
we dont know anything?

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I just thought that Leo could be wrong... and every other theory about the universe also could be wrong. But look, if I say you that you can ask for any proof from me to prove my theory, whatever proof I will provide, you will still be able to deny it... our minds have infinite ability to deny anything. So as you see nothing could be "proven".

Another thing I thought about is why we always seek logic in, for example, a question about whether God exists or not? On the Absolute level there is no logic, so why do we always try to make logical reasonings about such questions. Why don't just say - God exists, because I fard yesterday. Doesn't make sense right? But there is no logic so anything could be possible ;)

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“What we have to do is begin to build a consensus about this realm. And, you know, this may be heresy in a community as oriented toward tradition as this one seems to be, and the generally pleasant position to take is that everybody has a piece of the action. You know, the Hasids know something, the Buddhists know something; the Book of Mormon, there’s something there. The mushroom was incredibly ungenerous on this point. It said: “Nobody knows jack shit about what is going on.” - Terence Mckenna

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@Daniel347 Healthy skepticism is a good thing.  Leo will even tell you, and often does, not to believe him.  

Logic is a language game.. and language is a map, not the territory.  

To 'know' the territory, is to be the territory.. we make maps and pretend they are the territory... with language and logic.. 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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Every story about reality is only partial, what isn't told is everything else.

57% paranoid

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Knowing or believing some "thing" = Righteousness = the (Un)conscious Choice of being in the dream state. The ONLY thing that you can know for sure is... what, exactly? That is the question! Find that, by letting everything else fall away. Allow everything to come and go. What remains? What remains is the tool used by the infinite to explore itself, of which nothing can be said... Other than, perhaps, indescribable perfection. Beliefs (particularly of separation of any kind) about this (indescribable perfection) is what allows for the dream state.

Edited by The0Self

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The world is an endless mystery and should be treated as such. As a kid I got into extremely weird states of mind by contemplating on how come something exists rather than nothing. If you think about it long and hard enough, you're going to get this funny feeling of absolute and profound mystery, and we will not unravel it.

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6 minutes ago, impulse9 said:

As a kid I got into extremely weird states of mind by contemplating on how come something exists rather than nothing. If you think about it long and hard enough, you're going to get this funny feeling of absolute and profound mystery, and we will not unravel it.

yes as a kid I remember this 

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8 minutes ago, impulse9 said:

The world is an endless mystery and should be treated as such. As a kid I got into extremely weird states of mind by contemplating on how come something exists rather than nothing. If you think about it long and hard enough, you're going to get this funny feeling of absolute and profound mystery, and we will not unravel it.

It can apparently unravel. For instance it can become obvious that this is the Big Bang right now, and the Big Crunch as well. Life and death not just simultaneous, but also synonymous. No time, nothing left at all but perfect unconditional love, void of all righteousness.

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I don't think we will ever gain an understanding about what fundamentally drives the whole thing. We're simply much too stupid, and this knowledge isn't compatible with us, it's not meant for us. Sure you can get an insight in deep meditation or psychedelics, but in the end you still don't know anything, and at some point you have to face your own not knowingness. Two of my favorite quotes from Castaneda books (which are also my favorite books in the world) talk about this:

"The world is incomprehensible. We won't ever understand it; we won't ever unravel its secrets. Thus we must treat the world as it is: a sheer mystery."

"For an average man, the world is weird because if he's not bored with it, he's at odds with it. For a warrior, the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable.  A warrior must assume responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world, in this marvelous time."

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4 hours ago, impulse9 said:

I don't think we will ever gain an understanding about what fundamentally drives the whole thing. We're simply much too stupid, and this knowledge isn't compatible with us, it's not meant for us. Sure you can get an insight in deep meditation or psychedelics, but in the end you still don't know anything, and at some point you have to face your own not knowingness. Two of my favorite quotes from Castaneda books (which are also my favorite books in the world) talk about this:

"The world is incomprehensible. We won't ever understand it; we won't ever unravel its secrets. Thus we must treat the world as it is: a sheer mystery."

"For an average man, the world is weird because if he's not bored with it, he's at odds with it. For a warrior, the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable.  A warrior must assume responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world, in this marvelous time."

But if there's no knower left, then there's not someone who doesn't know anything. There's just the infinite playing.

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