
Am i the only one that thinks spirituality is useless in most societies right now

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Look, i Dont know how Life is in USA, maybe there are some countries or societies where Deep Consciousness development (like being conscious of Oneness) can be something which could be practiced withouth repercusions and possible benefits in the long run.

But, here, no, I live in a decent country in Europe (its not the BEST ones like Germany, UK, etc) But its neither the Eastern countries (Yugoslavia, romania, etc), and i gotta say, since i started living on my own, its not that What i learned so far about spirituality and trascendent psychedelic trips havent been useful to pay my bills here, its that overall It has deeply damaged my survival and making my situation better.

It has taken me time to realize that i actually need to forget What i experienced and What i learned because this is a jungle of hienas each of one deeply Lost in its own selfishness. Practicing selfishness Will only damage you in such a low develop society.

I have to forget about Oneness to be Able to care a lot less about anybody else so i can get my way and make my situation better.


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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Practicing selfishness will only damage you in such a low develop society.

Just one problem: look at Sadhguru. Maybe it's because you're not actually selfless yet.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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For sure. Spirituality is totally useless. Unless of course you make a dream board, let resistance go, wake up in love everyday, and effortlessly live the life you most desire. Even still though, that isn’t useful for anyone. 



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Spirituality doesn't mean to neglect the cultivation of your survival skills. It's not society that causes the problems, it's you and your approach to survival and spirituality. 

Of course spirituality is "useless" in terms of survival - because spirituality is all about transcending survival. If you don't have a strong foundation of survival skills, there is nothing you can transcend. And then you're miserable because you're left with shitty survival skills and a half-assed spiritual life. If you have no solid survival foundation, you need to work on that. You don't have to abandon spirituality entirely, you can still meditate 2 times a day and contemplate a little bit here and there.

But don't attempt to realize God if you don't know how to pay your bills or you won't manage to do either.


There is a saying in Russia:

"За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь."

which roughly translates to:

"If you chase after two rabbits, you won't catch either one of them". 


Damn, spiritual bypassing is a serious problem in Western circles of spirituality...

Edited by Tim R

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If you want an exciting life with less deepness go for money.

If you want a boring life in peace go for spirituality. 

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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 This Spirituality thing is not for everyone. Not everyone is willing to destroy their current situation for something new, only a few. The process could be atrocious, and can also be blissful. It depends greatly on one's situation. Is way easier if one has the finances rezolved. But from another perspective, one cannot transcend without the slap of reality. 

So, this awakening thing, needs a trigger, or will never come only with being peaceful. It will take various decades, and even then, an awakened human being that has transcended his own trauma or has been in very dangerous situations for their live, they will probably awaken faster and better than a cave meditator, just saying. 

The greatest people in this world have been through hell, being the reason, they are there and continuing what they do. 



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Maybe you need to recontextualize what spirituality is. Lots of snake oil gets sold as spirituality. True wisdom is never useless.

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spirituality is the way out of madness and stupidity, from the jail of the mind, in this society and in any. This is not related to making money, but having a clearer vision, intuition, and detachment from the material, are enormous helps

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Jugoslavija Nice touch after 30yearsxD

world is on fire right now, spirituality is necessary......

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4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

spirituality is the way out of madness and stupidity, from the jail of the mind, in this society and in any. This is not related to making money, but having a clearer vision, intuition, and detachment from the material, are enormous helps

Have anyone in this forum reached Enlightment anyway? 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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8 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Have anyone in this forum reached Enlightment anyway? 

No one 9_9

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41 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Have anyone in this forum reached Enlightment anyway? 

moments of enlightenment, after a lot of meditation, or psychedelics, I would say that many of this forum. to something permanent I don't know, maybe yes

Edited by Breakingthewall

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It can be useful and useless at the same time. It all depends how you approach it and what is your situation. 

To the very least, being totally relaxed, clear sigthed, present, detached, in peace and positive is very useful in the world. 

Take it slow. Thats what I do. Dont go fully in and pressure yourself. When I quitted I realized I need spirituality again, then came back to it in a more mature and balanced way, based on previous experiences. 

You need to contemplate your life situations first. Including the people in it.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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Spirituality can be defined in many ways, some more useful than others depending on the context.

I like this definition: Discovering what’s real and being it. End of story. This solves no “problems”, instead it “kills” the one who “has” the problems, making them almost completely obsolete and therefor infinitely easier to deal with.

Live authentically, accept all that is around you as part of oneness happening, act accordingly - which may mean that you do things that don’t fit any typical “spiritual” paradigm.  It sounds like your transcendent trips gave you the impression that spirituality would help you transcend or escape your life situation.  What spirituality does is causes the realization that it isn’t your life situation because there is no you (just Godness/Awareness watching the movie of the body you think is you) and that you don’t need to escape it because it doesn’t effect Godness/Awareness/You in anyway.  You’re in a dream right now and you may wake up in it and go “Oh! This doesn’t matter! (Thought it still counts!)” or the body will die and Godness/Awareness/You will have a similar experience that “you” as the body does every morning when you wake up from dreams and are completely untouched by the to the point that you don’t even really try to remember them.

Zen also sums it up well: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.  This makes enlightenment seem pointless, where’s the infinite bliss, the adoration of other seekers, and the world peace that you are about to now be able to create? Turns out once you finish the journey, there’s no need for any of that.  You are found in a peacefulness that is so completely unconditional that it doesn’t matter if you live with Hyenas or in any other situation (not that you won’t continue to follow your biological imperatives to some degree and seek to live skillfully).  Hell, you’ll very likely see them such that you will have great love and compassion for them.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Have anyone in this forum reached Enlightment anyway? 

Not me at least, because I fear I would lose myself if I did that xD

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Javfly33 think of this way.  You awaken to realize this whole thing was your dream as God.  Then you place yourself back in the dream because you weren't ready to leave yet.  Is that going to be practical within the context of the dream?  It won't be practical - but you will know its a dream.   You cannot place a value on that 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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54 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Javfly33 think of this way.  You awaken to realize this whole thing was your dream as God.  Then you place yourself back in the dream because you weren't ready to leave yet.  Is that going to be practical within the context of the dream?  It won't be practical - but you will know its a dream.   You cannot place a value on that 

Yeah i Hope its all imaginary and an ilusion and Im dreming It to forget that one time i awoken that i am God and Im Alone. 

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8 hours ago, Nahm said:

For sure. Spirituality is totally useless. Unless of course you make a dream board, let resistance go, wake up in love everyday, and effortlessly live the life you most desire. Even still though, that isn’t useful for anyone. 

How to wake Up in love everyday?



Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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