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Thought Art

Actualized Clips - Creating and Extraordinary Life

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One of my favourite Clips. I love to listen to these and repeat them actually when I remember I could use this specific video, for example his video on you get what you put into life and how to deal with failure. (Leo, it's worth the investment for me as a viewer, so thank you!)

This is one of the best clips imo that sums a lot of the foundation for what I think will allow me to create a good life. 

I find the clips channel to be really powerful. Because I watched pretty much every Actualized video at this point I like the clips for short, focused inspiration and reminders. I think the editor is doing a great job. Thank you guys!

Leo says these videos are expensive for him to produce. So, let's make use of this!

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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