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Terell Kirby

Conscious marketing

4 posts in this topic

Advice needed: I am working on a life coaching certification (field of parenting), that I plan on using to start a coaching practice, as well as an online learning center for parents. My life purpose to make conscious parenting a norm throughout the globe, through providing resources.

I want to make this lucrative, but also pure by not tainting it with marketing schemes for more dollars. I want my conscious life purpose to come with a conscious / high quality marketing strategy.

Any ideas?

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Lead with value.

Post helpful content via blogs or videos which should draw people into you and your work. 


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20 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

@vindicated erudite Thank you. YouTube is probably the biggest platform I could leverage for vlogs.

I recommend that you create a "content pipeline" where you write notes on all the ideas in one place. Let's say for example a google doc or a OneNote page. From there you can take ideas and adapt your notes into a wide range of content. Let's say you take one idea and create a youtube video and you take another idea and turn it into a blog post and then you take another idea and create a tweet out of it. 

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