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Should your life purpose always be connected with money?

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1 hour ago, asifarahim said:

@Peter Miklis all spiritual masters sacrifice wordly life for spirituality.there is no way life purpose is more meaningful than learning selfhelp and spirituality.

True, but it's still better to pursue spirituality, while having a place of your own, rather than living on a street in poor conditions. It's just survival, but still you need to survive somehow in this world, otherwise how are you even gonna be able to pursue spirituality? Life purphose/career can help with that immensely.

Ideally, you want to merge the 2 paths together, like Leo did. As he continues having his awakenings, he's also able to make enough money to survive, from views on his YT videos, LP course and book list.

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@Peter Miklis yeah what i mean is to choose to work on a noncancerous,nontoxic 9-5 job instead of having a life purpose which demand u to work 14+ hours just to survive.


Yeah but leo got lucky on many things .ofcourse he has worked enormously.but majority of simple folks like u and me wont be able to generate money from doing selfhelp.i now find no meaning in doing anything outside selfhelp.

Edited by asifarahim

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@asifarahim umm, what do you find meaning in? You mean you're starting to look for meaning in spirituality? 

I'm confused about your path. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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18 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Should your life purpose always be connected with generating or making money?

Can it be something that you don't wish to make money out of like charitable work?

Can this be considered a life purpose if you can't make money off of it or if you don't want to make money out of it ?

Or is this too naive as an endeavour?

No one can define for you what your life purpose is.

Tell me where I'm wrong. But it sounds like you have an idea; a vision of what would fill you with a sense of meaning. But now you want confirmation by people on here whether that's a good life purpose or realistic or whatever. "What if my plan doesn't work?" Your problem does not appear to me to be lack of life purpose or naivety, but lack of self trust. Stop looking for others to tell you what your destiny is. There will always be people believing what you do is a bad idea. There will always be worries and concerns by you on whether you are on the right track. If you're waiting for this to be different, then you'll be waiting forever.

If you believe that you can make this world a better place and you have the desire to do so, then don't limit your potential by waiting for others to give you permission.

And honestly, naivety is so underrated. People call you naive, and then you prove them wrong. Go prove people wrong. I believe in you 

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@Zizzero hey, thank you so much for the words of encouragement. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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