Alistair Kershaw

Mantra Meditations

8 posts in this topic

So i've begun reading My Big Toe Thomas W Campbell, one of the first meditations he give you is a two syllable word to say to yourself while meditating such as rising while ringing out the 'ing' and focus on the sound. My question is with mantra meditations, do you have to say the words out loud or does saying the word in your head have the same effect? I'm also curious whether or not it'd be better to find a video of someone else saying the mantra over and over and just listening to that instead of saying the mantra myself. Any advice is appreciated, thanks :)

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  On 8/7/2021 at 4:08 AM, Alistair Kershaw said:

My question is with mantra meditations, do you have to say the words out loud or does saying the word in your head have the same effect? I'm also curious whether or not it'd be better to find a video of someone else saying the mantra over and over and just listening to that instead of saying the mantra myself. Any advice is appreciated, thanks :)

You can repeat it in your head or out loud, either approach is fine - it's up to you, do whichever feels most natural for you :) 

I hadn't considered the option of listening to someone else repeat the mantra instead - might be worth a try if you can find such a video, I say just experiment with it and go with what feels best for you personally.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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@Alistair Kershaw Great stuff, I'd be interested to hear how you get on with it :)

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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Many mantras out there. I use them both verbally and in thought, repeating the mantra when i want or need. I'd start with "i am that i am". 

For mantras i take this indian principle that is widely spread:

Na, Ma, Shi, Va, Ya. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sound(space). The 5 elements or the 5 senses of the body. From a perspective of Shivaism each sound of a mantra is for some energetic centre in the body. So, it is complex and depends what system is used. 

Per example in the system i use in my languace wich is Romanian, ths rules are different. 

So, one can even make his own system, the point is the meaning you give to the mantra. 


Firt reasearch the basis of meaning in mantras, start with IO (the sacred principle) , the "i" and the "O".

The "AUM" is there because is a natural sound when you sleepy or you wake up, you make a sound, your upper body stretches, you open the mouth and make it unconsciously in the morning or late evening, etc. So basically mantras are in their basis, copied from the human body and nature. 



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Internal chanting is known as japa and it works, chanting out loud helps concentration.

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