
What Do You Think Of Reiki? Also Confused About Life Help

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I am suppose to attend a teaching with this Reiki master, i met him already once.. He seems like a pleasant  person, has this pleasant vibe to him. But it could very well be just some placebo effect bs. Not a teaching worth attending for enlightenment, i hope i am not missing something out? I had a few experiences were i was aware of my true nature but that passed and now i dont know if i should push this enlightenment thing aside and focus more on getting my life handled. Because it is just awful. 20 years old weird guy, no skills, no job, no girlfriend. And what i find most ridiculous is that i already have a job in real-estate (with years of service and all that) but i dont feel motivated enough to work. I dont know whats the fcking issue.. A part of me just want to end my life. How do i approach all this? Were do i start? I would much appreciate Leos input if he sees this..

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@Mark96 Reiki won't make you enlightened, but it can heal or release various pyschosomatic issues that we all carry. Which is a good thing if you're serious about self-actualizing. Your body carries A LOT of emotional baggage, which weighs you down and can even cause things like cancer.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I thought you might want to see this.  As I am still learning about  Reiki myself and constantly will do so because it directly involves my life purpose.  This is what I've discovered online while searching Reiki and enlightenment.  I'll let you come to your own conclusions and answers.  Everyone has their own path to take, and what may be right for someone else may not be right for you.  Let your intuition guide you on your beautiful infinite life journey! Find and discover your own sacred truth!   This article is written by William Lee Rand, the c-founder of and is the instructor and writer of many Reiki books, etc,

Another beneficial process is to use the distant symbol to send Reiki to enlightened beings such as Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Krishna, or God. Once you feel the energy flowing, ask them to help you fully express their enlightened nature in your everyday life. Or you can also ask your own enlightened self to help you assume its enlightened nature as your true identity.

There are many different classes and levels of Reiki you can take once you are officially a  Reiki Master.  Several months ago, after watching  your enlightenment videos I decided to research and see what Reiki can do to help me achieve enlightenment.  From what I can see from my research there is officially an Enlightenment Reiki Symbol that you can use once you are attuned in that specific class.  My goal is to take this class at some point, if this is indeed real.  The symbols do not work unless you are attuned to them.


AKASHA was given to Marla Abraham after she took my Reiki Mastership class.  This symbol was originally called Planetary Healing & Enlightenment.

Akasha means Ether.  In July 2015, Buddha added the 5th element, Ether, to Tera-Mai Akasha Seichem .  Ether binds the elements of earth, air, fire & water, and elevates the healing abilities of Tera-Mai Seichem.

   -  Ether clears out hidden, dark energies in the energy field that surrounds us.
   -  Ether gets to core issues.  The Truth comes out !
   -  Expansion of consciousness and knowledge, which brings enlightenment!
   -  Access to Universal Records.  We might know who we are, and our connection to The Loving Creator.  
   -  Creativity!
   -  Clears our timeline and other lifetimes.
   -  Ether is able to bring us gifts from our other lifetimes into the present.


On 11/27/2016 at 1:52 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Mark96 Reiki won't make you enlightened, but it can heal or release various pyschosomatic issues that we all carry. Which is a good thing if you're serious about self-actualizing. Your body carries A LOT of emotional baggage, which weighs you down and can even cause things like cancer.


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