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God as a Mirror; Children as God.

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Childhood is a prison where we are basically force-fed ways of being and thinking in the world. But we don't see it like this at the time. As children, we are so allowing, so open, so loving, that we'll take anything as a part of ourselves and reflect it back to ourselves... to reality. Have you noticed this? Kids will mimic anything they see. Kids are nothing but mirrors. They don't stop to consider, "Is this me?". They simply reflect reality back to itself unconditionally so that anyone looking can be with themself, love themself. Except, people are not receptive towards this love. When people don't like the reflection they see, they try to distort the mirror. They create cracks in the mirror so as to distort it. And so they create cracks in the child. The child becomes fragmented and learns to love certain pieces of itself and denies other pieces.  They can no longer see themself– be themself– because they are no longer whole. They have to spend the rest of their life trying to find the missing pieces of themself just so they can become whole again. All because people didn't like the Truth when they saw it. 

Edited by Gianna

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