Bernardo Carleial

Is the notion of Holons the first step towards vMEME Yellow?

12 posts in this topic


Is the notion of Holons, the first step towards reaching tier 2 level of thinking?
And therefore moving from
vMEME Green to vMEME Yellow?

I've had that thought after watching a Ken Wilber video in which he says that after post-modernism reach its end, and destroys all the house of cards that were built in the previous stages, it turns out that its inevitable to develop more healthy hierarchies in order to create a more inclusive and more sustainable society...

And the concept of holons present both by Ken Wilber and Leo seems to me to be a better conceptual foundation for development,  both personal and societal, because it brings some tier 2 thinking that's required to adress what it's left out by post-modernism in its excess, like:

transcend and include ,

growth hierarchies and

"going meta"

That's my thought on this issue, but I would love to see what you guys think about that, so that we could have a more well rounded discussion about that??...

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4 minutes ago, Windappreciator said:

Not the notion itself, but building them automatically in mind.

@Windappreciator I think I know what you mean...

Grasp this concept not just by understanding,  but by embodying it, is that right?

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Can we just take a moment to appreciate the thumbnail design?. That looked like it took hours to create.

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While the notion of Holons certainly comes from SD-Yellow, Yellow thinking itself can be characterized by the internalization of dialectical thinking (Spiral Dynamics itself being a dialectical model).

With both systems thinking and developmental thinking being applications of this dialectic.

Or more broadly, Yellow can also be thought of as a successful integration of dialectical thinking to the pluralism and relativism of Green, in a way that makes room for other wordviews by dropping Green's claims to exclusivity and completeness (while at the same time holding on to the compassion that emerges at Green).

Edited by DocWatts

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If i live by the basic fundemental principle of george leonard ie loving the plateau(love where i am and love the  current work that need to be done) then i will reach yellow,turquoise and beyond with ease. I do not need to obsess about reaching will happen to me naturally

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