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Building Critical Mass and Momentum in Life

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My intention for this video is techniques to build psychological mass and momentum towards your ideas. 

A metaphor for this is a river that is intended to reach the ocean. The river can be described as your effort/progress/involvement in quest/etc and the ocean can be described as a goal.

A small river won't have enough momentum to make it to the ocean. But over time, the river can be strengthened, and make it to the ocean.

How do we build this momentum>

And critical mass; how do we reach a tipping point so that we spring into our ambitions? In the metaphor, this can be described as the river dislodging a key part of the earth so that it cannons forth in a spurt of glory.

How do we build this critical mass?

Additionally in the video, you can cover techniques to better mold the terrain to your advantage. Focusing on the long term goal doesn't just involve the river, and working smart instead of working hard doesn't just involve a fast flowing river. (Last sentence was an untested conjecture)

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