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How Can i Reconcile with Extreme Brutality & Gore?

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Because humans (as well as other life forms) can cultivate and generate activities that are totally misaligned with Truth. You can create distinctions that serve Truth and you can create distinctions that distance you from the Truth. The drive to survive and ignorance lead to cultivation of distinctions that distort reality. You can ask the same question even regarding minor forms of violence. It usually takes incredible amount of self inquiry before you dispel your most fundamental ignorance.


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27 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


I can't write anything new or change my original post. It says no access to server -_-

Edited by SQAAD

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@SQAAD Basically i am gonna write here what i wanted to post.

I usually avoid watching disturbing content but sometimes the morbid curiosity gets the best of me. It's like my mind really wants to know. Nowadays i will only watch commentaries of disturbing things that have happened to other people.

Everytime i watch something disturbing i usually regret it but then i want to repeat the experience. I have been shook to the core of my being by this ridiculous level of pain and suffering.

It is so much that it's unimaginable. I am having a hard time accepting that these videos exist especially when non-duality is the case. If non-duality wasn't the case then i wouldn't be bothered that much.

It is hard imagining what the guy in this video endured (This is only a commentary of what really happened).. Then even harder imagining being in his shoes. I don't know what to say. How can you accept sh*t like that? This is a tough pill to shallow. This is the worst thing ever. And my worst fear ever. I cannot imagine anything worse.

I have binged watched videos of this attached videos's channel. He only narrates what happened and advises people to never watch the real videos.

Just watching this content puts you into a real weird state of Consciousness. I can't explain it..Only gore can do that to you psychologically. Nothing else comes even close. 

Unfortunately i cannot share these concerns i have with other people. They usually just don't wanna listen to it, they don't understand and they just wanna be comfortable and not distressed. 


Edited by SQAAD

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Find more love and bliss. Then your mind can handle it better because it’s used to intensity. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Not worth the time in the long run. Because are not only images. The "God" inside each and one of us has the experience as if that thing happens for real, like in the real sense. 

I don't want to scare the shit out of you people. But this is the truth. At a deeper level is like you did it?! 



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You cannot have intense relative love without intense relative gore occurring somewhere in the process, at least in the human sense for at least a few hundred years probably if even then. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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@SQAAD you’re not gonna find anyone on this forum who deals with these concerns because it’s not their niche. However, these types of brutal spiritual subjects are in fact, my niche.

There’s other places which are a lot more accommodating towards these subjects than this forum. I think you’re beating a dead horse by staying here. I’d point you to better communities that have more expertise on this subject but I’m not allowed to, as per forum guidelines. 

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13 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

@SQAAD Basically i am gonna write here what i wanted to post.

I usually avoid watching disturbing content but sometimes the morbid curiosity gets the best of me. It's like my mind really wants to know. Nowadays i will only watch commentaries of disturbing things that have happened to other people.

Everytime i watch something disturbing i usually regret it but then i want to repeat the experience. I have been shook to the core of my being by this ridiculous level of pain and suffering.

It is so much that it's unimaginable. I am having a hard time accepting that these videos exist especially when non-duality is the case. If non-duality wasn't the case then i wouldn't be bothered that much.

It is hard imagining what the guy in this video endured (This is only a commentary of what really happened).. Then even harder imagining being in his shoes. I don't know what to say. How can you accept sh*t like that? 

I have binged watched videos of this attached videos's channel. He only narrates what happened and advises people to never watch the real videos.

Just watching this content puts you into a real weird state of Consciousness. I can't explain it..Only gore can do that to you psychologically. Nothing else comes even close.


@SQAAD I think that our brains have some kind of mechanisms to protect us from the extreme pain, we go either insane or unconscious. Notice that when you watch these videos, victims often seems unexpectedly surrended. And when someone went through something like this they often end up with depersonalization or derealization disorders which indicates to me that these experiences force some parts of ego to switch off to protect itself. I dont mean that i would be happy to go trough this but i think that our minds makes these events seems worse than they are. We are terrified of many things but when it happens it is not that bad but our minds like to label it as the worst thing which could happen. From my personal experience if i introspect on pain it was never that bad as my mind want to see it. What was actually the worst was the fear of it not the actual thing. It is just code into us to avoid pain at all cost and that is what makes the ilusion of pain so strong. But to know for sure you would have to go through it yourself otherwise you have only your projetions on it which are distorted by ego.

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28 minutes ago, AdamR95 said:

@SQAAD I think that our brains have some kind of mechanisms to protect us from the extreme pain, we go either insane or unconscious. Notice that when you watch these videos, victims often seems unexpectedly surrended. And when someone went through something like this they often end up with depersonalization or derealization disorders which indicates to me that these experiences force some parts of ego to switch off to protect itself. I dont mean that i would be happy to go trough this but i think that our minds makes these events seems worse than they are. We are terrified of many things but when it happens it is not that bad but our minds like to label it as the worst thing which could happen. From my personal experience if i introspect on pain it was never that bad as my mind want to see it. What was actually the worst was the fear of it not the actual thing. It is just code into us to avoid pain at all cost and that is what makes the ilusion of pain so strong. But to know for sure you would have to go through it yourself otherwise you have only your projetions on it which are distorted by ego.

Good points. I believe it will definitely be extremely horrendous going through that insane amount of excruciating pain. Sometimes the victims are even drugged so they cannot lose consciousness. I also think that there are some protective mechanisms and i guess the pain can't be infinite which can be somewhat comforting.. but not really to be honest...

From what i've seen they suffer a LOT. Sometimes not so much as you would expect. And yes many choose to surrender. I really can't know how the body deals with pain when something so horrendous is happening. Maybe you somewhat lose the sense of pain after a while. I really don't know. I have seen some of the people that were being tortured, begging so they can be killed.

This is the worst of the worst. The Mexican cartels are the most ruthless and sadistic on planet Earth  at this current time. The atrocities that are happening there because of all the billions of drug money is INSANE and mind-boggling..... 

Edited by SQAAD

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How about this point of view on gore? 



Well, i tell you this, "God" is not humble at all nor awakening nor enlightenment nor transcendence is humble. 

This humble morale is only a human construct, like logic per example. 


We only have this humble aproach in society, so we can feel better about ourselves and have a community and interaction. At a realization level there is no such thing, because being humble implies fear. 

Only a fearful creature is humble. Or a smart one. Get me? 


Now in other order of ideas. "God" is beauty and also gore. You have to experience both in order to awaken. 

There is no awakening with only "peace" per example. Try as hard as you want. 

Look beyond this. Being the reason the majority does not awaken, because they don't even imagine doing harm.

Well, i tell you this, the truth of the matter. Be brave to kiss and smite, because duality is based on one or another. 

The highest truth in this universe is that life is the most important and most powerful force, wich we call love.

Life is stronger than Death. I dare to say that Death is also a human construct invented by humans. 



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34 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


From what i've seen they suffer a LOT.

@SQAAD How do you know that?

You judge that from theirs reactions but that is not reliable. You even judge your own suffering from your own reactions to it. That is the ilusion. The behaviour is automatic reaction but it says nothing about amount of suffering. That is what i discovered that pain and suffering seems real because it force you to react and avoid it, but other than that, there is nothing really in it which is bad.

Edited by AdamR95

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7 minutes ago, AdamR95 said:

@SQAAD How do you know that?

You judge that from theirs reactions but that is not reliable. You even judge your own suffering from your own reactions to it. That is the ilusion. The behaviour is automatic reaction but it says nothing about amount of suffering. That is what i discovered is that pain and suffering seems real because it force you to react and avoid it, but other than that, there is nothing really in it which is bad.

I judge it from their reactions and from direct experience. For example i have cut myself in the fingers and i can imagine the kind of pain. I can sort of estimate what it would be like. The reactions from the people are usually screams. Which can be a good indicator of what's going on.

I think suffering and pain are bad and that cannot be changed. Bad i mean that we don't like it automaticaly. We are programmed like this and can't escape this. Like i can't escape enjoying an orgasm. It's something built-in already.

Reactions can worsen the suffering and pain though, i can agree with that.

Edited by SQAAD

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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

It is hard imagining what the guy in this video endured (This is only a commentary of what really happened).. Then even harder imagining being in his shoes. I don't know what to say. How can you accept sh*t like that? This is a tough pill to shallow. This is the worst thing ever. And my worst fear ever. I cannot imagine anything worse.

That just deepens the Love.

If Love was merely sweet it would not be Infinite.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, SQAAD said:


I judge it from reaction and from direct experience. For example i have cut myself in the fingers and i can imagine the kind of pain. I can sort of estimate what it would be like. The reactions from the people are usually screams. Which can be a good indicator of what's going on.

I think suffering and pain are bad and that cannot be changed. Bad i mean that we don't like it automaticaly. We are programmed like this and can't escape this. Like i can't escape enjoying an orgasm. It's something built-in already.

Try an experiment. Go to a cold shower and stay there and force yourself to see the sensation for what it is. Do the shower as cold to be able to concentrate enough to see the cold sensation is not bad and the "bad" is just a projection of an ego. Now stay there as long as you can, it will get less and less tolerable and eventually you cant resist and you'll just switch off that shower. How the sensation change over that period of time? The thing which change was that you had more and more strong urge to stop. The urge to act, to avoid the uncomfortable sensation. That is the thing which makes the feeling looks unbearable. But look the urge by itself is not that bad either. It is the combination of that urge and thoughts and fear etc. which creates the ilusion of suffering. It is story of our ego that some things are that bad.

It is actualy much easier to do this with pleasure and deconstruct pleasure first. Its quate easy to see that pleasure is empty, why would be pleasure empty but suffering not? its a similar kind of ilusion but suffering is harder to deconstruct because you are force to act.

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@Leo Gura

47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That just deepens the Love.

If Love was merely sweet it would not be Infinite.

Damn.. this Love is too much. Too  much....

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51 minutes ago, AdamR95 said:

Try an experiment. Go to a cold shower and stay there and force yourself to see the sensation for what it is. Do the shower as cold to be able to concentrate enough to see the cold sensation is not bad and the "bad" is just a projection of an ego. Now stay there as long as you can, it will get less and less tolerable and eventually you cant resist and you'll just switch off that shower. How the sensation change over that period of time? The thing which change was that you had more and more strong urge to stop. The urge to act, to avoid the uncomfortable sensation. That is the thing which makes the feeling looks unbearable. But look the urge by itself is not that bad either. It is the combination of that urge and thoughts and fear etc. which creates the ilusion of suffering. It is story of our ego that some things are that bad.

It is actualy much easier to do this with pleasure and deconstruct pleasure first. Its quate easy to see that pleasure is empty, why would be pleasure empty but suffering not? its a similar kind of ilusion but suffering is harder to deconstruct because you are force to act.

Ι can view cold showers as merely a sensation but i can't do the same with a knife hacking through my body. It's just on another level. I have tried practicing what you said with cold showers and it worked. But when i try to do the same with a toothache it did not work. The toothache was simply unbearable for me.

Also we need to make a distinction between suffering and pain.

Edited by SQAAD

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:


Unfortunately i cannot share these concerns i have with other people. They usually just don't wanna listen to it, they don't understand and they just wanna be comfortable and not distressed. 

Do you want to be comfortable and not distressed?

I understand why you sometimes 'want' to see those things. I've felt it too. Seeing another beheaded, shot in the head, tortured... It shocks you, it changes you. It shifts your perspective. Sometimes it feels kind of good to see things from different perspectives. When you see another getting their throat cut open with a chainsaw, your own problems don't seem so bad anymore.

One thing that I find valuable after seeing these things, is that now I really do know that I don't want anyone to experience that. Not even the killers themselves. Every time I remember I have a role to play here with others, every time I think and talk politics, I keep in mind what's at stake here. We have the power to change things. We can build a better world.

Truly do your best to learn how to make things better. Read books. Watch documentaries. Vote the right people. Study all there is to study. And remember the guy who got beheaded. Let yourself feel the fear and compassion.

Edited by roopepa

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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4 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


But when i try to do the same with a toothache it did not work. The toothache was simply unbearable for me.

@SQAAD I actually had spiritual experience with toothache. That toothache lasted few days and it got to a point when i want just smash my head to the wall how bad it was. It really felt like its better to die than endure it for another day. But then it just struck me out of nowhere, i think it was because i was so exhausted resisting it that i was forced to surrender. The pain was still there but i was just sitting there peacefully and there was no resistance. Strange experience but it made me reconsider my whole relationship to pain.


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30 minutes ago, SQAAD said:


Ι can view cold showers as merely a sensation but i can't do the same with a knife hacking through my body.

@SQAAD Yeah you cant view it as merely sensation because that is just too strong of a trigger, but its still ilusion. You are just not able to see it in the moment because you are forced to act.

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