
MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

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Interesting ;) Cool new concepts to understand what´s goin going on currently. And also explains why so many people on this forum turned to Dogma and Ideology. 

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Covid vaccination is not a dogma. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Your right, egregores feeding off the collective psychic energy of mankind is not a dogma, it's just straight up evil.

Edited by lardplanet

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6 minutes ago, lardplanet said:

Your right, egregores feeding off the collective psychic energy of mankind is not a dogma, it's just straight up evil.

Wtf is an egregore?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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So wait youre posting a video about mass psychosis likening it to whats happening now by comparing a vaccination program to totalitarianism? 

That is such an insult to all the tyrant dictators currently and of the past (Hitler, Mao, Stalin etc). We are no where near being in a totalitarian society, if you really think that then that is mass psychosis. The government now isnt perfect by any means and has a long way to go and a lot of improvements needed but to say its totalitarian is such a reach. 

If you live in America or most of the western world then go and live in Russia or China or North Korea and then complain to them about living in totalitarian state, see how far you get. Do you ever consider that balancing everyones freedom is actually a difficult task and that working out everyones rights is still a work in progress? 

I actually like the video btw but i dont think its talking about what you think it is, thats the beauty of having fixed positions, you can attribute anything as evidence of them.

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10 minutes ago, Consept said:

I actually like the video btw but i dont think its talking about what you think it is, thats the beauty of having fixed positions, you can attribute anything as evidence of them.

If you take just the audio then sure its argument has some merit as an analysis of what happened historically; however, its illustrations lead its viewers to believe that it's hinting at the Coronavirus "plandemic" vapid nonsense.  Also taking in the video description, AfterSkool is being a little intellectually dishonest here.

 AfterSkool has some good content I think, but its clear that they're very hit and miss. It's deeply irresponsible to depict such dystopian imagery in a video where the aim is supposedly to uplift humanity. I never got how is it that they aim to uplift humanity but then depict other people as slimy overlords. Clearly very little foresight or self-awareness.

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2 hours ago, Talinn said:

If you take just the audio then sure its argument has some merit as an analysis of what happened historically; however, its illustrations lead its viewers to believe that it's hinting at the Coronavirus "plandemic" vapid nonsense.  Also taking in the video description, AfterSkool is being a little intellectually dishonest here

Yes definitely, the illustrations make it seem like it's about the plandemic stuff. But it goes to show how easy it is co-opt information about something else and make everything seem to revolve around whatever narrative you want, in this case its just a matter of adding masks to the images. 

It's just the irony of convincing people they're in a totalitarian regime through a video warning about totalitarian tactics ??

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Another recent video from Academy of Ideas:



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14 hours ago, lardplanet said:

it's just straight up evil.

Ego, ego, ego.

Evil does not exist.

If you actually followed an awakened teacher you would realize that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ego, ego, ego.

Evil does not exist.

If you actually followed an awakened teacher you would realize that.

With that mindset you could go by someone raping a women and not do anything.

Sure there is no evil from an absolute sense. But you do have an ego, which has values and principles. And by those values there are things you consider "unjust". He probably meant that and not "evil" in the sense you mean it.

Your whole channel is build upon your beliefs about what you think is "good" for humanity. You also consider people stupid who have different opinions than you. Which is also Ego Ego Ego. As "stupidity" doesn´t exist from an absolute sense...

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@BadHippie That's right, this is just the basic distinction between view and conduct. View is pure awareness, conduct is the constraints necessary to be enacted by a localized system that pure awareness is being expressed through (such as breathing oxygen, eating food ect). While it may appear that he's collapsing the distinction in order to say something profound to my "ego" really it's just a doge so that he can avoid confronting this issue with any depth.

Edited by lardplanet

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On 8/7/2021 at 1:32 PM, BadHippie said:

Your whole channel is build upon your beliefs about what you think is "good" for humanity. You also consider people stupid who have different opinions than you. Which is also Ego Ego Ego. As "stupidity" doesn´t exist from an absolute sense...

You're being too harsh on @Leo Gura, dude. Have more patience and he'll understand the significance of the ego.

Just like a hammer, ego is a tool; you can use it to build or destroy something.

Humans can not operate without ego in the context of building civilizations.

If all people would pursue spirituality, civilization would soon collapse.

Some values are fundamental for human life: freedom, the family unit, discipline, and so forth... These are all egoic based and they're not only good but derived from absolute Love.

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On 8/7/2021 at 8:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

Evil does not exist.

I choose to label a concentration camp as "evil."

Despite the illusions created by the egoic mind, the Gulag was, for me, absolute evil.

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Great video. Do likes stuff by this channel. 

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