familiar with the beings known as the Devas. Deva means shining one and is used to denote the deities and gods of the major indigenous religions of India, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. We usually translate Devas as Gods, but that is somewhat misleading as Devas were not originally believed to have the attributes of what we in the West conceive of as a being that is omnipotent and omniscient, or even immortal, for that matter.


Devas are extremely long-lived, sometimes with life-spans nearly as long as the universe itself. They are believed to be beings of light and are mostly distinguished by their awesome effulgence and radiance. Although some are believed to reside on other planets, their place of abode is usually signified as existing on a higher plane of existence. These higher planes of existence, I believe, are substantially, realms that exist in more dimensions than ours does.


Michio Kaku actually writes about this in his books, as an interesting side-note on String Theory. He posits, theoretically, what the characteristics of a higher-dimensional being might be. These include abilities such as time travel, seeing past, present and future, the ability to enter lower-dimensional (that is our) reality at will and exit it at any given point, both in time and space, the ability to pass through solid objects without resistance, etc…


Notice, how his descriptions overlap substantially with the abilities ascribed to both supernatural beings and UFOs. I believe this is where the two phenomena do meet and an intersection between the two becomes too obvious to ignore.


During my own spiritual practice, I have encountered such beings, who, to my satisfaction, were entirely real, though I realise of course that such personal accounts would not cut it in the field of empirical science. Still, if you will indulge me for a minute and put your scepticism aside, I believe some of my experiences with higher-dimensional beings may be instructive in understanding the nature of reality, the existence of high-strangeness events surrounding UFOs and many other mysteries that we are constantly baffled by.


My own very first encounter was with a Goddess of the Sumerian pantheon, known as Inana, who later morphed into many different deities in different cultures as her cult spread east and west, becoming, among others, Durga, Astarte and Aphrodite.


I encountered her as I was undergoing a spiritual process known as Kundalini Awakening (the famous Quantum Physicist Carl Friedrich Von Weizsacker, wrote about this in his foreword to Gopi Krishna’s very first book, where he analysed the Kundalini mechanism’s philosophical and scientific significance), which was causing a great deal of difficulty in my life. I connected to this ancient deity through artefacts connected to her worship exhibited at the British Museum in London.


I won’t go into the details of our encounter here, except to note that it was very similar to what others, who have also gone through a similar spiritual experience have reported over the millennia, usually in connection with tantric deities, belonging to the Hindu and Buddhist pantheons. The interesting point here is what kind of insights my encounters can give us into the nature of higher-dimensional existence.


I would draw your attention to the Buddhist classification of planes of existence, or lokas, as they are called in Sanskrit, a good summary can be found here:

The Thirty-one Planes of Existence (accesstoinsight.org)


Subsequent to my visitation by Inana, I was given a brief insight into two of the highest planes on the list:


(29) Infinite Consciousness (viññanañcayatanupaga deva)

(28) Infinite Space (akasanañcayatanupaga deva)

Where, it is said, that: “ The inhabitants of these realms are possessed entirely of mind. Having no physical body, they are unable to hear Dhamma teachings.”


My experience on the plane of infinite consciousness, was that of unending bliss and joy, omniscience, boundlessness and a complete lack of dimensionality.


This part is very hard to explain, but I experienced a complete lack of dimensions, as well as an infinite number of dimensions at the same time. There was no space and time and yet, they were also infinite. Perhaps I experienced the two highest planes in this fashion, which is hard to establish without other first-hand accounts to compare my experience to, but the progressions described in Buddhist teachings is how I experienced them. The two highest planes are described as thus:


(31) Neither-perception-nor-non-perception (nevasaññanasaññayatanupaga deva)          

(30) Nothingness (akiñcaññayatanupaga deva)


The other experience I had was that of universality, it felt like I was the whole universe in myself and there was nothing beyond me. This also gave me the experience of omniscience, in that when I was in this universal state, however briefly (significantly less than an hour), I understood everything. All the questions I ever had about the universe, existence, the meaning of life, etc… were instantly answered and all the knowledge of the universe was available to me in a manner that would be utterly impossible to experience with the limitations of a physical body.


Another noteworthy feature of this expansive experience was that of light. It was everywhere, overwhelming, indescribably joyous and blissful, all-pervading, intelligent and contained incredible amounts of knowledge and wisdom. I myself became that light for a brief period. When I expanded into this infinite state, my body and with it, the physical world was left entirely behind. Subsequently, I found that some NDE experiencers describe a similar experience after they die briefly and then return.


When I returned to my body, I found it to be small and constricted and I could only recall a very small fraction of the knowledge I possessed in my universal state.


The details above are all important, because they serve as a framework, to go down on the list of Worlds, which according to Buddhist teaching are grouped into four categories.


I discussed some of the characteristics of the Immaterial World (arupa-loka) above, which contains four planes of existence. The second category is the Fine Material World (rupa-loka), which has 16 planes of existence. This is the world where higher-order Devas reside, such as the one that has visited me. They are characterised using various epithets, with radiance, effulgence, glory and beauty being their primary characteristics.


From my own personal experience, the Devas of this realm have incredible splendour and radiance. Their bodies are made of an unknown state of matter, which I and other observers have described as liquid light. They can manifest denser, humanoid bodies, but in their primary state, they are light beings. The light they are made of does not consist of the usual photons observable to us in our physical realm, including with scientific instruments. The light they are made of is coherent, like that of a laser beam, but also coagulant, in that their bodies settle into a rough shape, that is very difficult to discern because of the incredible radiance of their bodies. The radiation coming off them, isn’t just bright, but also hot. When they are very close to you it feels like another sun radiating right next to you. They do have the ability to touch, which, startlingly, feels very much like a human touch and one can easily discern, the gender, general disposition and intentions of the higher-dimensional light being that thus approaches.


When a Deva enters our reality, we perceive it as them coming from above, but this is in the sense of them descending into a lower realm from their higher plane of existence. Still, the distinct perception of descent and then ascent when they leave is unmistakable. There is also a sound, which I can only describe as that of radiance and splendour. I imagine that the sun would give off a very similar sound if we could listen to it from close by.


Higher-dimensional light beings communicate telepathically, using pure thought, though others I know who have encountered them report hearing them speak. I imagine, that these friends of mine have received thought transmissions as well and it is their own brain that turns these into a sound pattern they can recognise. Since these beings have no physical bodies (although myths describe their ability to manifest one temporarily), they cannot speak in the sense that we can, by generating soundwaves, so their thoughts have to be transmitted as pure thought, which I presume is transmitted by the light they emanate.


Some other noteworthy features of these light-beings include:

-          They float, propelled by the energy they are made up of

-          When they appear, they change the nature of spacetime around them. One gets the distinct impression, that time doesn’t move to the same rhythm when they are around, or might even be non-existent. There is a distinct impression, that when they descend into physical reality and one shares a space with them, some sort of space-time bubble or distortion is created, in which the usual passage of time and perhaps the laws of the physical universe change.

-          They have healing powers, can touch someone and cause energetic changes in the body, including sensations of vibration, heat, out-of-body experiences and a perception of time dilation. I can personally attest to the effectiveness of their healing abilities as can a few other people who have been visited by them.

-          The overwhelming feeling they radiate is that of love, compassion and wisdom. They send information through their radiance which means an encounter with them is always calming, soothing and uplifting


Having discussed the characteristics of the beings that inhabit the second world, Rupa-Loka, it is time to look at the third world, known as The Sensuous World or Kama-Loka. The inhabitants of these worlds are lower-order Devas and they would be closer to the beings usually described by UFO/UAP witnesses or experiencers. Since these beings exist in planes close to our own (we are believed to live on the lowest of the 7 planes of the Kama-Loka) they are the most likely to visit us. It is instructive to read descriptions of the 3 planes directly above our own, meaning beings located there are almost as physical as we are, but are perhaps in a spectrum of matter that doesn’t normally interact with our own, possibly falling within the definition of “Dark” matter and energy, or alternatively, existing in a parallel reality very close in its base vibration (in the sense of how string theory would describe different, parallel realities as vibrating to slightly different frequencies) to our own, just divergent enough, that we cannot perceive or interact with it under normal circumstances.


According to Buddhism, the below devas are our closest neighbours:

“ (8) Yama devas (yama deva)     These devas live in the air, free of all difficulties.

(7) The Thirty-three Gods (tavatimsa deva)           Sakka, a devotee of the Buddha, presides over this realm. Many devas dwelling here live in mansions in the air.

(6) Devas of the Four Great Kings (catumaharajika deva) Home of the gandhabbas, the celestial musicians, and the yakkhas, tree spirits of varying degrees of ethical purity. The latter are analogous to the goblins, trolls, and fairies of Western fairy tales. “

Notice, that the above classification would provide a plausible explanation as to the nature of many “high strangeness” events and even cryptozoological phenomena routinely observed in the vicinity of UFOs. Interestingly, Yama and Tavatimsa Devas are described as having a very close affiliation with the air and flying, a fact widely depicted in Buddhist and Hindu art.


So, in summary, Eastern Philosophies actually provide a plausible framework, through which we can view the world of religion, UFOs and High Strangeness, “spooky” occurrences and events. To my mind at least, it is beyond reasonable doubt that many of the mythological beings described by the ancients are of this category, that is they come from higher planes of existence and their lower orders are responsible for UFO and High Strangeness phenomena, whereas their higher orders form the basis of religious experience and myth.

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Interesting post, very thorough.

We don’t talk much about deities / light beings on this forum. I suspect the discussion will only really kick up if Leo makes a video about it. But it’s definitely a topic I’m fascinated by.

From the non-dual perspective, even higher dimensional light beings / deities are YOU. But from the world of relativity, they’re quite unique and intriguing. Especially if you grew up believing such beings did not exist.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Dumuzzi , that is a fascinating account. How fortunate you are to be able to see and experience these higher beings and realms. According to kundalini yoga, one is able to access higher planes of existence as the kundalini ascends through each chakra and gain full realisation as it ascends to the crown chakra. Each chakra may also confer abilities and psychic powers such as clairvoyance, telepathy or the power to manifest. Have you acquired any such abilities? And since you attained very high states of consciousness, also described as a state of samadhi, savikalpa or nirvikalpa samadhi (these have been described in 'Autobiography of a Yogi'), did you then develop psychic or healing abilities as a result?  Could you please say how these experiences have changed you in everyday life?

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@Demeter Yes, I suppose so.

I did gain the ability to heal, to communicate with higher beings and I have enhanced telepathic, empathic and prophetic abilities. It also seems at times that when I think about something in a sort of non-committed, wouldn't it be funny way, it tends to happen shortly afterwards. I didn't do much with them though, since the aftermath of my Kundalini Awakening has been quite challenging and in many ways I am still piecing myself together. 

@aurum Thanks.

Yes, non-duality is the primary experience one has when a Kundalini breakthrough happens. The explosion of light as opposites, Shiva and Shakti reunite and annihilate each other is unmistakable. 

In that dimensionless void, where I expanded into infinity, there was only me. I was the whole universe and it was all contained within me. It is what I would consider to be our universal form or consciousness.

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Are you familiar with the Law of One? Or any of the channelings from LL Research for that matter? If so, do you have any opinions on how that ties into your framework? If not, it sounds like something you might be interested in. 

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@ChimpBrain Yes, indeed. To me, that material seems authentic, though of course with channelling, there is always an element of uncertainty. In fact, the Law of One prompted me to try channelling myself a few years ago. I posted some of the messages I received on this thread:


Edited by Dumuzzi

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Nice one man!?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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