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Leo Gura

Good Debunk Of Anti-CRT Astroturfed Hysteria

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Notice how the right-wing astroturfs BS culture war issues like CRT:


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He is a good presenter. 

Can anyone explain me critical race theory. 

I'm still a noob in politics. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I have no idea what these words mean.

And I don't think I want to.

Edited by Windappreciator

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41 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Can anyone explain me critical race theory



Edited by Loving Radiance

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Notice how the right-wing astroturfs BS culture war issues like CRT:


Unfortunately they are effective.

Even in Australia "CRT" was recently banned from the nation's school curriculum (thank you right-wing US talk show hosts). But what the heck does that even mean? How will that affect the teaching of european settlers and native aborigines?


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@Preety_India critical race theory originated in the 1970's.  It is the idea that racism is more than just our biases against skin colors.  Racism can be embedded in a society through the legal system as well.  The current definition of racism is too narrow and it allows white supremacy to survive in other forms.  There can be explicit racism, implicit racism, or racism by outcome.  Racism by outcome can also be called systemic racism.  Implicit racism may also be called unconscious racism.

One way to achieve racism by outcome, even in a mostly race blind society, would be to appeal to the conditions of impoverished whites without exploiting stating that blacks are inferior.  This can lead to policies that benefit whites at the expense of blacks economically, thereby maintaining white supremacy.  Some consequences of systemic racism include, red lining, blacks living near factories where they are susceptible to pollution, higher crime rates caused by poverty, COVID-19 disproportionately affecting blacks, or voter suppression in Texas by moving polling stations away from black neighborhoods.  None of these need to explicit condone white supremacy to achieve it.

The proof of CRT is the following quote that sums it up very well.

You start out in 1954 by saying, “nig***, nig***, nig***.” By 1968, you can’t say “nig***” — that hurts you. It backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. 

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@trenton OK what I'm getting here is that CRT means a broader encapsulation of racism beyond bigotry around skin color but taking into account a wide context of legal and economic structures and policies that carry subtle layers of discrimination which end up having hurtful consequences and are generally ignored because they don't appear explicitly racist yet the outcome disproportionately tends to undercut the foreseeable privileges that the discriminated groups might receive 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Could you imagine if the Republican Party were forced to try to market itself on how its political platform would somehow make life better for ordinary people, or on any policy accomplishments whatsoever.

The idea itself is laughable :D

Edited by DocWatts

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40 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@trenton OK what I'm getting here is that CRT means a broader encapsulation of racism beyond bigotry around skin color but taking into account a wide context of legal and economic structures and policies that carry subtle layers of discrimination which end up having hurtful consequences and are generally ignored because they don't appear explicitly racist yet the outcome disproportionately tends to undercut the foreseeable privileges that the discriminated groups might receive 

It’s not even subtle, really. The Dred Scott case, Plessy v. Ferguson, Jim Crow laws, many members of the KKK were politicians or policemen. Anyone who thinks the foundations of the USA aren’t blatantly racist are willfully ignorant.


14 minutes ago, DocWatts said:

Could you imagine if the Republican Party were forced to try to market itself on how its political platform would somehow make life better for ordinary people, or on any policy accomplishments whatsoever.

The idea itself is laughable :D

They get a lot of traction on “we keep businesses open and don’t force a mask or shots” as it is.

Edited by Willie

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@Preety_India that is basically what I'm getting at.

There are books written on this subject like white fragility.  It was discussed in another thread in this forum.  Here is the video which expands on the topic.  It is very educational, but many conservatives can't sit through it.

Videos like these demonstrate that the problem of racism is deeper than surface biases.

@Willie your description of racism through U.S. history is pretty accurate.  The blatantly racist policies of the past have consequences that don't disappear overnight.  This is what leads to the fight over how history should be taught.  Some are trying to teach that slavery was a necessary evil while skipping Martin Luther King and his "I have a dream" speech.  I thought it was bad enough that King's position on imperialism was skipped, but now he is skipped entirely.  Almost nobody even knows about The white supremacist insurrection in 1898 in Wilmington, North Carolina.

The corruption of the educational system is what keeps systemic racism in place.  If CRT is taught in schools, then the current system would become untenable.  As a result there is strong conservative backlash in which CRT is straw manned constantly.  They must stir up a moral outrage by telling people that CRT teaches us that all white kids are racist and morally deficient.  Books like white fragility describe precisely this gut reaction against things like white privilege.  This has nothing to do with the morality of modern white children because this is not their fault.  The issue is deeper than just bigotry and prejudices.  By understanding this, the United States could more effectively work to correct the systemic issues created by our ancestors.  Unfortunately, this is incorrectly framed as anti-white bias which is the close minded called "white fragility."

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