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Something happening while going out

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Yesterday after smoking some weed I went out with some friends for a drink (no alcohol, I was sober). Gradually a "state", I would have said an "awakening" was installed
I looked around and it was magical, I saw all my creation, happy people, laughing and an intense love for each person, I loved everyone unconditionally. 

I felt everything so strong, breathing was an immense pleasure, being thirsty became pleasant, drinking was like ecstasy etc... I didn't care what people thought of me anymore, I was free. Everything was perfect, I understood why everything was perfect, nothing bothered me anymore.

By the way "funny" thing when I was in the toilet, I had a laugh and next to me there was someone who thought I was making fun of him. 
He asked me

- What are you laughing at?
I answered him
- Reality, existence.
He answered
- Oh right, I thought you were laughing at me!
I then said to him
- No, I love you, at this point I love everything.

And I just saw that "God/I" can send me signs because yesterday a piece of music had caught my attention, I asked my friend to find it with Shazam, I did not pay attention to the title in the evening. 
Today I get up, I see the track he sent me and it was "I can make you feel good" by Shalamar

It lasted about 3 hours and then slowly I went back to the illusion with my limiting thoughts, my fears and my attachment to my "identity".

Thank you for reading I love you

Edited by Gabith

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Cool beans!


Love you too.


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Now it's been two days that I live in ecstasy... This morning something happened to me, I know that before when I was unconscious, I would be hurt, angry and feeling shame. But none of that ! I saw all the beauty in it and keep feeling love and positivity and on the way home I had a lot of "good things" happening to me because now I see everything that's happening as goodness and perfection...

I laugh in the supermarket and tell myself "they must think I'm on drugs hahaha" But it's Reality, I see it with love and total acceptance everything happening is magical... I smile all the time at people, I feel love for them, if only they knew... 

I can't believe that I've missed this all my 27 years... It was there, always there and I am it... Now everywhere I look everything seems perfect it's too much love and beauty.. I feel so much love I thank myself everytime... 

the simple act of eating is orgasmic, all the feelings, the tastes .... so much good feelings and I've never taste like it before in my life !!! We're so uncouscious. Music brings tears of joy to my eyes, it's so magic so perfect how did I create all of this? This is perfect words are nothing !!!

Now I really feel that there is nothing to do else than loving Yourself... Everything else seems like madness 


Thank you for reading me I hope there is other people who lives in this state and I will do my best to love for Love every second.

Edited by Gabith

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