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Epiphany: All Objects Are Self-Illuminated

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I just had a massive epiphany. Am I right here fam and @Leo Gura ?

I am looking at my cat. I just realized it is not that light is traveling a physical space and hitting my eye. 

Rather, the cat is self-illuminated. Meaning the colors and shapes that I see are not perceptions, but they are absolute being. The color is absolute being, not "cells" or "atoms" reacting to light to then hit my eye.

Then I realized I don't perceive eyes (or face) in my direct experience, rather, I see the world. Therefore whatever appearance forms, I am not "perceiving" color. The color is floating in emptiness.

We're basically in the Matrix, but there is no outside.

It's just colors and sounds playing around to form a "scene", and the scene is the only thing that is real. Nothing is hidden from your visual field.

And because there is no opposite to THIS, it is real. 

When you go and "touch" the cat, that is actually colors interacting with other colors, and you perceive is as touch, but they are universal perceptions interacting with themselves.

Any input here? I just feel like I fucked with my mind again.

Edited by justfortoday

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Yes, but notice the following. Previously, you looked at the world differently. You say your perception has changed, but what does this mean. Something was present before that is not present now, or something is present now that was not present before. That in and of itself is it's own form of being, and it is as absolute as that which you call absolute right now.

You getting closer to how the magic trick works, you are very clearly seeing one fascet of the magic trick. But by having seen this fascet, you have lost another fascet of the magic trick, that which previously made you blind to see the new fascet of the magic trick.

And if you look at that old fascet closely, you will truly understand the magic trick, and that it is no trick at all. That it is true magic.

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Yep, the whole process of how you perceive is lit up as itself. When looking at a cat, you can't tell where "the vision" is happening -- it's an assumption to say it happens in the brain or even at the eyes -- seeing is just seeing. Nothing is hidden -- even the ideas and assumptions of something being hidden is itself clearly not hidden.

Edited by The0Self

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The "cat" is just life/seeing/sight/color/consciousness, happening nowhere without observer. With other words you don't experience objects, that's just adding the idea of a backside, weight, function, etc to the experience. The sight/color/cat/etc doesn't travel to a brain or whatever to be processed, it is just there. There is no subject-object split, it's all wraped up as one

Edited by Waken

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2 hours ago, justfortoday said:

I just had a massive epiphany. Am I right here fam and @Leo Gura ?

I am looking at my cat. I just realized it is not that light is traveling a physical space and hitting my eye. 

Rather, the cat is self-illuminated. Meaning the colors and shapes that I see are not perceptions, but they are absolute being. The color is absolute being, not "cells" or "atoms" reacting to light to then hit my eye.

Then I realized I don't perceive eyes (or face) in my direct experience, rather, I see the world. Therefore whatever appearance forms, I am not "perceiving" color. The color is floating in emptiness.

We're basically in the Matrix, but there is no outside.

It's just colors and sounds playing around to form a "scene", and the scene is the only thing that is real. Nothing is hidden from your visual field.

And because there is no opposite to THIS, it is real. 

When you go and "touch" the cat, that is actually colors interacting with other colors, and you perceive is as touch, but they are universal perceptions interacting with themselves.

Any input here? I just feel like I fucked with my mind again.

I think the finite mind we presently talk to each other from might not see the same things necessarily? E.g. some wizard fuck who can see infrared somehow?

What do you think?

I can understand mind observing mind and dream analogies well. I'm not sure what the other ideas mean.

I feel you are perceiving color BUT you ARE the color you are perceiving. That the perceived is just a play of the perceiver itself?

Edited by RMQualtrough

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Yes everything is just what it is. ?

Then the illusory individual places an overlay of meaning purpose and value over top of reality and functions from that perspective creating a dreamlike story about what THIS is.

It's full and empty simultaneously and that's just another story.

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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