
If enlightenment is the truth, then why is it so damn difficult to get enlightened?

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Just now, tsuki said:

How is this not a self-survival activity? I dare you to explain. I dare you to open your mouth and say it with honesty and integrity. Go ahead, let's see if anyone can.

Are you saying that the ego has co-opted every bit of wisdom that there is ? Well heck yeah it did - how else could wisdom be "spread" ?  And notice now..we are going deep.   Because your right - the highest wisdom will never and can never be shared 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

I have been trying. I'm frustrated.

A big part of trying, is to notice what works or not. Frustration can arise from expectations that don't match the reality. If you hold on to frustration, notice that the frustration must contain certain expectations for it to arise at all.

you also say, I'm frustrated. You may disagree with this, or call it a freudian slip of thought. But you imply that you are identified with your frustration by saying that you are frustrated. You can't really be frustrated, but you can feel frustrated. It's a big difference and despite that obvious fact, alot of people stil would go back to say that they are frustrated, when they feel frustation rising in them. They just don't notice that it arises in them, so they misstake it as their identity instead. "I am frustrated".

Notice your frustration as a thing on it's own. See where it takes you, because it craves your attention despite your plea for it to subside back to where it came from. If you can't see it in yourself, notice how it can happen in others. it may start raining and some people might feel frustrated that they got wet when it rain on them, since their stubborn expectation of maintaining to keep dry is tying to steal the show from the present and obvious reality of wet clothes and body here and now. It is if it is.

Feeling frustration is not the main problem, but the identification with the frustration can definitely be one.

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16 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Love.  Collapse everything and you get yourself.  You cannot escape yourself

Seriously. This is a very nice story for so called human being, you can live with it, spread to others, and have nice wisdom beautiful life. However, enlightenment has nothing to do with this, it realization of before birth for you. Because you think there is a love, infinite, life vs vs. No it is not, now is before birth. Nothing has ever happened and this is enlightenment. Whatever you say, feel, experience vs vs just comes with thought process, if there is no thoughts, there is no you nor life nor infinite. When you say oh I am infinite, thats a thought, experience, story. But when you just be as before birth, thats enlightenment as so called deep sleep. Why do you think thats so called before birth and sleep is identical? It is only because you are attached to thought process, when enlightenment happens realization happens that there is no such a thing as thought, nothing never happened. Do this exercise go think in front of mirror, will you see anything in your so called mind?


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2 hours ago, James12345 said:

Because there is nothing there

as always ... there is no i, there is nothing, but there is a small detail: here we are talking. no no, it's not happening, it just seems like it. but it seems like it! nothing seems nothing, if it seems something ... well, it is something

Edited by Breakingthewall

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This is not a matter of ego co-opting anything. The setup where the ego is somehow opposed to consciousness is a delusion.

This discussion is ENTIRELY a matter of being the top of the spiritual pecking order. Entirely a human, relative activity.

What is funny and foolish is that you pretend otherwise because you think that survival is somehow opposed to love and pretend to be free of it. That there is no self to be found in there. This is spiritual ego and it isn't going anywhere. Go ahead, argue me and prove my point.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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4 minutes ago, James12345 said:

Seriously. This is a very nice story for so called human being, you can live with it, spread to others, and have nice wisdom beautiful life. However, enlightenment has nothing to do with this, it realization of before birth for you. Because you think there is a love, infinite, life vs vs. No it is not, now is before birth. Nothing has ever happened and this is enlightenment. Whatever you say, feel, experience vs vs just comes with thought process, if there is no thoughts, there is no you nor life nor infinite. When you say oh I am infinite, thats a thought, experience, story. But when you just be as before birth, thats enlightenment as so called deep sleep. Why do you think thats so called before birth and sleep is identical? It is only because you are attached to thought process, when enlightenment happens realization happens that there is no such a thing as thought, nothing never happened. Do this exercise go think in front of mirror, will you see anything in your so called mind?


Everything you say about forgetting your birth and all of that stuff..dude it's good stuff and I hope you awaken some people on here...after all  thats why you are here right?  To hopefully help others? So I do not disagree...remember that.  It is all of that but check this:

1.  It's OK to talk about enlightenment after that fact...that's what you are doing right now right?

2. It not only is nothing.  nothing is everything.   Thus,  infinity.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Are you saying that the ego has co-opted every bit of wisdom that there is ? Well heck yeah it did - how else could wisdom be "spread" ?  And notice now..we are going deep.   Because your right - the highest wisdom will never and can never be shared 

You could say wisdom a frequency, like light. How is the light of the sun co-opted? Co-option is only possible because you attribute an outside source to it, the light is the sun's. How is light spread? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 minutes ago, mandyjw said:


You could say wisdom a frequency, like light. How is the light of the sun co-opted? Co-option is only possible because you attribute an outside source to it, the light is the sun's. How is light spread? 

True true.  Oneness is all encompassing 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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8 minutes ago, James12345 said:

if there is no thoughts, there is no you nor life nor infinite.

2 hours ago, James12345 said:


But there are thoughts my friend, that is the thing. Before being born there is only being, empty, nothing, but afterwards there is something, thought, form. Here is the whole story, if there is this appearance, you can say that it is real or not, it is the same, something has generated it. Even if it is a thought, something has thought it. If there was nothing, just empty, everything perfect, no one would be asking these questions. oh yeah, nobody is doing them. but it looks like it! do not deny the obvious

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@James12345 It is an equal story that you now share with us, you have learned from your teachers this "nothing" "sleep".

You are denying life and if everybody were like you it would be zombie land here.

Obviously there is activity and things happening, in a relative sense.

Nothing became this infront of you, why?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

There is.  Imagine that this is a dream that you as God were having and you have awoken to it.  You have realized it is a dream..and furhermore you have realized that you were God dreaming it...  Not maybe... it was a dream.  It IS a dream and you became directly conscious of that.   What would you do then?  

I don't know, maybe get banned over and over again for eternity? xD

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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2 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

I don't know, maybe get banned over and over again for eternity? xD

Haha! There has to be a better answer than that - but stay safe ?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

Haha! There has to be a better answer than that - but stay safe ?


You got me with this one.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@Adamq8 @Breakingthewall @Inliytened1 If you guys think that we are having a conversation now, talking. So called mind hasn’t transcended. Whatever you are doing is identical. Because nothing is happening. If you dont name and label whatever you are doing, nothing will be left as now. So called mind has to be transcended, which is realization of there is no such a thing as thought. Now is before birth. Emptiness, nothingness or beingness. Whatever you are doing, if you dont think its being Now. 

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain


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1 minute ago, James12345 said:

@Adamq8 @Breakingthewall @Inliytened1 If you guys think that we are having a conversation now, talking. So called mind hasn’t transcended. Whatever you are doing is identical. Because nothing is happening. If you dont name and label whatever you are doing, nothing will be left as now. So called mind has to be transcended, which is realization of there is no such a thing as thought. Now is before birth. Emptiness, nothingness or beingness. Whatever you are doing, if you dont think its being Now. 

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain


You are a wise man and we appreciate the wisdom.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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22 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

You are a wise man and we appreciate the wisdom.  

No big deal. This is just the truth. Not my opinion. That’s it. 

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3 minutes ago, James12345 said:

No big deal. This is just the truth. Not my opinion. That’s it. 

Exactly :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, taotemu said:


I disagree it takes any time at all to become enlightened.  It is a myth that so many buy into that only add to confusion and makes it seem nearly unattainable.  It happens in an instant and without effort.  It may take years to unlearn all the BS around it that is getting in the way, but it itself is as easy as your next breath. 

Many people misunderstand the role of effort in spiritual growth. There is nothing wrong with effort. Effort and effortlessness is a duality that needs to be transcended. People who are enlightened either did a lot of work in this lifetime or in past lives in order to get to where they're at today. Sure, the few milliseconds before enlightenment may be described as an effortless and authentic expression of "being-here-now", but if you look at the years of struggle leading up to that point, that description is far from the case.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 minute ago, Carl-Richard said:

 People who are enlightened either did a lot of work in this lifetime or in past lives in order to get to where they're at today. 

At the deepest levels there is only you.  And so thus you grasp non-duality.   Because you are God.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, James12345 said:

??? if everything is nothing, what is everything? ??? 

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. 

And what's holding onto nothing?

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