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only meditating after stimulation

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i realized i only started meditating after green tea / caffeine / sex / after jiu jitsu cause there is like an endorpgin rush or whenever i feel good

should i also meditate when i don't feel so good ? what you guys think

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When you feel like shit is when vipassana three characteristics breakdown of sensations helps. Now I can feel what was formerly “heart break” and love it to intensely. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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4 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

When you feel like shit is when vipassana three characteristics breakdown of sensations helps. Now I can feel what was formerly “heart break” and love it to intensely. 

Ever tried an all night yaza sit? Tis WILD. 

4 hours ago, levani said:

i realized i only started meditating after green tea / caffeine / sex / after jiu jitsu cause there is like an endorpgin rush or whenever i feel good

should i also meditate when i don't feel so good ? what you guys think

Yes for sure. Part of the practice is learning how to hold space for reality, not a subset of reality, ALL of reality. The nature of reality is non-dual, meaning it, by definition is entirely self accepting. When you learn how to hold space for all of reality, your mind is essentially increasing its resonance with the fundamental nature of existence. Most people completely miss the profundity of this when talking about how boring or ineffective meditation is. They are unconsciously locking themselves into duality.

But hey nothing wrong with practicing while you feel good too. ?

Edited by Consilience

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@Consilience no clue what a yaza sit is. Care to share a little more about your experience with it? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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