
I'm worried about the climate change

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It gets worse but the governments don't take it seriously enough. I hate the fact that they are so indifferent to this even now when we see clearly how the climate changes have impact on us and I can do nothing about it.

My diet is mostly vegan, I'm not a big consumer, I use public transport and have no kids and I do what I can to avoid harming environment but I feel like it's useless because government or corporations still don't give a fuck and they are still destroying this world, actually not only them but also we as human race. It's so frustrating for me.



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Then why don't you make it your LP to fix it?

Why do you expect others to do it for you?

People love to whine but not do anything creative.

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

People love to whine but not do anything creative.

That’s a fact!

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You watch the news too much. There hasn't been a single period in history where there wasn't some group of people claiming apocalypse is just around the corner. The only difference being that with our current technology, these messages get massively amplified to the point where people get stuck in despair based off nothing. There's plenty of climate scientists who disagree with the so called consensus, yet you never hear about those, because good news don't sell too well. CO2 is supposed to be this massive problem, yet nobody cares to tell you that water vapor is by far the most dominant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere, in fact it covers almost the entire spectrum of CO2 absorption, with only a narrow band from CO2 pointing out. And that's supposed to control the global climate, really?

My best advice to you is to literally stop watching the news so much. Historically, every single prediction has turned out to be wrong. And even if somehow, by some impossible chance these doomsday predictions turn out to be true, humans will adapt and survive. We're very capable in that regard, more so than any other organism on this planet. We literally have the technological capability to block the sun in the form of injecting aerosols into the lower atmosphere if it ever came to that. Stop wasting time on worry and enjoy your life instead.

Edited by impulse9

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3 hours ago, impulse9 said:

in fact it covers almost the entire spectrum of CO2 absorption, with only a narrow band from CO2 pointing out. And that's supposed to control the global climate, really

Yes, because in systems there are tipping points and chain reactions. After you introduce change to some variable, like CO2, you throw the system off the balance, it takes time to regain that balance and until it happens there are disturbances in how life processes happen, and those disturbances result in needless suffering of hundreds of millions of living beings.

You have got a point in saying that climate change is not important, it's true. What's important is the environmental crisis, all the other shit we do apart from burning fossils, like releasing toxins to the atmosphere, introducing invasive species on purpose or by accident, destroying rivers, forests, farming monocultures, etc. It all reduces humanity's ability to respond to changes in environment, which results in more disturbances, which are hundreds of millions of lifes destroyed, even if you assume some scenario like "at most 5% of humanity will suffer". That 5% is already hundreds of millions. And really, I think that a billion will suffer the progressing destruction of environment.

There is little alternative in a current socio-techno-political landscape, so we, this young generation, have to be the be the ones who will come up with clever solutions.

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I'd much rather see humanity come together and solve the plastic problem. Why does every single thing I buy need 3 plastic wrappers? Why could people in the past come to the market and simply use a woven basket to collect whatever they needed, meanwhile we need to wrap each individual tea bag into a separate plastic bag? It's extremely retarded.

@Girzo Climate change is an issue and it is problematic, but don't for a second be taken in by the alarmist media who make absurd and one-sided claims, like claiming natural disasters as proof that the world is ending, when 100 years ago we have records of worse disasters back when the CO2 levels were at 290ppm. They make very disingenuous and out of context claims on a daily basis which easily fool the non-scientifically literate (and even some who are scientifically literate get taken in by the mass hype). I mean in one sense it's good that they're ramping up the fear campaign, that's how you get people to move en masse. But on the other hand they cause untold psychological trauma on a massive scale with this type of behavior. It's not all bad either, CO2 will likely make the planet much greener as a result. And if you look through history, the really bad times for humans were the cold rather than the warm periods.

Basically any actual scientist you talk to will tell you that it is a problem, but it's not nearly as big as what the media portrays. Meanwhile if all you do is listen to the media, you can easily get stuck in thinking that the world will end in 5 years in a hot fire and it will melt our faces off. It's brainwashing in the literal sense, and I'm not sure if this is such a good strategy, to scare everyone out of their minds.

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@impulse9 climate change is real and also dangerous. Even if it's presented in an alarming way, people still don't take it seriously, just imagine that. 


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Well, then let's stop instilling common people with the sense that they're both responsible for it, and that they're the ones who should do something about it, and let's actually address the issue at the source - the corporations pumping all the CO2 in the atmosphere.

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5 minutes ago, impulse9 said:

Well, then let's stop instilling common people with the sense that they're both responsible for it, and that they're the ones who should do something about it, and let's actually address the issue at the source - the corporations pumping all the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Yup you got it! 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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these are issues happening at interference points in society mainly. if you want to tackle these issues on producer side how would you handle it? in a lot of cases it’s a mind game which pushes responsibility from consumer to moral expectations towards producers, who won’t do much about it without consumer pressure or paradigm shift or political pressure. paradigm shift happens only if a lot of people refuse being part of certain kinds of consumerism - and producers need alternative solutions (which are probably not too difficult  to find in these times). sometimes its the retail where the problem is at.

Edited by mememe

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We are all responsible, there's no-one to blame but oneself.

And I don't think we have yet the technology or organizational solutions to fix the environmental issues/climate change. If we did, they would have been already solved, but they are not.

We have to develop the technology and come up with new ideas that can spread through society. Everything we have come up to his moment is not enough.

It's not as simple as to say "get rid of plastic wraps", because that would interfere with food supply chains, which in turn could result in more food getting wasted, which could mean more fossil fuels burned per nutrition produced than simply using a plastic wrap. Maybe, maybe not. The thing is, it's complicated and there are no simple answers. Also if you would want to get rid of single-use packaging, you have to equip people with their own durable containers, which is an initial investment, it's worth it, but still an investment. And the biggest problem when you get rid of individual packaging I think would be pests in the store, infesting the flour, beans, etc. It would require effort from merchants to protect from it. Every single issue is complicated like that and someone has to make improvments to the whole process so it can be accepted by mainstream. It's so hard to change people's habits, especially related to food, sex and comfort.

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5 hours ago, impulse9 said:

let's actually address the issue at the source - the corporations pumping all the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Unfortunately I don’t think it’s that simple.

Excess C02 is only a fraction of the damage being caused to the environment right now. It’s arguably not even the most significant, given that the earth could regulate excess C02 in other circumstances. But when you’ve got massive deforestation, soil quality degradation, key species die off, etc etc, excess C02 becomes even more problematic.

And it’s not as simple as blaming corporations either. That would be nice. But corporations as just one piece of an extremely complex socio-political-economic system. You can’t just say “it’s the corporations” without the addressing the entire system.

But of course addressing the entire system is far more challenging. In fact, it’s not even clear what the solution is at that point, which is quite scary. People talking about using technology like carbon capture machines or blotting out the sun, but do we really have any idea what the consequences of that will be?

So far we have a very bad track record of understanding how our technology will affect an incredibly complex system like Earth. 

There are dangers to climate alarmism. But there’s also dangers to people rolling over and hitting the snooze button. We need to strike a balance.

I agree with what @Girzo said, it’s extremely complicated.

@Alysssa It is scary to see. Ultimately I feel it’s good that people experience a little bit of fear and frustration, it at least shows they are paying attention. The challenge for those of us who are aware is to eventually go beyond that fear. To be in fear is to still be in ego. You cannot ultimately create environmental harmony from fear, only love can do that.

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7 hours ago, impulse9 said:

the corporations pumping all the CO2 in the atmosphere.

Those corporations are pumping all that C02 in the atmosphere to enable a creature like you to survive in comfort.

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Those corporations are pumping all that C02 in the atmosphere to enable a creature like you to survive in comfort.

Which will in turn destabilize the climate, causing unimaginable discomfort to a creature like you and many other creatures according to the scientific consensus (over 97% of scientists). 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Then why don't you make it your LP to fix it?

Why do you expect others to do it for you?

People love to whine but not do anything creative.

But how? Sadly, corporations are still overwhelmingly powerful. How can we stop them from destroying and polluting every piece of the world they get their hands on? 

I don't think that there's much one can do to improve the conditions of the environment unless there are enough liberal or democratic votes within the government that will be able to pass the kind of legislation we need to truly effectively carry out and enforce the solutions our world needs to solve these climate change issues. Even if the Democrats or Liberals did have all of the votes they needed, wouldn't corporate lobbyists still be able to easily persuade enough Dems to not vote for any bill that would truly improve our climate in the long-run?

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15 minutes ago, Harlen Kelly said:

Which will in turn destabilize the climate, causing unimaginable discomfort to a creature like you and many other creatures according to the scientific consensus (over 97% of scientists). 

Of course

12 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

But how? Sadly, corporations are still overwhelmingly powerful. How can we stop them from destroying and polluting every piece of the world they get their hands on?

There are a thousand ways. Why don't you start your own corporation and funnel that labor, brain power, and money into changing the climate?

Stop whining and actually be creative.

You could create a $100 billion dollar corporation and funnel all that money into reforming the system. But you are too lazy.

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28 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

we need to truly effectively carry out and enforce the solutions our world needs to solve these climate change issues. 

@Hardkill Which solutions are you proposing?

The majority of it is produced by oil, cement, etc. All of which are basic necessities. Halting it without proper solutions will lead to suffering for millions if not 10s of millions of people today. Even if the US stops it today without creating solutions for 10s of millions of people today, India and China will simply take over and offset that. . In fact, China already did in cement for eg. Developing countries will not stop just because some developed country thinks so.

Cars are another major source. People don't have enough money to buy an electric vehicle for the environment. They will buy it at the year they are ready to buy a car. So every year only a fraction of the cars on the road change to EV. This process will take a few more decades to complete. No practical way to skip it. The transition is very fast in the US but still, it is not magic.



Cement, Steel, Plastic, and Electricity are responsible for 58 percent of CO2 released into the atmosphere. Transportation 16 percent. For a total of 74 percent. We cannot halt that. Most countries won't anyways as that would lead to mass suffering for 100s of millions of its people, so well-thought solutions are needed. 


Of the remaining 26 percent, 19 are from plants and animals alone. (7 percent from heating etc.)


Edited by captainamerica

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why don't you start your own corporation

For some reason this reminded me of ben shapiro when he said ''if the sea level rises, just you move out bro''. 

How feasible is it for an average person to create a mega corporation in order to solve the impact of climate change? Not very feasible, not impossible mind you, but definitely not a feasible strategy. 

What the ordinary person has to do is raise awareness and elect policy makers that are determined to solve the issue of climate change (which is already happening). 

The more suffering humans experience due to climate change, the more policy makers will be inclined to support that policy. 

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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9 minutes ago, Harlen Kelly said:

How feasible is it for an average person to go against mega corporations in order to solve the impact of climate change? Not very feasible, not impossible mind you, but definitely not a feasible strategy.

World problems are not solved with such lazy thinking. Someone has to stand up and actually invent the solution. "How feasible is it" is irrelevant.

The strategy of inventing solutions to climate change as a business is a highly feasible strategy. If only you actually cared to do it. People are doing it and it will be done. And not only that, but people will become millionaires in the process while you sit around and whine.

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

World problems are not solved with such lazy thinking. Someone has to stand up and actually invent the solution. "How feasible is it" is irrelevant.

It will not be ''someone standing up and actually invent the solution'' that will solve the problem we are facing with climate change, it will be a collective intervention and acknowledgement by governments, corporations and individuals of the negative ramifications that originate with destabilizing the climate. 

Just like it was not an individual who created the technology to land on the moon, it was the cooperation of government powers, scientists, etc...

17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

while you sit around and whine.

I think you are confused, I am not at all worried about climate change nor have I shown worry or ''whining'' in my comments.

Edited by Harlen Kelly

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