If Porn Damages The Brain Then What about Sex?

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Edited by SQAAD

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The woman in this video claims to be a neuroscientist and says that if you watch Porn with duration and especially with intensity then your brain is being damaged.


''Those neural circuits , they are being fried , they are going haywire. They are not working the way they're supposed to. Frontal lobe and reward center are not working the way that they should. So that impacts your feelings of motivation.''

This is really scary stuff. But why would the brain damage itself anytime it gets some intense or long-duration pleasure? This makes no sense. And what about when having sex? What if i am having sex all the time with hot prostitutes? Won't that damage the brain the same way as porn? 

And what about if i am taking a psychedelic and experience intense pleasure? Won't that damage my brain also?

Also, is this damage reversible? I see drug addicts who have been doing hardcore drugs for more than 30 years who still have the motivation to wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom. So i suppose that damage is reversible somewhat. I don't really know. I am not a neuroscient.

It seems that there is some healing for sure though. Because she also said.


''We can reactivate the frontal lobe and get it moving again on all cylinders and we can get those synapes cranking so that you can become motivated again'''.

Maybe someone who is  knowledgable about this thing can enligthten me somehow.  Those neural circuits that being fried, are they somehow being healed later?


Edited by SQAAD

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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

The woman in this video claims to be a neuroscientist and says that if you watch Porn with duration and especially with intensity then your brain is being damaged.

when we say "brain damage" this usually implies things like inflammation, neuron death and lesion formation. Something you'd see in people with Alzheimer's.  I don't think this is what she means. It's more about that some parts of the brain can get rewired and even reformed. It's like when somebody has been suffering from depression for 30 years, the size of their amygdala is 3 times the size of a person without depresion which just exacerbates the fear response to things others wouldn't normally react to.  

Environmental exposure to different stressors and stimuli constantly forces the brain to undergo so-called macro-adaptations. Different brain areas can grow or shrink or have slight changes in functionality or sensitivity. Another example is a state called "adrenal fatigue" which actually doesn't exist (or at least not to a degree naturopaths like to think) but what adrenal fatigue is that brain is becoming less sensitive to adrenal hormones and so all that cortisol is just flowing around with nowhere to dock. It is a real-time adaptation to prevent damage to the hypothalamus. 

 So what is probably happening here is the brain is becoming adapted to receive rewards from what it sees in porn and this can damage your real-life perception of sex. Of what a woman's body looks like, what a man's body looks like, average penis size, average sexual performance and what the sex should be about really. Porn just takes away that entire route that leads to sex, the foreplay, being in relationship, cuddling, massage, fooling around and all of that and turns it into "a fuck"  And so then when men who have been exposed to porn since the age of 10 get to experience real sex, they can't even get it up because they see an image of Peter North screwing some fake barbie doll for 45 minutes and in their head they are like "but I can't do that" "my dick isn't big enough" "why ae her boobs so small" "why doesn't she scream like the girl in porn does".  

Of course you can rewire this and quitting or at least minimising porn is a good way to achieve that 

1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

I see drug addicts who have been doing hardcore drugs for more than 30 years who still have the motivation to wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom

I don't know if I'd consider that evidence of motivation :D  Yes hardcore drugs can fry those circuits but it is because drugs actually cause real damage to the brain through intra-inflammation and oxidative damage. This is a completely different mechanism. It has been shown hardcore drug users had brain lesions across different areas of the brain, loosened blood brain barrier, messed up gut and all of that will contribute to real-time brain destruction 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:


I don't know if I'd consider that evidence of motivation :D  Yes hardcore drugs can fry those circuits but it is because drugs actually cause real damage to the brain through intra-inflammation and oxidative damage. This is a completely different mechanism. It has been shown hardcore drug users had brain lesions across different areas of the brain, loosened blood brain barrier, messed up gut and all of that will contribute to real-time brain destruction 

The deep sameness is that drugs and porn both raise your dopamine. I am saying this because from what i know, if your brain produces tons and tons of dopamine then eventually you get depleted of dopamine and this can cause motivation issues. I don't know the deeper mechanics of it. 

But i have noticed this. You take tons of drugs or watch tons of porn, and then it seems your brain doesn't have enough dopamine and you struggle to find the motivation to do the things you would normally do.

I remember when one time i went on a porn-binge and masturbated two days in a row for countless times. After than 2-day binge, i couldn't work 100% as i used to. I could only work like 1/3 of the amount. Didn't have enough of the neurotransmitters or whatever to keep on pushing. It took 3 days for my motivation levels to recover.

This really made me quit watching porn. I don't experience the damage to the perception as other people do. But i definitely experience the motivation loss.

Edited by SQAAD

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Motivation is a mental paradigm. It’s living & doing for how you will feel. It is the plight, the judgement, the prison & the sentencing, of the stubborn & reluctant non-creator, non-practitioner. It serves you well. 




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Sex  is a  natural human activity. I cant  imagine it  causing  brain damage.

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

f your brain produces tons and tons of dopamine then eventually you get depleted of dopamine and this can cause motivation issues

I'm not sure it works like that but maybe it does. As far as I know, the only condition that causes depletion of dopamine is Parkinson's disease which is caused by the destruction of a region called Substantia Nigra (dopamine headquarters) caused by chronic inflammation. ALternatively deficiency in amino acids responsible for dopamine production such as phenylalanine and tyrosine could potentially cause a degree of that as well. 

Its not that dopamine gets depleted. The molecules is always being reuptake and pulled back (although some people with COMT mutation may genetically have a lower function to do this). It's more about that you just hardwire the brain to receive a dopamine response from something that exceeds normal life. So the usual stimuli just don't do it anymore because the reward mechanism has built up excessive expectations for the stimuli. Such as drug response or eating a lot of hyper-palatable food or binging on porn and then having issues with non-staged sex. 

Also personally what I think is happening as well (no evidence for this thou) is that the brain just downregulates the receptor sensitivity to dopamine so that it protects itself from possible damage of overindulgence. And then when you actually need that focus later on you don't get it anymore. But this may just be assumption. 


2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

I remember when one time i went on a porn-binge and masturbated two days in a row for countless times. After than 2-day binge, i couldn't work 100% as i used to. I could only work like 1/3 of the amount. Didn't have enough of the neurotransmitters or whatever to keep on pushing. It took 3 days for my motivation levels to recover.

I'd say that was also just  willpower depletion, energy depletion and just overall exhaustion. repetitive ejaculation can be quite depleting process to the whole body 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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well, that's true and it lowers your self-esteem and masculinity! 

when they say it's damaged it means it's something unnatural and get you doped by jerking off to the pixels not to the real woman. it rewires the neurons in the wrong neural pathway as a result.

fucking prostitutes or overindulgence in sex could be turned into an addiction as well but it's natural anyways.  

you can pursue women for sex or have sex with prostitutes in exchange for money and get the dopamine. 

but in that process, you don't make the real effort and you get the extreme dopamine for doing nothin' literally. that's why your reward center gets lazy.


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Motivation is a mental paradigm. It’s living & doing for how you will feel. It is the plight, the judgement, the prison & the sentencing, of the stubborn & reluctant non-creator, non-practitioner. It serves you well. 


Yes but motivation is needed. The only reason why Leo uploads a video is because of the reward he will get afterwards. The only reason i am eating food is because of the reward afterwards. If sex for example didn't have a reward nobody would bother going through the struggle to mate. Motivation and reward goe hand-in-hand and are necessary for survival i think. They are physically hardwired/ built-in into us.

Edited by SQAAD

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32 minutes ago, Michael569 said:


Also personally what I think is happening as well (no evidence for this thou) is that the brain just downregulates the receptor sensitivity to dopamine so that it protects itself from possible damage of overindulgence. And then when you actually need that focus later on you don't get it anymore. But this may just be assumption. 


It's incredible how intelligent the human body is. It has all these mechanisms built-in. It's amazing. Yes some downregulation happens for our benefit for sure. They call it tolerance i think.

Edited by SQAAD

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13 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


Yes but motivation is needed. The only reason why Leo uploads a video is because of the reward he will get afterwards. The only reason i am eating food is because of the reward afterwards. If sex for example didn't have a reward nobody would bother going through the struggle to mate. Motivation and reward goe hand-in-hand and are necessary for survival i think. They are physically hardwired/ built-in into us.

With respect, that is, in it’s entirety, the paradigm previously referred to. As an event if you will, that is only a story which takes place in the mind. Upon inspection there is no actuality of any of it found. 



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I choose actual sex over porn at anytime. More the better and somehow my psychology really demands it. 

Sex is healthy and natural. 

Jacking of on pixels is not. 

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Abstinence is preached because there is a greater reward (or avoidance of greater suffering) perceived as a result of NOT doing an activity. Ironically porn is already a form of abstinence. What are you abstaining from? 

I could go on for paragraphs about how the Harry Potter movies are the greatest abomination because the written story is dumbed down, simplified and made explicit, and somehow in the making of the movies they both bring the story to life, and also make it less vividly real. Horrifically, I cannot unsee the actor's faces when I go back and read the book. 

But the magic of the story isn't found in the book either. 

If you want the heightened sensitivity and freedom of imagination itself, realize that's not missing, you are not missing out on anything. That belief or sense of missing out is in itself is the root of this dilemma. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw what? 

Still love sticking my penis and to use my hands of fury. 

"percievers" with ramana hand in hand and let them watch cows. 

Edited by Zeroguy

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@Zeroguy Enjoying your poetry. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Always been magnet for women, what can I do. No need for porns. 

5 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Zeroguy Enjoying your poetry. 



You will get nuts from trying to understand and conceptualize. It would be healthy for you to change your focus. 

+25 points. 

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@Zeroguy I enjoy nuts. Yay, 25 points for Gryffindor! Now if I could just get Daniel Radcliff in Equus out of my head, life would be perfect. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw Good for you, honey. 

Most of people are just that, people. You should accept and if you want to help you help in that way. 

They are all dopamine addicts. 

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