
Solipsism and Leo

64 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, justfortoday said:

I will try my best to explain. And this is the most BS-free shit I’m gonna say here.

There is nothing. Nothing, because it is uncreated, is eternal, an infinite set of mathematical energy. This is the universal self which is metaphysically, a mirror with nothing to reflect on.

This tiny mirror, sliver of consciousness, morphed and twisted itself like a pretzel to face itself. This created an infinite reflection that created consciousness, as self reference.

You are that mirror right now. Everything around you is a reflection of yourself. It is situated right where your imaginary face used to be.

You are literally infinite. How else would you perceive things that seem to be far away from you?

You are like a 360 degree camera situated everywhere and anywhere. The entire universe is your true body.

You don’t control your body.

The “air” or “space” around you is nothingness and it basically uses your imaginary body like a puppet. It is all a dream happening nowhere.

Whoever is reading this is right now God. There aren’t two instances of consciousness running at the same time.

That doesn’t mean that a SCENE is not real. Many characters can partake in the scene but they’re not “on” as you are.

In this way God is democratic. Every character gets to have the absolute consciousness as it is required, absolute and necessary.

You are something, impregnating nothing with your consciousness. You exist. That’s it. You are the animating force of the entire universe.

Thats what you are. The void, or reflection-less mirror upon which all lifetimes will appear.

You are pure love, pure unity.


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@Batman Hey at least the last line was good shit :D 

14 minutes ago, Batman said:
4 hours ago, justfortoday said:

You are pure love, pure unity.



It's Love.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, I would disagree with him. He's not fully awake. He's still playing games.

It is absolutely the case that you are creating all of reality. But I am not talking about the ego-you.

Martin Ball clearly says also that the ego-you does not create all of reality. Listen again he says "each one of you" so he speaks from the ego perspective. I think you misunderstood him.

Leo, you once recognized by yourself that the biggest misunderstanding is always from which perspective you speak (Absolutely vs relatively, ego-you vs god-you). You now misunderstood martin Ball because you thought he speaks from god-perspective. Dont be surprised if many people here also misunderstand you if you do not clearly say from which perspective you speak.

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11 hours ago, Godishere said:

@wildflower dude, my only question is... How the fuck have you not realized you are God in a dream if you have done psychedelics 200 times? ??

That is truly astonishing


No where in any of my posts have I insinuated implicitly or explicitly whether I have or have not realized I am God in a dream, you completely missed what I am saying, or the point of this thread. Extremely bizarre


9 hours ago, Ry4n said:

I think he was talking about the ego-you. The ego-you does not dream up reality but is rather another byproduct of the dream itself. I think this is where a lot of people are getting confused. "You are dreaming up yourself" may be a more useful pointer for those who haven't realised no-self. Without this many people will walk away from your teaching style thinking in a very egotistical way "ahhh yes! I am God! hahaha I am so woke" xD Or something along those lines. @Leo Gura It's a pretty devastating misinterpretation to make. 

Exactly, this guy gets it, there is no differentiation between ego-you and God-you in the videos, such that many people will think ego-you == God-you, which it feels tons of people on here do


6 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

bwahaha you just said you were going for no BS and then immediately said "mathematical energy" with no context or explanation with a straight face lmaoo I'm gonna be charitable and assume that you were being poetic/figurative, though if you meant it literally I'd love an explanation :x

There is a difference between questioning from "above" and questioning from "below" - especially regarding metaphysics.

When you question from "above," you totally embrace the guru's position and more - you've realized more than him metaphysically, and so you see the precise limitations of the guru's paradigm (for you have already traversed that territory). The new paradigm from where you currently question does not exclude what the guru is saying, but it embraces his teachings AND MORE (of which the guru has yet to realize). Your comparison is sincere, and you have no interest in who's right or who's wrong. At a certain level of awakening, you can be so certain and lucid of your True Nature that the realm of language, communication, ideas, philosophies, teachings... these all become like a playground to you to frolic in. You detect immediately and certainly when a teaching is self-deceived or lacking, and at this point you have no will to fight against it or to disprove it. You'll question it just enough to sense its deception, laugh, and then move on with your day unperturbed.

When you question from "below," you subtly reject the guru's position without ever having embraced it; you've realized nowhere near as much metaphysically as the guru, but you are personally in denial of that. You think you know the limitations of the guru's paradigm, but you don't really, as you've never even bothered to traverse that territory. The paradigm from where you currently question is bias-affirming and ignorant, and you simply have more to realize before you can begin to sincerely compare (but this is hard to admit). Due to being cut off from your True Nature, you carry existential doubts which you wish to dispel. Your main interest is to either prove the guru wrong or to prove yourself right; or even more subtly, you may demand that the guru publicly demonstrate his rightness, and only then will you be open to his teachings. Either way your mind is mired in the game of rightness vs wrongness. For some reason language, communication, ideas, philosophies, teachings... these all have a dense importance to you, as though something would be lost if you ever let them go. Since you are not certain and lucid of your True Nature, whenever you detect that a teaching is self-deceived or lacking, you must always be wary of your own ego misinterpreting. When you encounter an unpalatable teaching, you feel the need to resist it, and your questioning has an agenda.

I'm not gonna prescribe you to either camp, although I encourage you to self-diagnose. Keep in mind it's totally possible to see yourself questioning from "above" for certain teachers while questioning from "below" for others... everything I just laid out is context-sensitive and of course, relative. In a strange-loopy way, I also encourage you to question anything I just wrote, but be wary of whether you're coming from "above" or "below" ;)

This is completely not relevant to this thread, and misses the point of my posts, but I appreciate the effort for the long response

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

Martin Ball clearly says also that the ego-you does not create all of reality. Listen again he says "each one of you" so he speaks from the ego perspective. I think you misunderstood him.

Leo, you once recognized by yourself that the biggest misunderstanding is always from which perspective you speak (Absolutely vs relatively, ego-you vs god-you). You now misunderstood martin Ball because you thought he speaks from god-perspective. Dont be surprised if many people here also misunderstand you if you do not clearly say from which perspective you speak.

Exactly it's easy to follow Martins position, not saying I agree or disagree with him. Timestamped here: quite clearly he isn't a hardcore solipsistic on the relative level. He makes his position very clear


This is Martins qoute:


of my mind and you know because that


this happens a lot with people on five


meow dmt where they think like oh [ __ ]


i'm dissolving and all i'm gonna take


all of reality with me and like thank




it doesn't work that way no that was


just you and your perspective


um there's no one of us see because


every little bit of reality


is god busy being that bit of reality


and that god cannot violate


itself so even though the glass of water


is me


this is also god being a glass of water


all on its own independently of my


perspective of it


so there's nothing i can do about that i


can drink it if i want


i could throw it at somebody if i want i


could water the plants with it if i want


but i can't just like i will dissolve


this reality or you know


no you know just we live in a regular


physical system with all the rules and


regulations that go with that so that we


can have a coherent


energetic structure through which


biological life can


evolve and so yeah the phys physical


world is the physical world i


you know it's an illusion in the sense


that we participate in subject object




and that most of the time i don't


experience the glass of water as


actually being myself


but because i've had enough non-dual


experiences i know that it actually is


but i still get to experience it as a


separate object so


it is kind of an illusion but it's not


just an illusion and that's that's a big


one that sets me off when people say


oh reality is just an illusion my answer




yeah but it's still reality yeah


it might be an illusion but it's still


reality yeah and


i think people get sort of very caught


up in the sort of


in the sort of the illusion simulation


kind of words because yeah i mean


everything i'm seeing now is a


simulation my brain is clearly


simulating something but that it's not


quite the


the simulation that you that you think


it is the sort of thing it's


it's still here there it there is a


refrigerator there is a table


there is there is a me

Edited by wildflower

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I mean all language about nonduality is occurring at the conceptual level which inherently makes distinctions, so if you’re gonna use language you may as well do it right and not make broad generalisations assuming everyone knows exactly what you mean and if they don’t it’s automatically because they are not “woke” xD big lol. Sorry that’s my rant over. 

I just focus on the raw experience these days, yoga is so damn good at taking you out of your mind and into your environment also. This kind of presence is what you want in life. More connected than anything. 

Edited by Ry4n

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You have to really appreciate how much degrees of wokeness there are. What most woke people call wokeness is like 1% of full wokeness. If you were fully woke you could materialize a planet with a mere thought.

Do you believe that "full wokeness" is even a worthy goal for most people in this lifetime?

You've said that you do not believed you have achieved this, nor have I seen you mention any other spiritual master who has.

Obviously any sense of a personal, egoic goal would be obliterated by then, but I think you get my point. Is this something you recommend for us to seek?

I suspect most of us are struggling to even get to "1% wokeness".

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What is there to explain? You are imagining EVERYTHING.

No. All experience is the Absolute when viewed with proper consciousness.

Sounds like:

  • Eternity
  • God realization / Godhead
  • Infinite imagination

But it happened so fast that you were not able to properly comprehend it.


BTW whats your personal future plans, you mentioned in many facets video of doing maybe a year long retreat etc, and trying to embody everything more, that was 2 years ago, stilll planning on long retreats? Have you ever considered going to somewhere like Pa Auk in Burma master Jhana/Vipassana?

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We have the same opportunity as Jesus Christ, Ramtha, Shiva, or any enlightened human being to be "God", in the literal sense, not the bible's view of god, but not very far off. 

We are all infinite and Gods, but only a few of us experienced that. Leo and a few have experienced what they experienced and they exposed that in their own words. 

Now, go and do the same, experience what God is, after that it will make sense, before that are only flying concepts. 

Edited by Goldzilla



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2 hours ago, aurum said:

Do you believe that "full wokeness" is even a worthy goal for most people in this lifetime?

You've said that you do not believed you have achieved this, nor have I seen you mention any other spiritual master who has.

Obviously any sense of a personal, egoic goal would be obliterated by then, but I think you get my point. Is this something you recommend for us to seek?

I suspect most of us are struggling to even get to "1% wokeness".

In practice you don't need to worry about it. As you reach higher levels of wokeness you can assess for yourself how much woker you wish to go.

Obviously the highest levels of wokeness are not suitable for almost anyone. Only the hardest of the hardcore.

This is also the beauty of psychedelics. They can give you a preview of how woke you could be, and if you even want that. So you can take wokeness out for a test drive without buying the car. And if you happen to love the car, then buy it. ;)

One of the greatest things psychedelics taught me is just how much I innately love consciousness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Indeed, the level of being awake goes infinite hahahahahahaha, the greatest thing ever. 



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A video of hope if you wish, i've experienced this, and continue to do so. This thing becoming GOD is way beautiful than we think at a mass level.




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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

In practice you don't need to worry about it. As you reach higher levels of wokeness you can assess for yourself how much woker you wish to go.

Obviously the highest levels of wokeness are not suitable for almost anyone. Only the hardest of the hardcore.

This is also the beauty of psychedelics. They can give you a preview of how woke you could be, and if you even want that. So you can take wokeness out for a test drive without buying the car. And if you happen to love the car, then buy it. ;)

One of the greatest things psychedelics taught me is just how much I innately love consciousness.

That’s interesting.

I feel I have this assumption that the more woke you go, the better it gets. Yes you have to surrender the ego, and that of course can be extremely challenging. But who wouldn’t want to go as woke as they can in one life time? 

At the same time, if God wanted to be woke, God could be woke. So sleep must have its purpose. The ego of course wants to win the prize of achieving the most wokeness and reach the end goal.

In practice I think you are right. No one can ultimately force you to awaken or not awaken. So we will awaken to the degree that is right for us. If someone chooses to go more woke, that will be a choice they make.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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7 hours ago, wildflower said:

Exactly it's easy to follow Martins position, not saying I agree or disagree with him. Timestamped here: quite clearly he isn't a hardcore solipsistic on the relative level. He makes his position very clear


This is Martins qoute:


of my mind and you know because that


this happens a lot with people on five


meow dmt where they think like oh [ __ ]


i'm dissolving and all i'm gonna take


all of reality with me and like thank




it doesn't work that way no that was


just you and your perspective


um there's no one of us see because


every little bit of reality


is god busy being that bit of reality


and that god cannot violate


itself so even though the glass of water


is me


this is also god being a glass of water


all on its own independently of my


perspective of it


so there's nothing i can do about that i


can drink it if i want


i could throw it at somebody if i want i


could water the plants with it if i want


but i can't just like i will dissolve


this reality or you know


no you know just we live in a regular


physical system with all the rules and


regulations that go with that so that we


can have a coherent


energetic structure through which


biological life can


evolve and so yeah the phys physical


world is the physical world i


you know it's an illusion in the sense


that we participate in subject object




and that most of the time i don't


experience the glass of water as


actually being myself


but because i've had enough non-dual


experiences i know that it actually is


but i still get to experience it as a


separate object so


it is kind of an illusion but it's not


just an illusion and that's that's a big


one that sets me off when people say


oh reality is just an illusion my answer




yeah but it's still reality yeah


it might be an illusion but it's still


reality yeah and


i think people get sort of very caught


up in the sort of


in the sort of the illusion simulation


kind of words because yeah i mean


everything i'm seeing now is a


simulation my brain is clearly


simulating something but that it's not


quite the


the simulation that you that you think


it is the sort of thing it's


it's still here there it there is a


refrigerator there is a table


there is there is a me

@Leo GuraWhat do you think now about Martin Balls perspective? Is he still deluded in your view? He clearly let you know from which perspective he speaks so no misunderstanding this time.

When I sometimes read your comments or listen to your videos I sometimes feel like you are "caught up in the sort of the illusion simulation" Martin Ball speaks about. I think this feeling comes because you sometimes don't write from which perspective you talk so there I could often misunderstood you. So can you give your position on this? Do you agree here with Martin Ball? This would clarify a lot

Edited by OBEler

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58 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Leo GuraWhat do you now think about Martin Balls perspective? Is he still deluded in your view? He clearly let you know from which perspective he speaks so no misunderstanding this time.

When I sometimes read your comments or listen to your videos I sometimes feel like you are "caught up in the sort of the illusion simulation" Martin Ball speaks about. And I think many readers too, so can you give your position on this?

I understood him clearly the first time.

I am talking about something deeper.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Ok, so you agree with him overall. Also on a deeper level? Or is there a deeper thing martin ball dismisses in your opinion?

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler Find out for yourself what is true.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  OK, Do I need to go deeper than martin Ball to know whats true? This would be very demotivating

If only some normal breakthrough are enough, then I will go for it

Edited by OBEler

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You can't shoot fire from your butthole in this dream of yours.

Let me eat some Mexican chili and watch me.

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4 hours ago, OBEler said:

If only some normal breakthrough are enough, then I will go for it


It's Love.

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