
Why it is not possible to be master at 10 minutes?

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I am reading Mastery, and I am contemplating;

Why it takes so much effort to be a master?

Why am I stopping myself from getting results right this moment?

Is this possible to get results quickly right now? If yes how? If not - why?

If I am god why cant I change everything quickly and immediately? 
I know it comes from a very selfish perspective, but yet, How and why it is the case? I still can’t connect the dots.

What do you think guys?

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stop asking the questions and start doing. You won't know unless you try 

you have to start from A and may not always get to Z immediately. 

No I don't think it is selfish, it seems to be a desperation or confusion. Breathe ^_^ the saying practice makes perfect is true but I prefer the words, consistency is key. 

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The title though.. ¬¬ to master anything tou must first be a student. Life lessons are there fore reason.

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U cant skip learning curve.einstein took 10 years to reach master level.even if u r god realised  learning curve is not gonna change.

Edited by asifarahim

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@RoerAmit Because as God you are here to play this game! When you have eternity and infinite power, perhaps you learn to appreciate patience. So, learn to enjoy the mastery process. It makes it a lot more worth it in the end. 

This mindset of 'instant results' is something that you will mature to overcome...

Oh, infinite content making us so lazy ahaha 

Mastery should be an enjoyable experience, and yes challenging too. If you could master anything in 10 minutes you wouldn't enjoy it. 

If you want to speed up your mastery process try reading "The First 20 hours" by Josh Kaufman. This will teach you rapid skill acquisition. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You also have to master patience and mastery also doesn't have a finish line.

Why would you be able to play a Bach fugue, solve differential equations, or be the world's greatest footballer right now? It takes a long time for your mind and body to learn the right movements, jargon and thought patterns to do anything. There's a reason it takes 10,000 hours to get good at something.

Saying that. If you have previous mastery in lots of different areas, then learning new things can be very quick. It's a virtuous cycle. If you already know how to walk, then running is a lot easier to master.

Edited by LastThursday

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@RoerAmit It might take you 10 minutes or 10 years to become a master but if you do what you enjoy doing then those 10 years will feel like 10 minutes because it will be effortless.

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I feel the same way. It seems nice when we have quick results, but it is not as good as working for it for 10+years. Think about it. If every person could learn a skill in 10minutes, how much value the skill would have? Not so much... Even if there are people in the same field learning the same exact skill - most of them fall off the track and don't have the courage and vision to keep going. They give up. And if you keep going at it, keep practising you will be ahead of those people. Ofcourse the ego loves to think that it is better than other people, but a healthy bragging and loving your ego from time to time wouldn't hurt would it? If you gave so much praise that the ego thinks it's the most/the best/the greatest than sure it can have some drawbacks if you don't see yourself clearly.

Look at Connor Mcgregor He's a world class fighter and he thinks he is the best, he is the greatest. The trick here is that he has something to show for it. He has won many battles and achieved a lot in his career. It would be a shame if someone with superman strength came and flicked him with one finger. It wouldn't be interesting. The struggles the fighters face and the mistakes, the punches the kicks, every move keeps the viewers on the edge.

That's why we can't achieve everything in a second. We are on a journey and we are here to live for eternity in our rollercoasters of feelings,achievements, failures and life itself.

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I've done self image exercises that change your reality quickly. Like I say "I am a top 1% basketball player" 

If you belive and feel it, it will begin to fulfill and the skills will increase overtime. But u can't get it instantly. But u can improve some skill instantly with the affirmation 

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Because mastery is about much more than actually mastering a particular domain.

It’s about how that process transforms you. And how through it you can find deep fulfillment. Anything that takes you 10 minutes to master will be meaningless, because there is no journey to get there. 

It also ensures that only a limited number of masters can exist in any given domain. Because you cannot possibly master many, many different domains in one lifetime, only the select few who dedicate themselves to that level will make it. As it should be.

You will learn patience, persistence, and true self-esteem through the mastery process.

So don’t get it twisted. You might be God, but you came here to learn. That is what you chose.

Don’t let your impatience cloud your judgment. Surrender to the journey.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Peter ralston actually made a video about how you can become a master fighter by watching a master fight for 30 seconds. You would have to become conscious of all of the distinctions the fighter is making while they are fighting, and then you could get the essence of the fighting skill from that.

The thing is, I would consider this extremely unrealistic for you and so don't waste your time with it. Anyway, you'd probably need to be a master of consciousness work to pull this off. Something that would take a very long time and with no guarantee of actually reaching this level.

A Call to Live Differently:

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Nothing can rise higher than its nature. As a human, you are bound to the limits of humanity. Even dreaming lucidly doesn't dissolve these limits. If you want to be an Olympic gymnast, no matter how gifted you are, you have to do the work.

Consciousness has no limits, but that is a blessing and a curse. It cannot rise higher or sink lower, because there is no directionality in its ultimate nature. It can only dream about change, and the dream characters are inevitably bound by the limits of the dream.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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also some skills dont require mastery. if you just want some base proficiency, dont stress too much

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